Title: Artificial Intelligence
1Artificial Intelligence
- CS 165A
- Fall 2004
- Lecture 1
- Prof. Terry Smith
2Goals of this course
- To teach you the main ideas of AI
- To introduce you to a set of key techniques and
algorithms from AI - To help you understand whats hard in AI and why
- To see how AI relates to the rest of computer
science - To get you thinking about how AI can be applied
to a variety of real problems - To have fun
3Course administrivia
- Web sites
- http//www.cs.ucsb.edu/cs165a
- http//groups.yahoo.com/group/UCSB-CS165A
- Syllabus
- Discussion sessions
- Schedule
- Assignments
- Assignment 0 due on Tuesday!
- Expectations
- Come to class, and come prepared
- Participate Ask questions, offer insight, tell
me Im wrong... - Think!
4What is Artificial Intelligence?
- AI in the media
- Popular movies
- 2001 A Space Odyssey
- Star Trek
- The Terminator
- AI The Movie
- Popular press, novels
- Often portrayed as
- A property of evil computers
- Computers doing impossible things
- Public view
- Books and movies have inspired many AI
researchers - Books and movies have raised the publics
5What is Artificial Intelligence? (cont.)
- The science and engineering of making
intelligent machines, especially intelligent
computer programs. - The business of getting computers to do things
they cannot already do, or things they can only
do in movies and science fiction stories. - The study of how to make computers do things at
which, at the moment, people are better. - The design of flexible programs that respond
productively in situations that were not
specifically anticipated by the designer. - The construction of computations that perceive,
reason, and act effectively in uncertain
environments. - The branch of CS concerned with enabling
computers to simulate such aspects of human
intelligence as speech recognition, deduction,
inference, creative response, the ability to
learn from experience, and the ability to make
inferences given incomplete information. - Modeling aspects of human cognition on
computers - What AI people do
6Goals of AI
- Scientific
- To understand the principles and mechanisms that
account for intelligent action - Engineering
- To design intelligent systems that can survive
and operate in the real world and solve problems
of considerable scientific difficulty at high
levels of competence
To create models and mechanisms of intelligent
To understand and build intelligent systems
7Intelligent systems
- An intelligent system is characterized as one
that can - Exhibit adaptive, goal-oriented behavior
- Learn from experience
- Use vast amounts of knowledge
- Exhibit self-awareness
- Interact with humans using language and speech
- Tolerate error and ambiguity in communication
- Respond in real-time
8What AI people study
- Logic
- Knowledge representation
- Search
- Reasoning/inference
- Non-monotonic reasoning
- Planning
- Probabilistic reasoning
- Naïve physics
- Machine learning
- Speech recognition
- Natural language processing
- Computer vision
- Pattern recognition
- Intelligent agents
- Robotics
- Neural networks
- Data mining
- Expert systems
and more
9What AI people (and programs) do
- Prove theorems
- Emulate/model human cognitive abilities
- (Attempt to) solve exponentially hard problems
- Build expert systems for diagnostic tasks (e.g,
medical diagnosis, error analysis) - Build robots
- Build machine vision systems for industrial
tasks, surveillance, consumer apps, etc.
- Create speech recognition and understanding
systems for various domains - Process text to understand, summarize, correct,
respond, etc. - Create data mining systems to process very large
amounts of information (e.g., bioinformatics) - Build intelligent agents to look and act in
socially useful ways - Develop computer games
and more
10Some notable AI systems
- IBMs Deep Blue
- Beat world chess champion Gary Kasparov in 1997
- Kasparov vs. (Israeli-built) Deep Junior, January
2003 (ended in a draw) - Kasparov vs. X3D Fritz, November 2003
- Expert systems
- Medical diagnosis
- A computerized Leukemia diagnosis system did a
better job checking for blood disorders than
human experts - Speech recognition
- Commercial systems by Dragon, IBM, and others
- Phone-based systems (e.g., airline reservations)
- Automatic scheduling for manufacturing operations
- User interface
- Grammar and spelling checkers, automated help
11Some notable AI systems (cont.)
- Data mining
- Fraud detection, credit scoring, customer
profiles and preferences, genome analysis - Cyc
- Doug Lenats 18-year old project to give computer
common sense - Computer vision
- E.g., Hands Across America 1995
- Face recognition systems for biometrics
- Robotics
- Mars Rover, robots for hazard environments,
factory automation - Sony, Honda, others robot pets
- CMU Navlab drove across country (2797/2849 miles)
- 1980s DARPA ALV Program
- DARPA Grand Challenge 2004
- Failed in 2004repeat in October 2005
12DARPA Grand Challenge
- DARPA intends to conduct a challenge of
autonomous ground vehicles between Los Angeles
and Las Vegas in March of 2004. A cash award of
1 million will be granted to the team that
fields the first vehicle to complete the
designated route within a specified time limit.
13Terrain between LA and Las Vegas
14Perspectives on AI / Disciplines involved
- AI functions as a channel of ideas between
computing and other fields, ideas that have
profoundly changed those fields - Logic
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Linguistics
- Neuroscience
- Computer science
- Cognitive science
15Foundations of AI
- Philosophy
- Framed the ideas of AI
- Dualism/materialism, logical/rational/empirical,
causality, consciousness, mind/body - Mathematics
- Formalized computation, logic, probability
- Possibilities and limitations of computation
- Psychology
- Experimental the brain as an information
processing device (Cognitive Science) - Computer Engineering
- Built real machines, Moores Law progress
16AI and Computer Science
- AI is mostly about software (usually large and
complex) - Important Algorithms, tools, complexity, etc.
- Early advanced in CS due to AI researchers
include - Search algorithms
- List structures, pointers
- Virtual memory
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Garbage collection
- Logical programming
- CS 165A will be taught primarily from a CS
perspective - Not the only perspective, though
17UCSB CS AI Sequence 165A and 165B
- 165A. Artificial Intelligence (Fall)
- (4) TURK
- Prerequisites Computer Science 130A open to
computer science majors only - An introduction to the field of Artificial
Intelligence, which attempts to understand and
build intelligent systems. Topics include AI
programming languages, search, logic, knowledge
representation and reasoning, game playing,
planning, uncertainty, perception, and
intelligent agents. - 165B. Machine Learning (Winter)
- (4) SMITH / SU
- Prerequisites Computer Science 165A
- The course covers the most important techniques
of machine learning (ML) and includes discussions
of well-posed learning problems artificial
neural networks concept learning and general to
specific ordering decision tree learning
genetic algorithms learning sets of rules
Bayesian learning analytical learning and
combining inductive and analytical learning. The
course integrates these approaches to learning
with fundamental aspects of machine intelligence
(MI), including search, knowledge representation
and reasoning, and applications.
18Proper background
- Blind search (depth-first, breadth-first)
- CS 130A
- Trees (programming)
- CS 20, 50, 130A
- Boolean logic, Propositional logic, First-order
logic - CS 40
- Probability, Bayes rule
- PSTAT 120A
- Parsing
- CS 20, 160 (some)
- C / Java
- several
19AI A I
- Artificial
- As in artificial flowers or artificial light?
- Intelligence
- What is intelligence?
- The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge
- The faculty of thought and reason
- Secret information, especially about an actual or
potential enemy - Symbol manipulation, grounded in perception of
the world - The computational part of the ability to achieve
goals in the world - What makes someone more/less intelligent than
another? - Are monkeys, ants, trees, babies, chess
programs intelligent? - How can we know if a machine is intelligent?
Turing Test (Alan Turing, 1950), a.k.a. The
Imitation Game
20Replicating human intelligence?
- AI doesnt necessarily seek to replicate human
intelligence - Sometimes more, sometimes less
- Essence of X vs. X
- Examples
- Physical vs. electronic newspaper
- Physical vs. virtual shopping
- Birds vs. planes
- Saying Deep Blue doesnt really think about
chess is like saying an airplane doesnt really
fly because is doesnt flap its wings. - Drew McDermott
21Strong AI vs. Weak AI
- Strong AI
- Makes the bold claim that computers can be made
to think on a level (at least) equal to humans - One version The Physical Symbol System
Hypothesis - A physical symbol system has the necessary and
sufficient means for general intelligent action - Intelligence symbol manipulation (perhaps
grounded in perception and action) - Weak AI
- Some thinking-like features can be added to
computers to make them more useful tools - Examples expert systems, speech recognition,
natural language understanding.
22Strong AI vs. Weak AI (cont.)
- Principles of Strong AI
- Intelligent behavior is explicable in scientific
terms a rigorous understanding of intelligence
is possible - Intelligence can take place outside the human
skull - The computer is the best laboratory instrument
for exploring these propositions - Maybe
- Strong AI is science?
- Weak AI is engineering?
23Philosophical and ethical implications
- Is Strong AI possible?
- If so (or even if not)
- Should we be worried? Is this technology a
threat? (Bill Joy) - Is it okay to kill an intelligent machine?
- When will it happen? (Will we know?)
- Will they keep us around? (Kurzweil, Moravec)
- Might we become too dependent on technology?
- Terrorism, privacy
- Main categories of objections to AI
- Nonsensical (Searle)
- Impossible (Penrose)
- Unethical, immoral, dangerous (Weizenbaum)
- Failed (Wall Street)
24Another way of looking at AI
Systems that think like humans
Systems that think rationally
Thought processes and reasoning
Systems that act like humans
Systems that act rationally
25Human/Biological Intelligence
- Thinking humanly (Cognitive modeling)
- Cognitive science
- 1960s Information processing replaced
behaviorism as the dominant view in psychology - Cognitive neuroscience
- Neurophysiological basis of intelligence and
behavior? - Acting humanly (Operational intelligence)
- The Turing Test operational test for
intelligent behavior - What does it require?
- Required knowledge, reasoning, language
understanding, learning - Problem It is not reproducible or amenable to
mathematical analysis rather subjective
26Ideal/Abstract Intelligence
- Thinking rationally (Laws of Thought)
- Rational thought governed by Laws of Thought
- Logic approach mathematics and philosophy
- Acting rationally (Rational agents)
- Rational behavior doing the right thing
- Maximize goal achievement, given the available
information (knowledge perception) - Can/should include reflexive behavior, not just
thinking - General rationality vs. limited rationality
- Basic definition of agent something that
perceives and acts
27How can you tell its AI?
- It does something that is clearly human-like
- or
- Separation of
- data/knowledge
- operations/rules
- control
- Has
- a knowledge representation framework
- problem-solving and inference methods
28Why study AI?
- Its fascinating
- Deep questions about intelligence, consciousness,
the nature of being human - Grand challenges creating intelligent machines
- Multidisciplinary endeavor
- It leads to a different perspective on computer
science issues - Levels of explanation
- Search, problem solving, etc. higher level
approach - Exponential, NP-hard problems
- Its good background for related areas
- Computer vision, speech recognition, natural
language understanding, probabilistic reasoning
systems, machine learning, etc.
29A quote
- The hardest applications and most challenging
problems, throughout many years of computer
history, have been in artificial intelligence
AI has been the most fruitful source of
techniques in computer science. It led to many
important advances, like data structures and list
processing... artificial intelligence has been a
great stimulation. Many of the best paradigms for
debugging and for getting software going, all of
the symbolic algebra systems that were built,
early studies of computer graphics and computer
vision, etc., all had very strong roots in
artificial intelligence. - Donald Knuth
30Will it get me a job?
- Well.
- Not as many AI jobs as Java programming jobs.
- But
- See web site (Announcements) for relevant
articles - AI is a component of many advanced technologies
- A thorough understanding of the concepts covered
in the course will make you a better computer
scientist - You will have a broader array of tools with which
to approach problems - You will better be able to evaluate technologies
with AI components - AI related research usually requires a graduate
31A note on AI programming
- Lisp
- List processing
- Interpreter great for fast prototyping
- Features garbage collection, dynamic typing, .
- Prolog
- Logic programming
- Program set of logical statements general
theorem prover - Other high-level languages (Java, C, etc.)
32Top AI Schools and Companies
- Top AI Schools
- Stanford University
- Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
- Berkeley
- Also Toronto, Washington, Illinois, Texas,
Maryland, Edinburgh, UCLA, Karlsruhe, and many
others. - Top research labs
- Microsoft Research (MSR)
- IBM Research
- ATT Labs
- Xerox PARC, SRI, ATR (Japan),
- Peruse the course web site
- Join the Yahoo group
- Keep up with assigned reading
- Assignment 0 due Tuesday
- First discussion session next Wed., 3pm
- Review of relevant prerequisites data
structures, probability and statistics, logic - Info on using CSIL (if necessary)
34Tuesday Quiz
- Name a discipline that has significantly
contributed to the historical foundations of AI - Briefly, how did it contribute to AI?
- Alexander Kronrod, a Russian AI researcher, said
Chess is the Drosophila of AI. - Briefly explain this statement.