Title: COMPRES Project: Pressure Calibration at High Temperature
1COMPRES Project Pressure Calibration at High
2Goal of the Program
- to examine the existing pressure scales at high
temperature and to quantitatively determine the
relative differences among the different pressure
3How to implement the goal
- Evaluate existing pressure scales by in situ
X-ray diffraction measurements in both
multi-anvil apparatus and diamond-anvil cell
(DAC) - Pressure standards
- MgO, Au, Pt, NaCl, Ne, etc.
- Pressure and temperature ranges
- 28GPa-2300K in multi-anvil
- 100GPa-1000K in DAC
4Experimental Techniques
- High-temperature diamond-anvil cell (DAC)
5Experimental Techniques
6Comparison of various pressure scales--Large
7Finished Project (1)
We established the thermal EOS of MgO, Au, and Pt
that predict consistent pressures. The
recommended model parameters are listed in Table
1 Fei et al., 2004a.
8Au and MgO scales
9Au and Pt scales
10Finished Project (2)
We determined phase boundaries in systems
Mg2SiO4, Mg3Al2Si3O12, and MgSiO3, using the
recommended MgO scale, which can be used as
fix-points in multi-anvil pressure calibration
Fei et al., 2004b.
Recommended values PyropePerovskiteCorundum P(
GPa) 28.58 - 0.0014T(C), RingwooditePerovski
tePericlase P(GPa) 25.12 - 0.0013T(C),
AkimotoitePerovskite P(GPa) 27.27 -
11On-going Project
Establish NaCl(B2) and Ne pressure scales because
they are extensively used as pressure media
12On-going Project (1)
13On-going Project (2)
14Future Project
- Establish a spectroscopically-based scale
- Raman shift of 13C diamond and cubic BN as a
function of pressure and temperature