Title: Spending Your Calorie Salary
1(No Transcript)
2Estimates of foodborne illnesses in the U.S.
each year
- 76 million people become ill
- 5,000 people die
3Signs and symptoms
Upset stomach
Dehydration(sometimes severe)
4Dont count on these to test for food safety!
5Key recommendationsfor food safety
- The 2005 USDA Dietary Guidelines give fiveKey
Recommendations for food safety.
Source http//www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dg
6Recommendation 1 CLEAN
- Clean hands, food-contact surfaces, fruits and
Do NOT wash or rinse meat and poultry as this
could spread bacteria to other foods.
7Wash your hands!
Handwashing is the most effective way to stop
the spread of illness.
8How to wash hands
- Wet hands with WARM water.
- Soap and scrub for 20 seconds.
- Rinse under clean, running water.
- Dry completely using a clean cloth or paper towel.
9Clean during food preparation
- Wash cutting boards, knives, utensils and counter
tops in hot soapy water after preparing each food
and before going on to the next.
10Dirty dishcloths spread bacteria
- Wet or damp dishcloths are ideal environments for
bacterial growth. - Have a good supply of dishcloths to avoid reusing
them before laundry day.
There are more germs in the average kitchen than
the bathroom. Spongesand dishcloths are worst
offenders. research by Dr. Charles Gerba
11Recommendation 2 SEPARATE
- Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods
while shopping, preparing or storing foods.
12 Use different cutting boards
- Use one cutting boardfor fresh produce and a
separate one for raw meat, poultry and seafood.
13Recommendation 3 COOK
- Cook foods to a safe temperature to kill
14Chicken and turkey
Cook chicken and turkey (both whole birds and
poultry parts, such as wings, breasts, legs and
thighs, etc.) to 165 degrees F.
15Pork, egg dishes, hamburger ground meats
Cook pork, egg dishes, hamburger and ground meats
to 160 degrees F. Cook ground poultry to 165
degrees F.
Reheat leftovers until a temperature of 165
degrees F is reached throughout the food.
17 Beef, lamb veal steaks
Cook beef, lamb and veal steaks and roasts to
160 degrees F for medium doneness (145 degrees F
for medium rare).
18For more information about using food
thermometers, visit this Web site
19The ONLY way to know food has been cooked to a
safe internal temperature is to use a food
20DIGITAL instant-read
- Reads in 10 seconds
- Place at least ½ inch deep (or asdirected by
manufacturer) - Gives fast reading
- Can measure temperature in thin and thick foods
- Not designed to remain in food while it's cooking
- Check internal temperature of food near the end
of cooking time - Some models can be calibrated check
manufacturer's instructions - Available in "kitchen" stores
Source United States Department of
Agriculture/Food Safety Inspection Service
21DIAL instant-read
- Reads in 15-20 seconds
- Place 2-2½ inches deep in thickest part of food
- Can be used in roasts, casseroles, and soups
- Temperature is averaged along probe, from tip to
2-3 inches up the stem - Cannot measure thin foods unless inserted
sideways - Not designed to remain in food while it is
cooking - Use to check the internal temperature of a food
at the end of cooking time - Some models can be calibrated check
manufacturer's instructions - Readily available in stores
Source United States Department of
Agriculture/Food Safety Inspection Service
22Dial oven-safe
- Reads in 1-2 minutes
- Place 2-2½ inches deep in thickest part of food
- Can be used in roasts, casseroles, and soups
- Not appropriate for thin foods
- Can remain in food while it's cooking
- Heat conduction of metal stem can cause false
high reading - Some models can be calibrated check
manufacturer's instructions
Source United States Department of
Agriculture/Food Safety Inspection Service
23Oven probe with cord
- Can be used in most foods
- Can also be used outside the oven
- Designed to remain in the food while it is
cooking in oven or in covered pot - Base unit sits on stovetop or counter
- Cannot be calibrated
Source United States Department of
Agriculture/Food Safety Inspection Service
24Disposable temperature indicators (Single-use)
- Reads in 5 -10 seconds
- Place approximately ½ inch deep (follow
manufacturer's directions) - Designed to be used only once
- Designed for specific temperature ranges
- Should only be used with food for which they are
intended - Temperature-sensitive material changes color when
the desired temperature is reached
Source United States Department of
Agriculture/Food Safety Inspection Service
25Placing a food thermometer
- Place in the thickest part of food.
- Do NOT touch bone, fat, or gristle.
- Begin checking temperature toward the end of
cooking, but before the food is expected to be
"done." - For irregularly shaped food such as with a beef
roast check the temperature in several places. - Clean thermometer with hot soapy water before and
after each use!
26Using a thermometer in thinner foods
- For thinner foods such as meat patties, pork
chops and chicken breasts, a DIGITAL
instant-read food thermometer should be used if
possible as it doesnt have to be inserted as
far as a DIAL instant-read thermometer. - Disposable temperature indicators are another
For really thin foods, it maybe necessary to
inserta digital thermometer or disposable
temperatureindicator at an angle.
27Recommendation 4 CHILL
- Chill (refrigerate) perishable foods promptly and
defrost foods properly.
28The TWO-hour rule
- Refrigerate perishable foods so TOTAL time at
room temperature is less than TWO hours or only
ONE hour when temperature is above 90 degrees F.
- Perishable foods include
- Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu
- Dairy products
- Pasta, rice, cooked vegetables
- Fresh, peeled/cut fruits and vegetables
- Bacteria multiply rapidly between 40 and 140
degrees F.
30A multiplication quiz
Bacteria numbers can double in 20 minutes!
- How many bacteria will grow from 1 BACTERIA left
at room temperature 7 hours?
31Answer 2,097,152!
Refrigerate perishable foods within TWO hours.
32How to be cool part 1
- Cool food in shallow containers. Limit depth of
food to 2 inches or less. - Place very hot foods on a rack at room
temperature for about 20 minutes before
33How to be cool part 2
- Its OK to refrigerate foods while theyre
still warm. - Leave container cover slightly cracked until the
food has cooled.
34(can you guess?)
- How long would it take an 8-inch stock pot of
steaming chicken soup to cool to a safe
temperature in your refrigerator?
35Would you believe 24 hours!
- Remember Transfer hot foods to shallow
containers to speed cooling.
36Recommended refrigerator freezer temperatures
- Set refrigerator at 40 degrees F or below.
- Set freezer at0 degrees F.
37Place an appliance thermometer in your
refrigerator, freezer, and milk cooler!
- Plan ahead to defrost foods.
- The best way to thaw perishable foods is in the
39When to leave your leftovers
- Refrigerated leftovers may become unsafe within 3
to 4 days. - If in doubt, toss it out!
40Recommendation 5 AVOID...
- Raw (unpasteurized) milk or milk products
- Raw or partially cooked eggs and foods containing
raw eggs - Raw and undercooked meat and poultry
- Unpasteurized juices
- Raw sprouts
Most at risk are infants, young
children,pregnant women, older adults and
41Food safety recommendationsfor food groups
- The 2005 MyPyramid gives specific food safety
recommendations for each food group.
42Cleaning fruits vegetables
- Remove and discard outer leaves.
- Rinse under clean, running water just before
preparing or eating. - Rub briskly scrubbing with a clean brush or
hands to remove dirt and surface
microorganisms. - Dont use soap or detergent.
43Wash this produce, too!
- Bacteria on the outside of fruits can be
transferred to the inside when the fruit is
peeled or cut. - Wash fruits such as cantaloupe and other
melons under running water.
44Handling fruits vegetables
- Cover and refrigerate cut/peeled fruits and
vegetables. - TOSS cut/peeled fresh produce if left at room
temperature longer than TWO hours.
45Separate fruits vegetables from other foods
- Keep fruits and vegetables separate from raw
meat, poultry and seafood while shopping,
preparingor storing them.
46Read labels
- Read labels on bagged produce to determine if it
is ready-to-eat. - Ready-to-eat, prewashed, bagged produce can be
used without further washing if kept
refrigerated and used by the use-by date.
47Dairy dos and donts
- Refrigerate dairy foods promptly. Discard dairy
foods left at room temperature for more than two
hours even if they look and smell good.
48Avoid washing raw meat poultry
- Do NOT wash raw meat and poultry. Washing is not
necessary. - Washing increases the danger of
cross-contamination, spreading bacteria present
on the surface of meat and poultry to
ready-to-eat foods, kitchen utensils, and counter
49Refrigerator storage
- Store raw meat, poultry and seafood on the bottom
shelf of the refrigerator so juices dont drip
onto other foods.
50Cook to safe temperatures
- Avoid raw or partially cooked eggs or foods
containing raw eggs and raw/undercooked meat and
Scrambled, poached, fried and hard-cooked eggs
are safe when cooked so both yolks and whites are
firm, not runny.
51Signs of safely cooked fish
- Fin fish Slip point of sharp knife into flesh
pull aside. Edges should be opaque, the center
slightly translucent with flakes beginning to
separate. Let stand 3 to 4 minutes to finish
cooking. - Shrimp, lobsters crab Turn red and flesh
becomes pearly opaque. - Scallops Turn milky white or opaque and firm.
- Clams, mussels oysters Watch for their shells
opening to know theyre done. Toss those that
stay closed. - The US Food Drug Administration recommends
cooking most seafood to an internal temperature
of 145 degrees F for 15 seconds.
Source United States Food Drug
52Reauthorization Act of 2004
- HACCP Plan for the district and each school
- Implemented by July 1, 2005
53HACCP Stands for
- Hazard
- Analysis
- and
- Critical
- Control
- Point
54HACCP is
- Preventive, not reactive
- A management tool used to protect the food supply
against biological, chemical and physical hazards
55HACCP Basic Flow Diagram Example
Food Delivered
Storing Food
Cooking Food
Storing Food in Warmer
Serving Food
Storage of Leftovers
56HACCP Basic Concepts
- Sanitation
- Temperature control/monitoring/recording
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Implemented followed
57HACCP Essentials
- Management commitment
- HACCP training
58Most Important in HACCP
- This slide set is based on information provided
by - United States Department of Agriculture
- United States Department of Health Human
Services - For more information, visit
- http//www.mypyramid.gov
- http//www.fsis.usda.gov
- http//www.healthierus.gov/dietaryguidelines