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Solving the


Official Name: The Church of Jesus Christ. of Latter-day Saints ... The LDS Church is the ONLY one true church. on the face of the earth ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Solving the

Solving the Mormon Puzzle
By Cky J. Carrigan, Ph.D. Interfaith Evangelism,
Who are the Mormons?
  • Official Name The Church of Jesus Christ
  • of Latter-day Saints
  • Founder 1st President Joseph Smith, Jr.
  • (1805-44)
  • 2nd President Brigham Young (1801-77)
  • Current Leader Gordon B. Hinckley (b. 1910)
  • Headquarters Salt Lake City, Utah

  • Membership 11 million in more than 160
  • countries, about half in N. America
  • 26,000 Congregations called Wards
  • or Branches
  • Adding 2 new meeting houses each day
  • worldwide
  • Missionaries 61,000

  • Annual Converts (not including children of
  • Mormon Families) 275-300 thousand
  • Mormon membership has doubled in the
  • southern U.S. since 1980
  • Membership is expected to exceed
  • 65 million by 2080 (conservative est.)
  • Membership may even reach 500 million by
  • 2040 if present growth rate is sustained
  • (optimistic est.)

  • Temples Worldwide 106 (as of May 2001)
  • 18 more under construction
  • Total Assets 30 billion dollars
  • Annual Offerings 5 billion dollars
  • If LDS Church was a U.S. corp., it would
  • fall in the middle of the Fortune 500

Mormon History
  • Joseph Smith, Jr
  • Born Dec. 23, 1805
  • Near Sharon, VT
  • Raised Palmyra, NY

Josephs God Vision
  • Foundational Event
  • Spring of 1820
  • In the Sacred Grove
  • Joseph unsure about which Church to join
  • Father Son appeared bodily
  • Son said all churches are false and apostate

Serious Problems
  • Joseph only witness
  • Joseph only 14
  • Joseph did not record this event until 1838
  • Eight different versions of this story
  • Historical Inconsistencies...
  • Identified Wrong Methodist Pastor

Moroni Visions
  • Deceased Book of Mormon character, Moroni,
    appears to Joseph 5 times
  • First appearance, Sep. 21, 1823
  • Moroni informed Joseph about Golden Tablets
    hidden in the Hill Cumorah

Moroni Visions
  • Moroni showed the Golden Tablets to Joseph the
    next day
  • Moroni appeared 4 more times over the next 4
  • Joseph permitted to remove the tablets and began
    to translate them on Sep. 22, 1827

John the Baptist Vision
  • Spring 1829
  • John the Baptist appears to Joseph Smith Oliver
  • Johns father was a temple priest in the line of
    Aaron (Levi)
  • John conferred the Aaronic priesthood on Joseph

Peter, James John Vision
  • Summer 1829
  • Peter, James John were the First Presidency of
    the Apostolic Age
  • They conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood on
    Joseph Oliver

Restoration of the True Church
  • April 6, 1830
  • Peter Whitmers Farmhouse in Waterloo, NY
  • True Church restored by Joseph after 1600 years
    of apostasy
  • Constituted as Church of Christ with six members

More Historical Events and Dates
  • 1831 -- Main body migrated to Kirtland, OH
  • 1831 -- Mission outpost established near
    Independence, MO
  • 1836 -- First latter-day Temple dedicated in
    Kirtland (no works for dead here)
  • 1838 -- Main body forced out of Ohio and
    migrated to Missouri
  • 1838-39 -- Mormon-Missouri Wars

More Historical Events and Dates
  • 1839 -- Forced out of Missouri migrated to
    Nauvoo, Illinois (on Miss River)
  • June 7, 1844 --
  • Mormon dissidents published the one and only
    edition of the Nauvoo Expositor charging Mormon
    leaders with poligamy
  • June 10, 1844 --
  • Joseph influenced the City Council to order
    the destruction of the N.E. press because it
    was a public nuisance

  • Joseph Hyrum Smith several other Mormon
    leaders were arrested for the destruction of the
    printing press and taken to jail in Carthage
  • June 27, 1844 Joseph and Hyrum Smith are killed
    during a gun battle by rogue militia in the
    Carthage Jail

  • Brigham Young
  • 2nd President
  • 1846-47 -- Leads westward migration from Nauvoo
  • July 24, 1847 -- Brigham Young founds Mormon
    settlement in Salt Lake City, Utah

What Do Mormons Believe?
What Do Mormons Believe About God?
  • The Heavenly Father is an Exalted Man
  • with a physical body of flesh and bones
  • God is not a Trinity in the historic sense
  • The Father, Son and Holy Ghost are
  • three absolutely separate Gods
  • God is NOT one in essence, but in
  • purpose only

The Biblical and Reasonable Doctrine of
  • Six Propositions on the Tri-Unity of God
  • The Father is God
  • The Son is God
  • The Holy Spirit is God
  • God is ONE
  • The Bible is True and Doesnt Contradict
  • The Trinity is a Unique Mystery with No
    Exact Analogy

  • The Tri-Unity 0f God is NOT . . .
  • Oneness in Purpose Only (Mormons)
  • One Person Known by 3 Titles
  • Three Parts of One Whole (Egg, Pie)
  • One God in 3 Modes, Manifestations, Forms
  • (Oneness Pentecostals)
  • Expressed by the Formula 1 x 1 x 1 1
  • Expressed by the Formula 3 1

The Tri-Unity IS Expressed By The Formula
3 1
The Tri-Unity of God
Three-Ness of Tri-Unity
One-Ness of Tri-Unity
  • God is THREE in
  • Person-hood
  • Eternal Father
  • Eternal Son
  • Eternal Holy Spirit
  • God is ONE in
  • Essence
  • Or Being-ness
  • Or Nature

is not
is not
Holy Spirit
is not
Temple Square Visitors Center Salt Lake City
What Do Mormons Believe About The Son of God?
What Do Mormons Believe about the Son of God?
  • Jesus Christ is the Twice-Sired Son of the
    Heavenly Father (First Second Estate)

What Do Mormons Believe about the Son of God?
  • Jesus was the spiritual first-born Son of God in
    the first estate
  • Like all of mankind, Jesus was a product of
    sexual intimacy between the Heavenly Father and
    His Heavenly Wife in the first estate

What Do Mormons Believe about the Son of God?
  • There was a time when the Son of God was not the
    Son of God (First Estate)
  • There was a time when the Son of God was not God
    (First Estate)

What Do Mormons Believe about the Son of God?
  • The fullness of salvation, exaltation, is not the
    result of the work of Christ
  • His suffering and bleeding in Gethsemane and on
    the Cross (not his death) only provides for the
    immortality of all people in a universal
  • His suffering does not provide for the fullness
    of salvation for anyone

  • Genuine Christianity
  • Asserts the Full Deity of Christ
  • Asserts the Full Humanity of Christ
  • Asserts the Two Natures Uniquely
  • Unified in the One Person
  • of Christ

What Do Mormons Believe about the Scriptures and
  • Revelation is continuing
  • In addition to the Bible translated correctly,
    three other Standard Works are regarded as
  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Doctrine and Covenants
  • The Pearl of Great Price

What Do Mormons Believe about the Scriptures and
  • All other official comments by any general
    authority are authoritative as well
  • General Authorities include
  • The President-Prophet
  • Councilors of the First Presidency
  • The Twelve Apostles
  • Members of the Quorum of the Seventy

What Do Mormons Believe about Man?
  • All men are the spiritual offspring of the
    Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in the first
  • All men are begotten of heavenly parents and
    reared in heavenly mansions prior to coming to
    the earth in temporal bodies
  • Man is born basically good, a god in embryo

What Do Mormons Believe about Man?
  • As man is, God once was as God is, man may
    become (Pres. Lorenzo Snow)
  • A Man is a baby God
  • A God is an mature Man
  • Deity and Humanity are not different natures,
    only different degrees

What Do Mormons Believe about Sin?
  • Sin is disobedience to Gods laws and eternal
    life is given to those obedient to Mormon
  • Adams fall was a part of Gods redemptive plan
  • Adam did not fall away from innocence but toward

What Do Mormons Believe about Sin?
  • The fall was necessary in order for man to
    advance toward deification through the knowledge
    of good and evil
  • The fall was also necessary in order for man to
    be fruitful and multiply (a necessary condition
    for Godhood)

What Do Mormons Believe about Salvation?
  • There are several levels of salvation
  • Jesus suffering and bleeding in Gethsemane and
    on the Cross only restores immortality to all men
    (the lowest level of salvation)
  • Jesus suffering and bleeding do not provide the
    fullness of salvation, called exaltation, for

What Do Mormons Believe about Salvation?
  • Exaltation (godhood, or entrance into the
    celestial kingdom) is only available to Mormons
    by means of obedience to Mormon teachings...
  • Faith
  • Baptism and reception of Holy Ghost
  • Endowments (Temple ceremony)
  • Celestial marriage
  • Tithing

What Do Mormons Believe about Salvation?
  • The Fullness of Salvation, or Exaltation includes
    these blessings...
  • Eternal presence with the Heavenly Father and
    Jesus Christ
  • Deification (becoming very God)
  • Eternal family relationships (husbands, wives
    and children sealed)
  • Fullness of joy

What Do Mormons Believe about Salvation?
  • All the attributes of Deity all power, glory,
    dominion, and knowledge
  • Baptism, endowments and marriage for the dead may
    also produce postmortem salvation for non-Mormons

What Do Mormons Believe about Life After Death?
  • After death, all men go to an intermediate
  • place of the dead to await the resurrection
  • There are three Levels of Glory after the
  • resurrection
  • The Telestial Kingdom (lowest level
  • that is superior to the earth) is the abode
  • of the wicked and ungodly

What Do Mormons Believe about Life After Death?
  • The Terrestrial Kingdom (middle level) is the
  • abode of non-Mormons who were honorable,
  • but deceived by crafty preachers and
  • Mormons that were not entirely obedient
  • The Celestial Kingdom (highest level) is the
  • abode of Exalted Ones reserved only for
  • the most obedient Mormons

What Do Mormons Believe about Life After Death?
  • In addition to the three levels of glory,
  • Perdition is the abode of Satan, Demons,
  • Mormon Apostates, and Murderers who
  • did not atone by a bloody execution for their
  • murder
  • Perdition may not be an eternal state

What Do Mormons Believe about the Church?
Based on Josephs God Vision of 1820
What Do Mormons Believe about the Church?
  • The LDS Church is the ONLY one true church
  • on the face of the earth
  • It is the restored church of Scripture
  • Jesus told Joseph Smith that all other churches
  • were wrong in belief and practice . . .
  • their creeds were an abomination and all
  • who professed those creeds where corrupt

Summary of Vast Mormon Differences
  • Vastly Different Doctrine of God
  • Vastly Different Doctrine of the Son of God
  • Vastly Different Doctrine of Scripture and
  • Vastly Different Doctrine of Man

Summary of Vast Mormon Differences
  • Vastly Different Doctrine of Salvation
  • Vastly Different Doctrine of Life After Death
  • Vastly Different Doctrine of the Church

How Do Faithful MormonsPractice Their Religion?
  • Tithe and attend their Wards Meetings
  • on Sundays
  • Observe the Lords Supper (bread and water)
  • called Sacrament Services each Sunday
  • and meet for various other training sessions
  • Convene weekly family sessions (Mon.) in
  • their homes where they teach and reinforce
  • Mormon beliefs

How Do Faithful MormonsPractice Their Religion?
  • Generally moral and law abiding
  • Encourage and equip their young adults and
  • retirees to devote two years to missions
  • (eighteen months for young women)
  • Secure and Maintain Temple Recommend
  • Do Temple Works--for self and the dead

Evangelism Strategies
  • Prepare yourself with a thorough grounding
  • in genuine Christian doctrine and in the most
  • prominent features of Mormon doctrine
  • and terminology
  • Emphasize Objective Biblical doctrines about
  • Christ and Salvation as a governor over
  • subjective feelings or personal religious
  • experience, because much of the Mormon
  • myth is based on the testimony of their own
  • personal religious experience

Evangelism Strategies
  • Emphasize that salvation according to the
  • Bible alone...
  • is salvation by grace alone
  • through faith alone
  • that results in good works
  • Use the Bible to undermine confidence
  • in Mormon teachings

Evangelism Strategies
  • Use the Book of Mormon itself to
  • undermine confidence in Mormon
  • teachings
  • Use Mormon History to undermine
  • confidence in key Mormon concepts
  • and Mormon prophets Joseph Smith
  • and Brigham Young

What Can You Do?
  • Prepare to Defend the Genuine Gospel
  • Pray for Mormons Caught in this
  • Devilish Deception
  • Pray for Ministries Devoted to Mormon
  • Evangelism

Solving the Mormon Puzzle
By Cky J. Carrigan, Ph.D. Interfaith Evangelism,
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