Title: Photoluminescence in rayirradiated quartz investigated by synchrotron radiation
1Photoluminescence in ?-ray-irradiated ?-quartz
investigated by synchrotron radiation
M. Cannas , S. Agnello, R. Boscaino, F.M.
Gelardi, INFM and Dipartimento di Scienze
Fisiche ed Astronomiche, Palermo, Italy. A.
Trukhin, Institute of Solid State Physics,
University of Latvia, Kengaraga iela 8, LV-1063
Riga, Latvia
5th European Conference on Luminescent Detectors
and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation September
1-5, 2003 Prague, Czech Republic
- Introduction
- Optical properties of defects in amorphous
and crystalline SiO2
- Results
- Luminescence features temperature dependence
and time decay -
- Discussion
- Comparison with previous results in silica
30ptical bands in crystalline- and amorphous- SiO2
- Optical properties associated with defects in
the different forms of SiO2 are investigated
since ?40 years. -
Similarities between optical bands in ?-quartz
and silica are limited to few observations.
4In this work, we deal with luminescence related
aspects not yet investigated aiming to clarify
the processes following the 7.6 eV excitation in
crystalline SiO2
5Experimental Methods
- Sample ?-irradiated a-quartz (?-dose 1 Grad)
i) Optical Absorption (OA) by a spectrometer
(ACTON SP 150) fluxed with nitrogen gas (300 K)
equipment in Palermo.
ii) Photoluminescence (PL) Emission and
excitation spectra, Lifetime measurements (17.5
to 300 K) by Synchrotron Radiation (SR) source at
DESY (Hamburg)
SR provides intense and broad spectral emission
over the UV and vacuum-UV range lifetime PL
measurements with resolution less than 10-9 s.
6Resultsoptical bands
7Results temperature dependence
- UV band quenching above 40 K
- Blue band initial increase and quenching above
100 K
8Results kinetic features
Best-fitting APL? exp(-t/t)
UV band t 1.0 ns
Blue band t 3.6 ns
9DiscussionFeatures of UV and Blue band
10Discussioncomparison with silica
Silica conversion process between two distinct
variants of ODC Experiments JPCM, (1999) PRB
(2003) Nishikawa et al. PRL (1994) Skuja, JNCS
(1998) Computations Uchino et al. PRL (2001)
Donadio et al. PRL (2001).
PL at 4.9 eV in ?-quartz could be the counterpart
of the PL at 4.4 eV in silica
PL at 2.7 eV in ?-quartz could not be related to
the PL at 2.7 eV in silica, because of the
different lifetime
- We have investigated the photoluminescence
associated with defects induced in crystalline
?-quartz by 1 Grad ?-dose - Excitation by synchrotron radiation within the
absorption band at 7.6 eV produces two emissions,
observable only at low temperature - 4.9 eV (UV band), lifetime of 1 ns, which
quenches above 40 K - 2.7 eV (Blue band), lifetime of 3.6 ns, quenching
above 100 K - In analogy with silica glass, the UV emission
could be related to the conversion between
different variants of oxygen deficient centers
occurring upon 7.6Â eV excitation, whereas the
blue band, because of its kinetic features, seems
to be peculiar of the ?-quartz. -