Materials for Lecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Materials for Lecture


Materials for Lecture. Chapter 2 pages 6-12, Chapter 6, Chapter 16 Section 3.1 and 4 ... Production, Receipts, Costs, Amortize Loans, Update asset values, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Materials for Lecture

Materials for Lecture
  • Chapter 2 pages 6-12, Chapter 6, Chapter 16
    Section 3.1 and 4
  • Lecture 8 Probability of Revenue.xls
  • Lecture 8 Flow Chart.xls
  • Lecture 8 Farm Simulator.xls
  • Lecture 8 Uniform.xls
  • Lecture 8 Theta UPES.xls
  • Lecture 8 View Distributions.xls

Developing Simulation Models
  • Organization of a model in an Excel Workbook
  • Steps for model development
  • Parts for a simulation model
  • Generating random variables from uniform
  • Estimating parameters for other distributions

Organization of Models in Excel

Input Data, such as Costs, inflation interest
rates, Production functions Assets
liabilities Scenarios to analyze, etc.
Historical Data for Random Variables, such as
Prices Production levels Other variables not
controlled by management
Equations to calculate variables Production,
Receipts, Costs, Amortize Loans, Update asset
values, etc. Tables to report financial results
Income statement, cash flow, balance sheet KOV
Table List all output variables of interest
Organization of Models in Excel
  • Sheet 1 (Model)
  • Assumptions and all Input Data
  • Control variables for managing the system
  • Logical flow of all calculations
  • Table of intermediate results
  • Table of final results the Key Output Variables
  • Sheet 2 (Stoch)
  • Historical data for random variables
  • Calculations to estimate the parameters for
    random variables
  • Simulate all random values
  • Sheets 3-N (SimData, Stoplite, CDF)
  • Simulation results and charts

Model Design Steps
  • Model development is like building a pyramid
  • Design the model from the top down
  • Build from the bottom up

Steps for Model Development
  • Determine purpose of the model and KOVs
  • Draw a sketch or flowchart of how data will
    interact to calculate the KOVs
  • Determine the variables necessary to calculate
    the KOVs
  • For example to calculate Net Present Value (NPV)
    we need
  • Annual net cash withdrawals which are a function
    of net returns
  • Ending net worth which is a function of assets
    and liabilities
  • This means you need a balance sheet and a cash
    flow statement to calculate annual cash reserves
  • An annual income statement is needed as input
    into a cash flow
  • Annual net returns are calculated from an income

Flow Chart for Simulating NPV
Steps for Model Development
  • Write out the equations by hand
  • This organizes your thoughts and the models
  • Avoids problem of forgetting important sections
  • Example of equations for a model at this point
  • Output/hour stochastic variable
  • Hours Operated management control value
  • Production Output/hour Hours Operated
  • Price forecast mean each year with a risk
  • Receipts Price Production
  • Define input variables
  • Exogenous variables are out of the control of
    management and are constant usually policy
  • Stochastic variables management can not control
    and are random in nature weather or market
  • Control variables the manager can manipulate

Steps for Model Development
  • Stochastic variables (40 of time is spent here)
  • Identify all random variables that affect the
  • Estimate parameters for the assumed distributions
  • Normality means and standard deviations
  • Empirical sorted deviates and probabilities
  • Use the best model possible to forecast the
    deterministic part of stochastic variables to
    reduce risk
  • Model validation starts here
  • Statistical tests of the simulated stochastic
    variables to insure that random variables are
    simulated correctly
  • Correlation tests, means tests, variance tests
  • CDF and PDF charts to compare history to
    simulated values

Univariate Random Variables
  • More than 40 Univariate Distributions in Simetar
  • Uniform Distribution
  • Normal and Truncated Normal Distribution
  • Empirical, Discrete Empirical Distribution
  • GRKS Distribution
  • Triangle Distribution
  • Bernoulli Distribution
  • Conditional Distribution
  • Excel probability distributions have been made
    Simetar compatible, e.g.,
  • Beta, Gamma, Exponential, Log Normal, Weibull

Uniform Distribution
  • A continuous distribution where each range has an
    equal probability of being observed
  • Parameters for the uniform are minimum and
    maximum values and the domain includes all real
  • UNIFORM(min,max)
  • The mean and variance of this distribution are

PDF and CDF for a Uniform Dist.
Probability Density Function
Cumulative Distribution Function
When to Use the Uniform Distribution
  • Use the uniform distribution when every range of
    length n between the minimum and maximum values
    has an equal chance of occurrence
  • Use this distribution when you have no idea what
    type of distribution to use
  • Uniform distribution is used to simulate all
    random variables via the Inverse Transform
    procedure and USD

Note that USD is used to simulate a Normal
Uniform Standard Deviate (USD)
  • In Simetar we simulate the USD as
  • UNIFORM(0,1) or UNIFORM()
  • Produces a Uniform Standard Deviate (USD)
  • Special case of the Uniform distribution
  • USD is building block for all random number
    generation using the Inverse Transformation
    method for simulation. Inverse Transform uses a
    USD to simulate a Uniform distribution as
  • X Min (Max-Min) Uniform(0,1)
  • X Min (Max-Min) USD

Simulate a Uniform Distribution
  • Alternative ways to program the Uniform( )
  • Uniform(Min, Max,USD)
  • Uniform(10,20)
  • Uniform(A1,A2)
  • Uniform(A1,A2,A3) where a USD is calculated in
    cell A3

Uses for a Uniform Standard Deviate
  • The uniform standard deviate (USD) is used in all
    of the random number formulas in Simetar to
    facilitate correlating random variables
  • For example
  • NORM(mean, std dev, USD)
  • TRIANGLE(min, middle, max, USD)
  • EMP( Si, F(Si), USD)

Simulating Random Variables
  • Must assume a probability distribution shape
  • Normal, Beta, Empirical, etc.
  • Estimate parameters required for the assumed
  • Here are the parameters for selected
  • Normal ( Mean, Std Deviation )
  • Beta ( Alpha, Beta, Min, Max )
  • Uniform ( Min, Max )
  • Empirical ( Si, F(Si) )
  • Often times we assume several distribution forms,
    estimate their parameters, simulate them and pick
    the one which best fit the data

Steps for Parameter Estimation
  • Step 1 Check for presence of a trend, cycle or
    structural pattern
  • If present remove it work with the residuals
  • If no trend or structural pattern, use actual
    data (Xs)
  • Step 2 Estimate parameters for several assumed
    distributions using the Xs or the residuals (?t)
  • Step 3 Simulate the different distributions
  • Step 4 Pick the best match based on
  • Mean, Standard Deviation -- use validation
  • Minimum and Maximum
  • Shape of the CDF vs. historical series
  • Penalty function CDFDEV() to quantify differences

Parameter Estimator in Simetar
  • Use Theta Icon in Simetar
  • Estimate parameters for 16 distributions
  • Select MLE or MOM method of parameter estimation
  • Provides equations for simulating distributions

Parameter Estimator in Simetar
  • Results for Theta Estimate parameters for 16
  • Selected MOM in this example
  • Provides equations for simulating distributions
    based on a common USD

Which is the Best Distribution?
  • Use Simetar function CDFDEV( history, sim data)
  • Perfect fit has a CDFDEV value of Zero
  • Pick the distribution with the lowest CDFDEV

Use the View Distributions.xls
  • For a random variable with 10 observations can
    estimate the parameters and view the shape of the
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