PHP II Interacting with Database Data - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PHP II Interacting with Database Data


Connecting to MySQL with PHP ... host name of the MySQL server, username and password are the log-in details of ... Using PHP and MySQL by Kevin Yank. 2nd ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: PHP II Interacting with Database Data

PHP IIInteracting with Database Data
  • The whole idea of a database-driven website is to
    enable the content of the site to reside in a
    database, and to allow that data to be accessible
    on the website.
  • Access to data is not limited to viewing it
  • Very frequently, it is desirable that data is
    captured on the website, and transferred (in real
    time) for storage, or for manipulation.
  • Server-side programming languages such as PHP act
    as an intermediary between the client (browser),
    and the database.
  • PHP enables the design of the presentation
    component of a web page to be created in HTML (as
    templates), and then retrieves the content
    dynamically from the database.
  • Data submitted through a web page can also be
    transmitted to the database, for processing.

  • Most relational database systems implement
    Structured Query Language (SQL).
  • PHP is able to communicate query requests to the
    database with the use of SQL.
  • Basics of SQL
  • Relational database systems store data in tables,
    that are conceptually similar to regular
  • There are mechanism for maintaining the integrity
    of the data, such as constraints and database
  • Standard commands exist for creating databases,
    and database objects.
  • There are also commands that are used for
    manipulating data, such as insertion, deletion,
    and update of records.

  • Creating a Database
  • Basic command for creating a database is as
  • create database database_name
  • There are rules for naming databases, and
    database objects (beyond the scope of this
    lecture), but generally the names should begin
    with an alphabetic character, and should not
    contain blank spaces.
  • A new database will be empty until you create
    objects such as tables in it.
  • Creating Tables
  • In creating a database table, the sort of data to
    be stored in the columns must be considered, so
    that the columns can be defined appropriately.

  • Basic command
  • create table tablename(column1 column1s
    datatype, column2 column2s datatype, columnn
    columnns datatype)
  • E.g. create table students(student_id int,
    first_name varchar(20), last_name varchar(30))
  • The datatype for the student_id column was
    defined as integer, implying that it can contain
    integer values, while the other 2 columns were
    defined as varchar (variable length character
  • The value enclosed in parentheses next to
    varchar specifies the maximum length of data
    permitted in the column.
  • Other datatypes commonly used are Date for
    storing date values, and char (for storing fixed
    character length values)

  • Altering Tables
  • Database tables sometimes have to be altered to
    accommodate new records, or because the
    existing columns have become unsuitable to
    support business requirements
  • In altering tables, new columns may be added, or
    existing columns expanded.
  • Basic commands
  • alter table table_name modify column
  • E.g. alter table students modify first_name
  • alter table table_name add new_column
  • E.g. alter table students add DOB date
  • In the first example, an existing column was
    modified, while in the second example, an
    entirely new column was added to the table.

  • Dropping Tables
  • Tables can be dropped (deleted) from the
    database, when they are no longer required.
  • Syntax
  • drop table table_name
  • Be extremely cautious in doing this as it is
  • Inserting Data into a Table
  • Basic command
  • insert into tablename(column1,
    column2,column3,...) values (value1, value2,
  • E.g.
  • insert into students(student_id, first_name,
    last_name) values (19899,Peter,Jackson)
  • Note that values inserted into character or date
    columns need to be enclosed in a string.

  • Retrieving Data from a table
  • Achieved with the select statement.
  • select student_id, first_name, last_name from
  • A short-cut for selecting all the columns in a
    table is to issue the command select from
    table_name e.g. select from students
  • There are times when it might be desirable to
    restrict the query output with certain criteria.
    This is achieved with the use of a where clause
  • E.g. select from students where surname
    Jackson would retrieve only the stipulated
    record from the database.
  • Updating Data
  • This is the process of changing values in the
  • Basic command update tablename set column
    new_value where condition

  • E.g. update students set student_id 234099
    where last_nameJackson
  • It is possible to update more than one column
    with one statement e.g. update students set
    student_id 234099, first_name Paul where
    last_name Jackson
  • Deleting records from the database
  • Basic command
  • delete from table_name where condition e.g.
    delete from students where last_nameJackson
  • Without specifying a criterion in the where
    clause, all the rows of data in the table would
    be deleted

  • Connecting to MySQL with PHP
  • Before you can interact with data held in a
    database, you need to establish a connection with
    the database, as they are separate entities.
  • PHP provides a built-in function for connecting
    to the database called mysql_connect.
  • This function takes the form mysql_connect(address
    , username, password) where address is the IP
    address or host name of the MySQL server,
    username and password are the log-in details of
    the user on the MySQL server.
  • It returns a number value that identifies the
    connection that has been established, and this
    number is usually assigned to a variable.
  • If the connection fails, the function evaluates
    to false.
  • E.g. conn mysql_connect(localhost,
    username, password)
  • The conn variable is subsequently used as an
    argument in other related functions.

  • It is important to programmatically check that a
    connection was established after calling the
    MySQL function, so that the error can be trapped,
    and handled appropriately.
  • E.g.
  • conn mysql_connect(localhost, username,
  • if (!conn)
  • echo(ltPgtUnable to connect to the database at
    this time. Please try later lt/Pgt)
  • exit()
  • Line 2 could also have been written
  • if (conn false)

  • Selecting the database
  • Usually, the database server would contain
    several databases, hence there is a logical need
    to select the required one.
  • The built-in function used to carry out this
    function is mysql_select_db.
  • It takes 2 arguments the name of the database,
    and the number or connection identifier returned
    by the mysql_connect function. The latter is
    defaulted to the value of the last connection
    established if no value is supplied.
  • The function returns true when it is executes
    successfully, and false otherwise.
  • E.g.
  • if (!mysql_select_db(database_name,conn)
  • echo(ltPgtUnable to locate the databaselt/Pgt)
  • //alternative actions to perform if

  • Processing SQL Queries with PHP
  • The built-in function for processing SQL queries
    is mysql_query
  • It accepts 2 parameters (query, connection_id).
  • The query parameter is a string that contains the
    SQL command.
  • E.g.
  • query insert into students (student_id,
    first_name, last_name) values (556283, Peter,
  • if (mysql_query(query))
  • echo(ltPgtNew student successfully added to the
  • else
  • echo(ltPgtUnable to insert record into the

  • PHP also has built-in functions that keep track
    of the number of rows affected by data
    manipulation commands.
  • This function is called mysql_affected_rows( ),
    and it returns the number of rows processed as a
    result of the insert, delete, or update command.
  • E.g.
  • query delete from students where last_name
  • if (mysql_query(query))
  • echo(ltPgt . mysql_affected_rows( ) . students
    share the surname and were deleted lt/Pgt)

  • Handling SELECT Result Sets
  • PHP provides useful built-in functions that
    enable access to record sets retrieved from the
    database, when select statements are issued.
  • When PHP processes a query successfully, the
    mysql_query returns a number that identifies the
    result set, which contains all the rows returned
    from the query. It is therefore necessary to
    declare a variable to store the record set, as
    shown below
  • query select from students
  • result mysql_query(query)
  • If the above query was successful, the result
    variable now contains the query output.
  • Individual rows of the result can now be
    processed by using one of the available built-in
    functions, such as mysql_fetch_array

  • The my_sql_fetch_array function accepts a result
    set as a parameter, and fetches the next row in
    the result set as an array. It eventually returns
    false when there are no more rows to fetch.
  • This makes it quite useful in loops.
  • E.g.
  • query select from students
  • result mysql_query(query)
  • while (row mysql_fetch_array(result))
  • //process the row..........
  • The rows of a result set are represented as
    associative arrays, with the indices
    corresponding to the table columns in the result
    set. If row is a row in the result set, then
    rowstudent_id is the value of the student_id
    for that row.

  • This enables access to individual columns in the
    result set.
  • E.g. to output all the student_ids in our
    students table, we could write code like
  • while ( row mysql_fetch_array(result) )
  • echo(ltpgt. rowstudent_id . lt/pgt
  • Example of displaying all the student_ids in a
    web page
  • lthtmlgt
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegtList of Student Numberslt/titlegt
  • ltbodygt
  • lt?php
  • //connect to the database server
  • conn mysql_connect(localhost, username,

  • if (!conn) // if the connection
  • die(ltpgtUnable to connect to the
    serverlt/pgt) // display error msg
  • //otherwise go ahead and select the database
  • if ( !mysql_select_db(database_name) ) //if
    it cant find the database
  • die( ltpgtUnable to select the
    databaselt/pgt) // display message
  • ?gt
  • ltpgtHere are all the students in our database ltpgt
  • lt?php
  • result mysql_query(select student_id from
  • if (!result ) die(ltpgt Error performing
  • while (row mysql_fetch_array(result) )
  • echo(ltpgt . rowstudent_id . lt/pgt)
  • ?gt
  • lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt

  • Class Assignment
  • Find out how to send emails dynamically, from a
    web page using PHP.
  • Find out how to generate PDF files with PHP.
  • References
  • Deitel, Deitel Nieto Chapter 29
  • Build your Own Database Driven website Using PHP
    and MySQL by Kevin Yank. 2nd Ed. chapters 2, 3, 4
    and 9
  • Some Useful PHP web sites

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