Title: The Status of Kosovo and Metohija
1The Status of Kosovo and Metohija I Present
status II Future status Interdependence
between present and future status
2- Ad I (Present status of KM)
- Territory under interim civil and military
administration of the UN - International legal basis of the status UN
Security Council Resolution Nr. 1244
3- Five key elements of the Resolution 1244
- Establishing of the civil and military UN mission
in Kosovo and Metohija - UN guaranties sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia (respectively
Serbia and Montenegro) - Main objective of the mission stabilization of
entire situation effective protection of human
rights including the rights of all communities
maintaining the multi-ethnic character of KM - International mission should help establishing of
the provisional institutions of self-government
(in order to introduce substantial autonomy and
meaningful self-administration) - 5) After achieving prescribed objectives the
process will be launched aiming to define the
future status of KM
4Back to recent past the reasons for the
establishment of the present status of
KM -Permanent violation of human and minority
rights of the Albanian community in KM by the
ruling regime in Serbia -Military intervention
of the NATO in 1999 -The lack of the
international-law basis for the
intervention -Humanitarian justification of the
intervention inclusion of moral principles into
international-relations activities - Ex post
legalization of the military intervention
through UN SC Resolution 1244
5Emerging of a new reality in KM since 1999 -
Changed reality in KM since June 1999 - Internal
legal framework - Constitutional framework -
Provisional institutions - Legal and
institutional protection of communities -Position
of Serb community in KM - Freedom of
movement - Return - Property situation -
Religious sites -De facto operation of the UNMIK
decolonization (establishing new symbols of
independence custom territory, travel
documents, car plates, postal code) -Disappearing
of Albanian moral advantage
6- From present towards future
- The policy of standards before status
- Eight groups of standards and problem of its
evaluation - Functioning the democratic institutions
- Rule of law
- Freedom of movement
- Sustainable returns and rights of communities
- Economy
- Property rights and cultural heritage
- Political dialogue
- Kosovo protection corps
7- Ad II (Future status)
- Procedural prerequisites
- Not to loose the conditioning with regard to
standards implementation - Main objective of negotiations
optimal-compromising-solution - The frame of talks UN mechanism Resolution
1244 - Respect the principles of the international law
- European prospective
8- In the search for the solution
- Independence of KM
- - preconditions and consequences
- 2) Partition of KM
- - preconditions and consequences
- 3) Extended autonomy within Serbia and Montenegro
- - preconditions and consequences
9- Substantial and multi-dimensional autonomy
- KM vis-à-vis Serbia extended autonomy
self-rule in legislation, executive and judiciary - Serb areas within KM autonomy in the vital
interest branches education, culture, health
care, social policy, property protection,
infrastructure, protection of the religious sites - Twofold guaranties through international-law
(agreement) through domestic law (constitutional