Title: Results on transient scenarios towards GEN IV systems
1- Results on transient scenarios towards GEN IV
systems - F. Varaine, J.P. Grouiller
- Commissariat à lEnergie Atomique (CEA) Cadarache
Center - 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance Cedex, France
- M. Delpech, D. Warin
- CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- Introduction and scenario goals
- Feasible transients for the French nuclear fleet
- Americium and Pu recycling in GEN III system
(EPR) - Double strata scenario with ADT
- Transient scenario with GEN IV System deployment
- Summary
3Objectives and scenario goals
- The purpose of minor actinides and long lived
fission products transmutation is to reduce the
mass and the radiotoxicity inventory of the
long-lived nuclear waste. - In France, the 1991 law on this issue, has
generated significant RD on the subject - CEA is studying transmutation scenarios through
a dynamic vision of the nuclear development based
on - Solutions offered by the existing fleet
(reprocessing, fabrication and NPP) - Solutions offered by the future fourth generation
4Objectives and scenario goals (Contd)
- Those scenarios are declined as follows
- Use and adaptation of the existing installations
of the fuel cycle (2020) - partial plutonium recycling,
- partitioning and lightening the minor actinides
content in the vitrified wastes - temporary storage of separated MAs
- In 2035 the GEN IV systems will be deployed
- absorb the waste stockpile coming from the
operation of previous PWR generation. - If GEN IV systems appear later
- Mutirecycling of Plutonium and Americium in
third PWR generation (EPR), with the MOX-UE
concept - ADT in a double strata scenario
5French Fleet of Nuclear Power Plants
- Installed capacity in 2002
- 63.3 GWe
- Nuclear Electricity Generation
- Production 415 TWh
- 58 NPP in operation (EDF)
- 34 CP (900 MWe) (20 loaded with 30 MOX)
- 24 P4 (1300 MWe)
- 4 N4 (1450 MWe)
- (source RTE - 2003)
6Transition scenarios between generations
- Generation IV nuclear energy systems for
sustainable long term - Important role of LWRs in the 21st century, that
will be in operation until the end of the 21st
7 Nuclear waste management From 2020-2025
- Reprocessing
- Optimized actinide extraction of UOX and MOX
fuel from PWRs is necessary - Global Actinide Extraction (GANEX) and fuel
fabrication for GENIV systems
8 Nuclear waste management From 2020-2025
- Reprocessing
- Optimized actinide extraction of UOX and MOX
fuel from PWRs is necessary - Global Actinide Extraction (GANEX) and fuel
fabrication for GENIV systems
- Actinide partitioning added to the PUREX cycle
9 Nuclear waste management From 2020-2025
- Reprocessing
- Optimized actinide extraction of UOX and MOX
fuel from PWRs is necessary - Global Actinide Extraction (GANEX) and fuel
fabrication for GENIV systems
- Actinide partitioning added to the PUREX cycle
Goal from 2020 To lighten the minor actinides
content in the vitrified wastes
10Americium and Pu recycling in GEN III system
- Only Americium in PWR reactors
- Cm recycling produces Cf, very considerable
source of neutrons and induces large difficulties
on fuel cycle - (The neutron source is multiplied by a factor
7900 in relation to the MOX case and creates both
criticality and radioprotection difficulties.) - Np was not considered, because its recycling
doesnt give important benefit on radiotoxicity
or heat decay, but it could be add up. - Concept used
- MOX UE (8 Pu, 1 Am, 5 U5) with higher
moderation ratio - Interim storage is necessary for Cm and Np
11 Nuclear waste management From 2020-2025
- Minor actinides management
- Intermediate storage for MA (in case of
partitioning) - Curium storage Example
12Americium and Pu recycling in GEN III system
o 52 of UOX fuel EPR, o 13 of
MOX-UE EPR for Pu recycling, o 35 of
MOX-UE EPR for PuAm recycling.
MA inventory decreasing 40 at the end of 21st
century But no feasible in present MOX fuel
fabrication plant (MELOX) Necessary to adapt the
pin design (He production increasing)
13Double strata scenario with ADT
14Double strata scenario with ADT (contd)
- The assumptions for this transient scenario are
- ADT deployment in 2045 (lifetime in operation 40
years) - Minor Actinides partitioning in 2020
- Pu multirecycling in EPR (lifetime in operation
60 years) - GEN IV deployment in 2080 (when the first EPR
15Double strata scenario with ADT (contd)
In order to manage and absorb the whole MA
production from EPR 10 of fleet power are
produced by ADS (2 ADT treat the production of
3 PWR) This large amount is due to the Pu
recycling in the first strata which produces a
large quantities of MAs
16Transient scenario with GEN IV System deployment
- The assumptions for this transient scenario are
- First global actinide extraction in 2020
- Interim storage for manufacturing
- GEN III PWR are deployed from 2020 to 2035
- GEN IV systems are deployed in two time from 2035
to 2050 and from 2080 to 2095 (to replace GEN III)
17Transient scenario with GEN IV System deployment
GFR allows 5 of MAs content in respect of safety
criteria (Doppler, delay neutrons and He void)
and fuel behavior (He production by alpha
decay) The MAs in interim storage (32 tons) are
absorbed by GFR during their deployment duration
(With an average content of MAs around 3)
- The introduction of innovative PT has been
evaluated by several studies of transient
scenarios until the existing French nuclear fleet
from pseudo equilibrium status with different
systems and concepts deployed during the 21st
century - GEN III systems (EPR) with Pu and/or PuAm
recycling - ADT in double strata approach,
- and in reference GEN IV deployment with full
actinides recycling were analysed - GEN IV systems allow the best capability and
efficiency to reach all the main goals together
(economical competitiveness, flexibility,
sustainability, non proliferation, and MA
management). - In case of the GEN IV systems deployment is
postponed, alternative solutions for MA
management with GEN III reactors or ADT let the
possibility to limit the MA inventory during the
21st century. - Detailed studies on the overall fuel cycle
(fabrication, reactors, actinides storage, spent
fuel treatment, waste conditioning and disposal)
must be continued, coupled with sensibilities
impact of - Various GEN IV systems (GFR, SFR, ..)
- Date of deployment of those systems
- Increase of nuclear energy needs