Title: Forging new generations of engineers
1Forging new generations of engineers
2What is Project Lead The Way?
PLTW is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation
whose primary goal is to grow the nations
technology workforce. There is no cost to
schools to register with PLTW and the curriculum
is free.
3Why Do We Need PLTW?
Our Workforce Has Changed.
4But we dont graduate enough engineers and
- There are currently 1.3 M engineering/engineering
technology jobs available in the U.S. without
trained people to fill them. - According to the Federal Government we will need
15 million engineers and technology workers by
5What Does the Pipeline of Engineers Look Like?
Engineering Degrees 1988-2002
6Engineering Technology Degrees 1988-2002
SOURCE American Association of Engineering
Societies (2002)
7Science and Technology in Society
Test and Evaluation
Routine Design
Complex Design
Operation, Service, And Maintenance
Complex Analysis
Distribution and Sales
How is This Connected to Our High Schools?
8Science and Technology in Many High Schools
Chemistry, Physics, Biology
Wood shop, Auto shop, Drafting
9What Can We Do?
Make a small change in the culture of American
high schools by
- Strengthening the core academic curricula, (e.g.
English, science, social studies, mathematics,
etc.). - Adding a rigorous, technical program of study in
engineering leading to 2 4 year post-secondary
10Curriculum - Rigorous and Relevant high school
engineering courses that incorporate
project-based learning.
PLTW Accomplishes This With
- Professional Development High-quality,
continuing, and course-specific.
11The PLTW Curriculum Is
Standards Based
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- International Technology Education Association
- National English Language Arts
12Gateway To Technology
Middle School Curriculum
Seven, Nine-week Modules
- Design and Modeling
- The Magic of Electrons
- The Science of Technology
- Automation and Robotics
- Environmental Engineering
- Energy and the Environment
- Aerospace Technology (NASA funded)
in development
13High School Course Program
Foundation ------------------------------
Specialization --------------------------
--- Capstone
- Principles Of Engineering
- Introduction to Engineering Design
- Digital Electronics
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Civil Engineering and Architecture
- Biotechnical Engineering (New this Year)
- Aerospace Technology (New this Year)
- Engineering Design and Development
Note Course program requires college prep
mathematics each year.
14Foundation Course Principles Of Engineering
A Hands-on, project-based course that teaches
- Engineering as a Career
- Materials Science
- Structural Design
- Applied Physics
- Automation/Robotics
- Embedded Processors
- Drafting/Design
15Foundation Course Introduction To Engineering
16A Sample Problem fromIntroduction to
Engineering DesignGrades 9-10
17Possible Approaches
Axis of Revolution
Profile to Revolve
Hint V ? r 2 H
All volume formulas must include the cubic inch
to fluid ounce conversion factor of 1.804.
18Foundation Course Introduction To Engineering
19Foundation Course Introduction To Engineering
20Foundation Course Digital Electronics
Theory-gt Design-gt Simulate-gt Fabricate-gt Test
21Specialization CourseComputer Integrated
22Specialization CourseCivil Engineering and
- Soils
- Permits
- Design
- Structural analysis
Cuban Restaurant Project
23Specialization CourseCivil Engineering and
- Interior design
- 3D walkthrough
- Architectural drawings
24Two New Specialization CoursesStarted This Fall
- Biotechnology Funded by the state of Indiana
- Aerospace Technology Funded by NASA
25AERO Unit 1 Principles of Aeronautics
- Students are asked to design and build an airfoil
and test it in a wind tunnel. - With all the coordinates for the upper and lower
surface of the wing scaled to size, students will
create a scale drawing of the airfoil in AutoDesk
26AERO Unit 2 Astronautics
- Students learn the parts of a rocket, Newtons
Laws of Motion, and how they relate to flight. - Students collect data from 10 model rockets to
determine how different designs affect flight.
27Capstone CourseEngineering Design and
Problem Solving in Teams
Juried Presentations
28How do we help teachers to teach at this level
Comprehensive Professional Development
29Professional Development
- Intense, two-week training at San Diego State
University taught by experienced classroom
teachers and SDSU faculty
- One-day teacher seminars.
- One-week refresher courses.
- Continuous, on-line interactive training.
30Do Teachers Like the Program?
Yes! They become facilitators, not lecturers.
- Help students define problems and set timelines.
- Help students become leaders, team members, and
problem solvers. - Act as a resource.
- Are not expected to know all the answers.
31What Students do Well in PLTW? The student who
- Creative- Likes to design things.
- Curious- Wants to know how things work.
- In the upper 80 of their class
- A hands-on learner.
- An underachiever who might get hooked by an
interesting, project-based class. - Willing to work hard if motivated.
- Interested in computers, science, or technology.
- Good in mathematics and science.
32Student Performance in Reading, Mathematics and
How Well is PLTW Working?
33Student Performance in Reading, Mathematics and
Scienceby Type of Program
34PLTW Student Performance Compared to HSTW Goals
35What Else Makes PLTW Unique?
Transcripted college credit is available to
students enrolled in the following courses
- Principles Of Engineering
- Introduction to Engineering Design
- Digital Electronics
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- This makes a transcript with PLTW courses on it
attractive to Universities.
36What is the Status of PLTW in California?
- First started in California at Cordova and Norte
Vista High Schools in 1999. - Now up to about 42 schools and 85 trained
teachers in CA. - SDSU will offer 6 Summer Training Institutes this
year including all 3 foundation courses, the
middle school program, plus Aerospace Engineering
and Civil Engineering Architecture.
37Whats New in California? Increased Industry
- PLTW selected as this years educational program
by the Small Manufacturers Institute.
Coordinating high school/college collaborations,
industry support and educator symposiums. - SDSU/PLTW awarded a 1.4M grant by QualComm to
provide improved support to schools and increase
enrollment by gt2x. - San Diego Economic Development Corporation is
training professional engineers to assist in PLTW
38- Project Lead The Way
- Forging New Generations of Engineers
- Californias PLTW Affiliate Institute
- College of Engineering, SDSU
Dean Bruce Westermo College of Engineering San
Diego State University
39The CA Affiliate Institute
- Conducts summer training sessions
- Hosts counselor conferences
- Supports a PLTW Honors program
- Promotes the PLTW program within California
- Conducts the HS certification process
- Conducts professional development workshops for
PLTW teachers
40PLTW Summer Training Institute
- Intensive, two-week courses in each PLTW subject.
- Currently 23 training sites nationwide.
- SDSU has offered summer training for 3 years.
- Courses are taught by a Master Teacher and an
Affiliate Professor (81 student/teacher ratio).
41Summer Training at SDSU
- Teachers sign up on the PLTW website.
- Teachers are eligible for graduate credit from
Rochester Institute of Technology, U. of
Colorado, and several other schools. - SDSU plans to offer graduate credit in 2006.
- Registration Cost 1,800
- Housing Cost 800
42Summer Training Institute 2006
- Session 1 June 18 through June 30
- Gateway To Technology (GTT)
- Civil Engineering/Architecture (CEA)
- Aerospace Engineering (AE)
- Session 2 July 9 through July 21
- Principles of Engineering (POE)
- Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
- Digital Electronics (DE)
Course registration opens in February of each
43Regional Counselor Conferences Held annually at
SDSU. Next event is Dec. 12 ,2005.
School counselors are an integral part of the
PLTW program. They direct students into the
program and ensure that the students follow the
correct math and science track to complement PLTW
44Go Towww.engineering.sdsu.edu/PLTW
- Information on the Counselor Conference
- Information on the Summer Training
- Honors Program
- SREB report on PLTW
- westermo_at_engineering.sdsu.edu