- because people are no
- single-method learners !
- What is blended learning?
- Blended learning theories
- Blended learning design/ingredients
- Blended learning models
- How to build an effective blend
- ALN principles for blended environments
- 7. Blended works heres proof
3What is blended learning?
- a solution that combines several different
delivery methods, such as collaboration software,
Web-based courses, EPSS and knowledge management
practices. - learning that mixes various event-based
activities, including face-to-face classrooms,
live e-learning and self-paced learning.
4What is blended learning?
- ? a planned combination of approaches
- Coaching by a supervisor
- Participation in an online class
- Breakfast with colleagues
- Competency descriptions
- Reading on the beach
- Reference to a manual
- Collegial relationships
- Participation in seminars, workshops, online
5What is blended learning?
- Blends are characterized by
- customization
- integration
- purpose
- flexibility
- redundancy
6Blended learning theories
- Learning theories arent like religion. You
dont have to pick Catholic or Baptist or Muslim,
and shun the others. The goal is to have the
right theory for the right situation. - Allison Rossett
7Blended learning theories
- The situation is dependant upon
- the people you serve
- the nature of the skills they must master
- the context in which they are to perform
- ? situational instructional design model
A blend of learning theories
9Blended learning design
- 5 key ingredients for blended learning
- 1 Live events
- 2 Self-paced learning
- 3 Collaboration
- 4 Assessment
- 5 Performance support materials
10Ingredients for blended learning
? formal and informal, technology- and
people-based, independent and convivial,
directive and discovery-oriented
Performance support materials
Self-paced learning
Live Event
Self-paced learning
Live events
11Ingredient 1 Live events
- live, synchronous events are main ingredient of
blended learning - nothing can replace the ability to tap the
expertise of a live instructor - J. Keller ARCS-Model of Motivation
- ? gaining and (!) keeping the learners
attention - begin class by telling a joke
- or by polling the learners with a
thought-provoking question - engaged online-learners, who are prepared for
- ? learners only stay focused when they believe
the training is relevant to their specific
situation - use examples or analogies familiar to the
audience - show how course information can be used to
solve real problems
- ? learners must have confidence in their skills
and abilities in order to remain motivated - make classroom expectations clear
- give learners ample time to practice their new
skills - experience of success and confidence
- ? learners must be satisfied with the results of
their learning experiences in order to remain
motivated - provide learners with opportunities to use new
16Ingredient 2 Self-paced learning
- self-paced, asynchronous learning events add
significant value to the blended learning
equation - must be based on effective implementation of
traditional and modern instructional design
principles -
- Multimedia and Modern Design Theory
17Ruth Clark (2002)
- The Multimedia Principle
- ? adding graphics to text can improve learning
- The Contiguity Principle
- ? placing text near graphics improves learning
- The Modality Principle
- ? explaining graphics with audio improves
18Ingredient 3 Collaboration
- humans are social beings ? the power of learning
is augmented when opportunities for meaningful
collaboration exist - 2 types of collaboration produce effective
results - peer-to-peer peer-to-mentor
19Ingredient 4 Assessment
- enables learners to test out of content they
already know, fine-tuning their own blended
learning experience - measures the effectiveness of all other learning
modalities and events - 6 Levels of Cognitive Learning
- (B. Bloom, 1956)
206 Levels of Assessment
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
- ? higher level assessment
21Ingredient 5 Performance support materials
- most important ingredient
- ? promotes learning retention and transfer to
the work environment - several flavors
- printable references
- job aids
- PDA downloads
22Blended learning models
- NIIT categorizes blended learning into
- three models
- Skill-driven learning
- Attitude-driven learning
- Competency-driven learning
23Skill-driven learning model
- combines self-paced learning with instructor or
facilitator support to develop specific knowledge
and skills - requires regular feedback and support from the
trainer, facilitator or peer
24Skill-driven learning model
- Blended learning thats skill-driven mixes
interaction with a facilitator through e-mail,
discussion forums and face-to-face meetings with
self-paced learning, such as Web-based courses
and books. - ? analogous to a chemical reaction
25Skill-driven learning model
- Survey by the Masie Center (2000)
- 88 of learners and 91 of managers recommend
that the trainer should be an active part of the
online training program. They placed a high value
on having the trainer monitor progress and
contact the learner, evaluate online
project-work, build and facilitate an
online-community and be available via email or
threaded discussion to respond to content
26Skill-driven learning model
- Combining self-paced learning with facilitator
support - keeps the learner from feeling isolated
- ? assists in the successful completion of the
self-paced modules - ? works best when people are learning content at
the knowledge or application levels
27Skill-driven learning model
- Techniques to incorporate skill-driven learning
include - creating a tightly scheduled group learning plan
- using instructor-led overview and closing
sessions - using synchronous learning labs
- providing support to learners trough email
28Skill-driven blended learning plan
29Attitude-driven model
- blends traditional classroom-based learning with
online collaborative learning events - mixes various events and delivery media to
develop specific behavior - at times, the nature of the content, as well as
the desired outcome (developing attitudes and
behavior) necessitates the inclusion of
collaborative learning
30Attitude-driven model
- content that deals with developing new attitudes
and behaviors requires peer-to-peer interaction
and a risk-free environment - For example soft skill courses
- Role playing
31Attitude-driven blended learning plan
32Competency-driven model
- blends performance support tools with knowledge
management resources and mentoring to develop
workplace competencies - to capture and transfer tacit knowledge,
learners must interact with and observe experts
on the job - ? for learning that facilitates the transfer of
tacit knowledge
33Competency-driven blended learning plan
34How to build an effective blend
- Consider
- stability urgency
- touches costs
- learning resources experience
Simulations Scenarios Workshops Web learning
modules Video Audio CD/DVDs
Workbooks Role modeling Collegial
connections Live e-learning Documentation
Online resource links On-the-job training Online
bulletin boards Print job aids Email
Online communities Live e-learning Mentoring E-men
Long development
Short development
On-the-job training Coaching Online
communities Email Role modeling
Mentoring Instructor-led classroom Workshops Live
Simulations Web learning modules Scenarios
Performance support tools Online help systems
Workbooks Online knowledge databases Video
Audio CD/DVDs Online resource links
Coaching Mentoring Listservs Online
communities Email Work teams
Print job aids Online help systems Online
resource links Online self-assessments
Workbooks Documentation Scenarios Video Audio
CD/DVDs Web learning modules
Live e-learning Live simulations On-the-job
training Workshops
38How to build an effective blend
- Deliver assets and guidance
- Work cross-functionally
- Encourage independence conviviality
- Focus on flexible options for employees
customers - Put people in the middle of the blend
- Communicate, communicate, communicate
- Embrace redundancy
- Take on key initiatives and measure results
3912 ALN Principles for blended environments
- Begin with a shared vision of how technology can
improve teaching and learning. - Develop efficiences in cost and scalability.
- Identify ways to meet the needs of individual
learners. - Provide continuous support for role adjustment.
40- 5) Provide active institutional support and
recognition for faculty. - 6) Ensure learning design appropriately
integrates face-to-face and online components. - 7) Promote metacognitive reflection on the
process of learning. - 8) Provide timely feedback and clear expectations
for response time.
41- 9) Integrate student services.
- 10) Plan early for course development.
- 11) Provide continuous training support.
- 12) Choose appropriate technology.
42What are the advantages of blended learning?
- greater access to a range of appropriate,
personalized and individualized learning,
teaching and resources - greater accommodation for learners and teachers
of diverse ages, styles, expertise, nationalities
and cultures, who can connect from multiple
settings such as homes, workplaces, libraries,
43What are the advantages of blended learning?
- greater flexibility and cost effectiveness in
terms of mission, scalability, breadth, time,
value and infrastructure - greater student and faculty satisfaction
44Blended works heres proof
- Dean et al. (2001)
- study about the effectiveness of combined
delivery modalities for distance learning and
resident learning - ? providing several linked options for learners,
in addition to classroom training, increased what
they learned
45Blended works heres proof
- DeLacey Leonard (2002)
- technology and distance in education at the
Harvard Business School - ? students not only learned more when online
sessions were added to traditional courses their
interaction and satisfaction improved as well
46Blended works heres proof
- Thomson NETg (2003)
- ? speedier performance on real world tasks by
people who learned through a blended strategy
faster than those studying through e-learning
47Blended works heres proof
- Thomson Job Impact Study (1999)
- ? focused on teaching elements of Microsoft
Excel to three different groups of people - group 1 blended approach
- group 2 e-learning approach
- group 3 control group/no training
48- Group 1
- 5 Excel scenario-based exercises that provided a
realistic business situation that could be
applied to real-world tasks - arranged in ascending order of difficulty
- access to supporting materials (NETg Excel
Fundamentals Learning Objects, online mentors,
FAQs, relevant Web sites)
49- Group 2
- completed standard NETg E-learning Excel
Fundamentals course - no scenarios, but the same Excel learning
objectives - option of consulting with an online mentor, FAQs,
book links, pertinent Web sites
50- Results
- ? Group 1 showed a 30 increase in accuracy of
performance over Group 2 - ? 159 more accuracy than the untrained Control
group (Group 2 99) - ? Group 1 completed real-world tasks 41 faster
than the e-learning group (SBEs enhanced the
learners understanding of procedural knowledge)
51- Results
- ? having access to mentors within the online
instruction was essential to the success of both
groups, but particularly to the SBE participants
52Blended works heres proof
- Rovai Jordan (2004)
- Blended learning and sense of community A
comparative analysis with traditional and fully
online graduate courses -
- 68 graduate students 3 groups
53- Group 1/traditional course
- 3 hours face-to-face time/week
- textbook study assignments
- lecture with class-wide discussions
- some collaborative group work
- individual work
54- Group 2/blended course
- 14 face-to-face hours/semester
- group simulations
- project presentations
- guest speakers
- interactive videos
- discussions
- BlackboardSM e-learning system
- asynchronous dialogues
55- Group 3/fully online course
- BlackboardSM e-learning system
- textbook study assignments
- collaborative online discussion topics
- authentic assessment tasks
56- Instrumentation
- CCS Classroom Community Scale
- 20 self-report items/ 2 scales
- Connectedness
- (cohesion, community spirit, trust,
interdependence) - Learning
- (sharing educational goals, experiencing
educational benefits by interacting with others) -
- 5-point-Likert-scale
57- Results
- ? blended courses produce a stronger sense of
community among students than either traditional
or fully online courses -
58Blended works heres proof
- Benbunan-Fich Hiltz (1999)
- Impacts of asynchronous learning networks on
individual and group problem solving A field
experiment - 140 students 4 groups
- ? Task Solving an ethical case scenario
- 2x2 factorial design
- with/without ALN x alone/group
59- Individual/manual condition
- solved case individually, in an in-class
exercise - Individual/online condition
- submitted their individual responses in a
computer conference - Group/manual condition
- team members solved case by interacting in a
face-to-face session - Group/online condition
- team members interacted asynchronously for a
week using computer conference as the only means
of communication to discuss and solve the case
60 61- Results
- ? ALN enhances the quantity and quality of the
solutions to an ethical case scenario - ? combination of teamwork with ALN-support
increases the students perceptions of learning - ? seems that ALN is equally suited for
collaborative learning activities as traditional
synchronous methods
62Thanks for your attention!
Barbian, J. (2002). Blended works Heres proof.
Online Learning Magazine. Available
Benbunan-Fich, R. Hiltz, S.R. (1999). Impacts
of asynchronous learning networks on individual
and group problem solving A field experiment.
Group Decision and Negotiation, 8,
409-426. Carman, J.M. (2002). Blended learning
design Five key ingredients. Available
64DeLacey, B.J. Leonard, D.A. (2002). Case study
on technology and distance in education at the
Harvard Business School. Educational Technology
and Society, 5, 13-28. Julian, E.H. Boone, C.
(2001). Blended learning solutions Improving the
way companies manage intellectual capital. An IDC
White Paper. Available http//suned.sun.com/US/im
ages/final_IDC_SES_6_22_01.pdf Lefoe, G., Gunn,
C. Hedberg, J. (2002). Recommendations for
teaching in a distributed learning environment
The students perspective. Australian Journal of
Educational Technology, 18, 40-56. Available
Moore, J.C. (2004). ALN Principles for blended
environments A collaboration. Available
65Rossett, A., Douglis, F. Frazee, R.V. (2003).
Strategies for building blended learning.
Learning Circuits, ASTD online magazine.
Available http//www.learningcircuits.org/2003/ju
l2003/rossett.htm Rovai, A.P. Jordan, H.M.
(2004). Blended learning and sense of community
A comparative analysis with traditional and fully
online graduate courses. International Review of
Research in Open and Distance Learning. Valiathan
, P. (2002). Blended learning models. Learning
Circuits. Available http//www.learningcircuits.o