Principles of logic programming Prolog - continued - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Principles of logic programming Prolog - continued


min3(X, Y, X) :- X = Y, !. % above. Cut may limit the generative feature of Prolog ... X = a; X = a; X = b; NO. X = c; NO. if with green cut ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Principles of logic programming Prolog - continued

Principles of logic programmingProlog - continued
  • 1. Cutting (pruning) backtracking predicate cut
  • Backtracking can be sometimes inconvenient.
  • Example
  • f(X, 0) - X lt 3. 1
  • f(X, 2) - 3 lt X, X lt 6. 2
  • f(X, 4) - 6 lt X. 3
  • relation(X, Y) - f(X, Y), 2 lt Y.
  • ?- f(1, Y).
  • Y 0
  • ?- relation(1, Y).
  • NO
  • Inefficient

  • Predicate cut - it always succeeds, has a side
    effect cuts (prunes) backtracking
  • (C1) H - D1, D2, , Dm, !, Dm1, , Dn.
  • (C2) H - A1, , Ap.
  • (C3) H.
  • f(X, 0) - X lt 3, !.
  • f(X, 2) - 3 lt X, X lt 6, !.
  • f(X, 4) - 6 lt X.
  • if condition then action1
  • else action2
  • if_then_else(Cond, Act1, Act2) - Cond, !,
  • if_then_else(Cond, Act1, Act2) - Act2.
  • Green cut and Red cut
  • Green cut - only for efficiency
  • Red cut - modifies the correspondence between
    declarative and procedural interpretation of
    Prolog programs.

  • min1(X, Y, X) - X lt Y, !. green cut
  • min1(X, Y, Y) - X gt Y.
  • min2(X, Y, X) - X lt Y, !. red cut
  • min2(X, Y, Y).
  • min3(X, Y, Y). different from min2
  • min3(X, Y, X) - X lt Y, !. above
  • Cut may limit the generative feature of Prolog
  • member(X, X _). member1(X, X  _) - !.
  • member(X,  _ Y) - member(X, Y). member1(X,
     _ Y) - member1(X, Y).
  • ?- member(X, a, b, c). ?- member1(X, a, b,
  • X a X a
  • X b NO
  • X c
  • NO
  • if with green cut
  • if_then_else(Cond, Act1, Act2) - Cond, !, Act1.
  • if_then_else(Cond, Act1, Act2) - not (Cond), !,

  • 2 Imposing failure predicate fail
  • Fail is a predicate that always fails. One of its
    roles - forcing backtracking and generation of
    several solutions.
  • color(apple, red).
  • color(orange, orange).
  • color(grapes, green).
  • color(grapes, red).
  • which_color(X, Y)- color(X, Y), fail.
  • ?- which_color(Fruit, Color).
  • Fruit apple, Color red
  • Fruit orange, Color orange
  • Fruit grapes, Color green
  • Fruit grapes, Color red
  • NO
  • which_color(X, Y)- color(X, Y), fail.
  • which_color(_, _). does not give the NO answer

  • Negation as failure
  • We can define (explain) the predefined predicate
    not as
  • not(P) - call(P), !, fail.
  • not(P).
  • call(P) makes the PROLOG engine evaluate the
    predicate P
  • call(P) - may make dynamic predicates in PROLOG
  • PROLOG - a form of nonmonotonic reasoning closed
    world assumption
  • With cut and fail we can simulate other
    procedural constructs (than if_then_else)
  • for(Variable, InitialValue, FinalValue, Step)
  • for(I, I, I, 0).
  • for( _, _ , _ , 0) - !, fail.
  • for(I, I, F, S) -
  • S gt 0, (I gt F, !, fail true)
  • S lt 0, (I lt F, !, fail true).
  • for(V, I, F, S) - I1 is I S, for(V, I1, F,
  • a - for(X, -10, 10, 3.5), write(X),
    tab(2), fail true.
  • ?- a.

is a predefined operator - logical OR May be
defined as X X - X. X Y - Y.
Attention - may cause infinite loops. for(X, -10,
10, 0).
  • clause(Head, Body)
  • conc(List1, List2, ListRes)
  • conc(, L, L).
  • conc(FirstRest1, L2, FirstRest3) -
    conc(Rest1, L2, Rest3).
  • ?- clause(conc(A, B, C), Corp).
  • A , B _004C, C _004C, Body true
  • A _00F0_00F4, B _004C, C _00F0_00FC,
  • Head conc (_00F4, _004C, _00FC)
  • NO
  • Goal .. Functor ArgList
  • ?- string(a, b, c) .. X.
  • X string, a, b, c
  • ?- a b c .. L. a b c ''(''(a,
    b), c)
  • L , a b, c
  • ?- a b c .. L. a b c ''(a,
    ''(b, c))
  • L , a, b c

?- Goal .. member, a, a, b, c. Goal
member(a, a, b, c) ?- conc(1, 2, 3, 1, 2,
3) .. Functor ArgList Functor conc,
ArgList 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 ?- f ..
L. L f
  • Tail-recursive predicates
  • Intersection of two lists - not tail recursive
  • member(Elem, Elem_) - !.
  • member(Elem, _Rest) - member(Elem, Rest).
  • inter(, _, ).
  • inter(firstRest, List2, FirstLRes) -
  • member(First, List2), !,
  • inter(Rest, List2, LRes).
  • inter( _  Rest, List2, LRez) - inter(Rest,
    List2, LRez).
  • Do we need both cuts, in member and in inter?
  • Tail-recursive intersection
  • int(List1, List2, ListaRez)
  • int1(List1, List2, AccList, ListRes)
  • int(L1, L2, LRes) - int1(L1, L2, , LRes).
  • int1(, _, L, L).
  • int1(FirstRest, L, L1, L2) -
  • member(First,L), !,
  • int1(First, L, Prim  L1, L2).

  • Functional programming versus logic programming
  • functions relations
  • domain, range no clear distinction, only T/F
    value of predicates
  • relies on recursion relies on recursion
  • conc(, L, L).
  • conc(XRest, L, XRest1) - conc(Rest, L,
  • plus(A, B, Rez) - Rez is A B.
  • map( _ , , _ , ).
  • map(P, Arg1  RestArg1, Arg2  RestArg2,
    X  Rest) -
  • Goal .. P, Arg1, Arg2, X,
  • call(Goal),
  • map(P, RestArg1, RestArg2, Rest).
  • ?- map(plus, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40,
  • Rez 11, 22, 33, 44
  • ?- map(conc, 1, 2, a, b, 3, 4, c,
    d, Rez).
  • Rez 1, 2, 3, 4, a, b, c, d

  • Notes on PROLOG implementations
  • Warren Abstract Machine (David Warren, UK)
  • WAM defines an abstract architecture an
    instruction set that allows emulation and/or
    translation to native machine code.
  • WAM is a stack-based architecture, sharing some
    similarities with imperative languages
  • call/return instructions, local environment
    support for unification and backtracking.
  • The major data areas of the WAM are
  • Heap store the complex data structures -
    lists and compound terms - created during the
  • Local Stack same purpose of the control
    stack in the implementation of imperative
    languages called environments, created upon
    entering a new clause (i.e., a new
    procedure''), store the local variables of the
    clause and the control information required for
    returning'' from the call.
  • Choice Point Stack choice points
    encapsulate the execution state for backtracking
  • A choice point is created whenever a call having
    multiple possible solution paths. Each choice
    point must contain sufficient information to
    restore the status of the execution at the time
    of creation of the choice point, and should keep
    track of the remaining unexplored alternatives.

  • Trail Stack during an execution variables can be
  • During backtracking these bindings need to be
    undone (to restore the previous state of
  • Bindings that can be subject to this operation
    are registered in the trail stack. Each choice
    point records the point of the trail where the
    undoing activity needs to stop.
  • Code Area it is used to store the compiled code
    of the program.
  • Being a dynamically typed language, Prolog
    requires a type information to be associated with
    each data object. In the WAM, Prolog terms are
    represented as tagged words. Each word is
    composed by a tag, identifying the type of the
    object (e.g. atom, list, etc.), and by a value
    (e.g. atom name, pointer to the first molecule of
    a list, etc.).
  • Alternatives
  • Compile to WAM and Emulate WAM instructions
  • Other alternative Native Code Compilation
    generate directly machine language code from the
    compilation of Prolog programs (Quintus and

  • BinProlog
  • BinProlog is based on the idea of continuation
    passing. Prolog programs are transformed into
    binary logic programs--i.e. Prolog programs with
    at most one literal in the body. This is realized
    by making explicit the transfer of the
    continuation of each subgoal, as a new argument.
  • Given the PROLOG program
  • p(a, b).
  • p(X, Y) - q(X, Z), r(Z, Y).
  • it is transformed into the following binary
  • p(a, b, Cont) - call(Cont).
  • p(X, Y, Cont) - q(X, Z, r(Z, Y, Cont)).
  • Thus, the continuation is passed along as an
    additional argument and executed when a unit
    clause (a fact) is encountered.
  • BinProlog has been implemented as a heap-only
    system (i.e., no concept of environment is
    introduced). The fact that the abstract machine
    has been specialized to binary programs allowed
    to considerably reduce the number of instructions
    required and facilitated the introduction of a
    wide variety of optimizations.

Rule-based languages
  • Rules chunks of deductive knowledge
  • if the engine does not start Left hand side or
  • and the lights are off antecedent
  • then the battery is down Right hand side or
  • consequent
  • if X_engine_start no
  • and X_lights off
  • then X_battery broke
  • Facts (car1_engine_start no)
  • (car1_lights off)

RBS Architecture
Problem instance (input)
Knowledge base
Inference engine
Selection of rules
Results (output)
Control cycle of a RBS
  • Match
  • Select
  • Execute
  • Control strategy
  • Criteria for rule selection
  • Direction of application of rule
  • backward chaining
  • forward chaining

initialize WM with problem instance -
facts repeat - build conflict set - select
one rule for execution
according to strategy - execute rule and add
consequent to WM until solution found
Prolog - special case of RBS What control
Rule-based languages
  • backward chaining
  • apply all rules
  • use certainty factors
  • OPS5
  • facts, rules
  • Rete algorithm ("Rete A Fast Algorithm for the
    Many Pattern/ Many Object Pattern Match Problem",
    Charles L. Forgy, Artificial Intelligence
    19(1982), 17-37)
  • forward chaining
  • rule selection specificity, most recent facts

  • CLIPS (NASA 1995)
  • http//
  • C Language Integrated Production System
  • supports rule-based, object-oriented and
    procedural programming style
  • written in C
  • can be embedded within procedural code, called as
    a subroutine, and integrated with languages such
    as C, FORTRAN and ADA
  • objects, facts, rules
  • Rete algorithm
  • forward chaining
  • integer values for rule priority
  • last added rule (first in / first out)
  • A CLIPS example follows

  • (deffacts initial-phase
  • (phase choose-player))
  • (deffacts take-sticks-information
  • (take-sticks (how-many 1) (for-remainder 1))
  • (take-sticks (how-many 1) (for-remainder 2))
  • (take-sticks (how-many 2) (for-remainder 3))
  • (take-sticks (how-many 3) (for-remainder 0)))
  • IF
  • The phase is to choose the first player, and
  • The human has given a valid response
  • THEN
  • Remove unneeded information, and
  • Indicate whose turn it is, and
  • Indicate that the pile size should be chosen
  • (defrule good-player-choice
  • ?phase lt- (phase choose-player)
  • ?choice lt- (player-select ?player(or (eq
    ?player c) (eq ?player h)))

  • JESS - the Rule Engine for the Java Platform
  • (Sandia National Laboratories)
  • http//
  • Jess is a rule engine and scripting environment
    written entirely in (Sun's) Java
  • Jess was originally inspired by CLIPS, but has
    grown into a distinct Java-influenced
  • Jess is building Java applets and applications
    based on rules
  • For some problems it is faster than CLIPS itself
    (using a good JIT compiler)
  • The core Jess language is still compatible with
    CLIPS, in that many Jess scripts are valid CLIPS
    scripts and vice-versa
  • Like CLIPS, Jess uses the Rete algorithm for
    pattern matching
  • Jess adds features to CLIPS, including backwards
    chaining and the ability to manipulate and
    directly reason about Java objects
  • Jess is also a Java scripting environment, from
    which you can create Java objects and call Java
    methods without compiling any Java code.

  • (deffunction max (?a ?b) Jess
  • (if (gt ?a ?b) then
  • (return ?a)
  • else
  • (return ?b)))
  • TRUE
  • Jessgt (deffunction change-baby () (printout t
    "Baby is now dry" crlf))
  • TRUE
  • Jessgt (defrule do-change-baby
  • "If baby is wet, change baby's diaper."
  • (baby-is-wet)
  • gt
  • (change-baby))

  • create and manipulate Java objects directly from
  • create a Java Hashtable and add a few String
    objects to it, then lookup one object and display
  • Jessgt (bind ?ht (new java.util.Hashtable))
  • ltExternal-Addressjava.util.Hashtablegt
  • Jessgt (call ?ht put "key1" "element1")
  • Jessgt (call ?ht put "key2" "element2")
  • Jessgt (call ?ht get "key1")
  • "element1"

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