Title: Beta
- What Is Beta and How Is It Calculated?
- A coefficient measuring a stocks relative
- Beta measures a stocks sensitivity to overall
market movements
SourceUBS Warburg Dictionary of Finance and
Investment Terms
3- In practice, Beta is measured by comparing
changes in a stock price to changes in the value
of the SP 500 index over a given time period
- The SP 500 index has a beta of 1
4A Generic Example
- Stock XYZ has a beta of 2
- The SP 500 index increases in value by 10
- The price of XYZ is expected to increase 20 over
the same time period
5Beta can be Negative
- Stock XYZ has a beta of 2
- The SP 500 index INCREASES in value by 10
- The price of XYZ is expected to DECREASE 20 over
the same time period
6- If the beta of XYZ is 1.5
- And the SP increases in value by 10
- The price of XYZ is expected to increase 15
7- A beta of 0 indicates that changes in the market
index cannot be used to predict changes in the
price of the stock
- The companys stock price has no correlation to
movments in the market index
8Source taken from yahoo.finance.com, except PXLW
from bloomberg.com
9Beta and Risk
- Beta is a measure of volatility
- Volatility is associated with risk
10Risk-Reward Curve
Expected Return
11- If beta is a measure of risk, then investors who
hold stocks with higher betas should expect a
higher return for taking on that risk
- What does this remind you of?
12Beta and CAPM
- The capital asset pricing model
- E(R) Rf B(Rm-Rf)
- where
- E(R) Expected return
- Rf risk free rate of return
- B beta
- Rm market return
- Weighted average cost of capital
- WACC (D/V)Rd(1-T) (E/V)Re
- where
- D market value of firms debt
- Rd return on debt securities
- T tax rate
- E market value of firms equity securities
- Re return on equity securities (from CAPM)
- V total value of firms securities (D V)
14WACC and Beta
- WACC increases as the beta and the rate of return
on the equity securities increases (all else
- WACC is used as the discount rate in DCF models
- Therefore, increasing WACC reduces the firms
valuation to reflect the increase in risk
15How to Calculate Beta
- Beta Covariance(stock price, market index)
- Variance(market index)
- When calculating, you must compare the percent
change in the stock price to the percent change
in the market index
16How to Calculate Beta
- Easily calculated using Excel and Yahoo! Finance
- Use COVAR and VARP worksheet functions
- An example
- Calculate the beta of Citigroup stock over the
5-yr time period from Jan. 1, 1997 Dec. 31, 2001
17SP 500 Adjusted Daily Closing Values January 1,
1997 - December 31, 1997
Citigroup Adjusted Daily Closing Prices January
1, 1997 - December 31, 1997
18(No Transcript)