Title: Perspectives 2004
1Learning. Performance. Impact.
Teaching faculty and staff to fish at UNC
Wilmington Tammala Bulger, Lecturer PCOM
Administrator/Advisor Internship
Director Communication Studies Dana Ward,
Enhanced Technology Specialist Technology
Enhanced Learning University of North Carolina
2UNCW at a glance
- 11,800 students
- 2,100 faculty and staff
- CBT program at UNCW since 1998
- Training portal hosted by SkillSoft since 2005
- Reliability
- Grouping and Reporting
- Natural fit for supplementing classroom
3SkillPort for Staff
- Physical plant manager training
- Plumbing, electricians, landscaping, housekeeping
- Documenting Discipline and Hiring
Considerations first SkillPort courses - Current Physical Plant manager training twice a
month - Huge commitment for small HR training staff
- Books 24x7 resources provide springboard for
instructor led sessions - The TWI Workbook Essential Skills for
Supervisors - How to Shine at Work
- Quick Team Building for Busy Managers
- More Quick Team Building for Busy Managers
4Enhancing Classroom Instruction
- Skills taught in the classroom PED 266
- Supplement to classroom instruction
- NUR 327 Clinical Reasoning/Sci Inquiry Dev.
Fund. Critical Thinking Skills - HEA 207 Nutrition and Behavior MS PowerPoint
- HEA 355 Measurement Evaluation in Health
Education MS Excel - MIT 510 Design Dev. of Instructional
Technology MS Project - MIT 541 Colloquium II enhance tech skills over
the summer - REC 266 Computers, Research and Evaluation in
Recreation MS Office suite - Early Maternity Leave
5Custom Courses and Learning Programs
- UNI101 UNCW Technology Services and Security
Awareness - Learning Programs
- COM200
- COM220
- COM490
6Blended Learning Toolkits
- COM 325 Business and Professional Communication
- Team adapts a BLT lesson for students and manage
the face-to-face learning session - Items for employees to complete face to face
session - Develop face to face session
- Provide items for continued development after
face to face session
7Custom Courses
- COM 490 Discipline Capstone
- Public Speaking Refresher
- Behavioral Based Interviewing
- COM 220- Interpersonal Communication
- Listening for Interpersonal Communication
8Directed Individual Study ClassesInternship Class
- Directed Individual Study Classes
- Remediation
- Whole student development
- Internship
- Support skills needed for internship
9Unique ClassroomIncorporation of CBT Books 24/7
- Incident Report Form/ Absence ReplacementPolicy
- Absence(s) above and beyond attendance policy
- Honest mistake versus Pattern
- Complete MBTI
- Complete CBT based on deficiency
- Custom Skills and CBT
- Faculty Absence for Conference
10Books 24/7
- COM 490 Discipline Capstone
- course textbook
- supplemental materials for their senior capstone
presentation - COM 200 Research Methods
11Future Plans
- Blackboard Navigation course
- School of Business Assessment of Learningcourse
- Moving SkillPort Link to UNCW Portal
- Eliminates extra password
- More secure
- Tammala Bulger, Lecturer
- PCOM Administrator/Advisor Internship Director
- Communication Studies
- bulgert_at_uncw.edu
- Dana Ward, Enhanced Technology Specialist
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- University of North Carolina Wilmington
- wardd_at_uncw.edu