Title: Carbon Trading
1Carbon Trading
Karen Price
New Zealand Law Librarian Seminar
8 November 2007, Auckland
- Phasing
- Allocation
- Sectors and Point of Obligation
- Trading
- Unit types
- International trading
- Capacity to trade issues
3NZ Emissions Trading Scheme
- All sectors and all greenhouse gases
- Phasing in from 2008
4Towards a Carbon Neutral NZ
Ref NZ Govt NZ ETS Presentation, Oct 07
5NZ ETS Objective
- An emissions trading scheme will support and
encourage global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by - reducing New Zealand's net emissions below
business-as-usual levels - complying with our international obligations,
including our Kyoto Protocol obligations - While maintaining economic flexibility, equity
and environmental integrity at least cost in the
long term.
Ref NZ Govt NZ ETS Presentation, Oct 07
6NZ ETS - Forestry
- Obligations (who and
- when)
- Pre-1990 and post-1989
- forestry obligations
- Allocation
- MAF website
- http//www.maf.govt.nz/climatechange/
7NZ ETS Forestry Units
- Key Participants
- Potential Sellers
- Potential Buyers
8Liquid Fossil Fuels and Transport
- No free allocation
- (pass through of relative NZ ETS obligation
- costs to consumer)
9Stationary Energy
- Obligations
- Key ETS participants
- Coal, gas, geothermal
- Allocation
10Industrial Processes (non-energy)
- Point of obligation
- Activities covered
- non-energy emissions
- (fertiliser, steel, aluminium,
- cement, lime).
- Govt to assist industry (through reduction in
obligations or free allocation).
11Electricity Pricing
- core to many businesses
- contractual documentation may be important
- NZ renewable energy profile
- ETS point of obligation means pass-through
- windfall gains to electricity generators?
12Industrial Production
- Industrial producers, excluding electricity
generators. - Direct/indirect emissions from stationary energy
and industrial process emissions. - Allocation not yet determined.
- Entry to NZ ETS in 2013
- Point of Obligation likely to be at
company/processor level - Govt to engage with stakeholders on
- Administrative and technical feasibility for
point of obligation - Ensuring effectiveness of incentives to reduce
- Landfill Operators will be likely point of
obligation for the Waste Sector - Estimated 60 participants
- Entry to NZ ETS in 2013
15New Zealand Unit (NZU)
- Primary unit of trade in NZ ETS.
- Can be banked for future
- compliance periods.
- Each NZ ETS allowance NZU 1 tCO2e
- Pricing will be influenced by international
markets. -
16Trading Obligations
- At end of trading period
- Account for own emissions
- Penalty and make good provision.
- Where to get allowances?
- Initial free allocation from Govt
- Trade with other NZ ETS participants
- Trade internationally
- Projects based
- Regulated ETS
17Types of Emission Units
Kyoto Forestry Units
Some exceptions on unit types apply
18International Kyoto Markets
- AAUs - Assigned Amount Units
- Units are assigned to governments under the Kyoto
Protocol in accordance with specific binding
emissions targets. - Not great deal of individual trading occurring
internationally. - Supply may come from former Soviet Union (Eastern
European) countries. - Pricing generally cheaper than other Kyoto units.
- Unacceptable in EU ETS.
- Reputation issues may exist.
19International Kyoto Markets
- RMUs ReMoval Units
- Units are held by Kyoto governments, a large
number of which are likely to hold these until
the end of 2012. - Not a lot of individual trading occurring
internationally. - Unacceptable in EU ETS.
20International Kyoto Markets
- ERUs Emissions Reduction Units
- Units generated internationally by Joint
Implementation projects. - May be generated in NZ under the previous
Government policy on Projects to Reduce
Emissions. - Can be sold internationally but significant
volumes not yet traded. - Now accepted in EU ETS (from 2008).
21International Kyoto Markets
- CERs - Certified Emissions Reductions
- Units generated by Clean Development Mechanism
projects. - Significant international trading.
- Accepted in EU ETS
- Delivery factors drive prices
22Voluntary Emissions Market
- VERs Voluntary Emissions Reductions
- Verification requirements and standards.
- Need to ensure verification and retirement of
units. - International pricing and projects.
23Standard Physical Contracts
- Clauses cover
- Confidentiality
- Volumes ( or specific volume)
- Units (type and vintage)
- Pricing/payment structure
- Delivery how trade is effected
- Transfer of Units
- Default/penalties (possible market damages)
24NZ Websites
- Government information/documents
- www.climatechange.govt.nz
- www.climatechange.govt.nz/files/emissions-trading-
scheme-complete.pdf - (Framework for New Zealand Emissions Trading
Scheme) - www.climatechange.govt.nz/files/NZ-Climate-Change-
Solutions.pdf - (Overview of NZ climate change solutions)
- New Zealand Carbon Exchange Glossary of Terms
- www.nzcx.com/glossary.htm
25International Websites
- www.unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/items/2830.php
- (Kyoto Protocol background, emissions trading
mechanisms, registry, reporting, compliance). - www.ieta.org (International Emissions Trading
Association) - www.chicagoclimatex.com (Chicago Climate
Exchange) - www.rggi.org (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
USA Eastern States)
26International Websites contd.
- www.ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/emission.htm
- (EU ETS - European Commission on Climate
Change) - www.defra.gov.uk/Environment/climatechange/trading
/index.htm - (UK Department for Environment Food and Rural
Affairs) - www.cantorco2e.com (Cantor CO2e)