New provisions concerning the coordination of social security schemes Reg' 8832004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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New provisions concerning the coordination of social security schemes Reg' 8832004


... frequent changes! Maastricht: Art. 51 Art. 235 (self employed) ... European Health Insurance Card (already since 1.6.2004) More rights for frontier workers ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: New provisions concerning the coordination of social security schemes Reg' 8832004

New provisions concerning the co-ordination of
social security schemesReg. 883/2004
Competences under the Treaty
  • No harmonisation
  • National competence to define and build social
    policy schemes remains unchanged, except
  • Ban on discrimination
  • Equal treatment of women and men
  • Free movement of persons, goods and services
  • Competition and State aid rules
  • Public procurement
  • Only co-ordination?

What is Co-ordination?
  • Equal treatment
  • Export of benefits
  • Aggregation of periods
  • Legal base in the Treaty frequent changes!
  • Maastricht Art. 51 Art. 235 (self employed)
  • Amsterdam Art. 42 Art. 18 (Union citizens)
    Art. 308 (self employed)
  • Nizza Art. 42 Art. 308 (Union citizens self
    employed) Art. 63 Abs. 4 (third country
  • European Constitution Art. III-136 Art.
    III-267 (third country nationals)

  • Reg. 1408/71 already aged !
  • Ø does not cover new risks (long term care,
    child care)
  • Ø centred around gainful activities
  • Ø Parallelism Reg. 1408/71 ECJ Reg.
    1408/71 Reg. 1612/68
  • Start European Council of Edinburgh (1992)
  • SLIM - Simpler Legislation for the Single Market

Start of the work
  • Proposal of the Commission December 1998
  • Revolutionary changes
  • Ø open material and personal scope 
  • Ø far reaching equalisation of facts 
  • Ø pro-rata-reimbursement for pensioners 
  • Ø 6 Months export of unemployment benefits 
  • Ø Unemployment benefits for frontier workers by
    the last state of employment 
  • Ø Always highest amount of family benefits

How far did we get?
  • When will the new Reg. 883/2004 enter into
  • on the 20th day after its publication
  • When will 883/2004 apply?
  • From the entry into force of the new
    Implementing Reg.
  • possible impediments on the way to new Reg.
  • Elaboration of the new Implementing Reg.
  • 10 new Member States 
  • Ø Missing Annex X (special non contributory
  • Ø Missing Annex XI (special provisions)

Personal scope of Reg. 1408/71
  • Employed and self-employed persons, students, if
    they are nationals of a Member State, refugees or
  • Members of the family irrespective of their
  • Employed and self-employed have to be covered by
    a national scheme of social security

Personal scope of Reg. 883/2004
  • All persons covered by a scheme
  • Nearly no influence on social insurance schemes
  • Third country nationals remain excluded
  • legal base!!
  • Reg. 859/2003 remains applicable -gt therefore
  • For third country nationals Reg. 1408/71 remains
    in force in its present form

Third country nationals Reg. 859/2003
  • Already applicable Reg. 1408/71 applies
  • Problems
  • Third country nationals legally residing in the
    territory of a Member State
  • cross border elements
  • Does not apply in relation to DK, special
    provisions concerning family benefits granted by
    AT DE

Schemes beyond employment
  • All persons subject to the legislation all
    persons covered
  • All schemes covering the risks
  • Invalidity / sickness / death
  • Exemption of victims of war still valid
  • Possible impacts - Annex XI?
  • Damages caused by officials or military actions
  • Schemes for victims of crime
  • Insurance burden provisions

Material scopeReg. 1408/71
  • Legislation concerning
  • Benefits in case of sickness and maternity
  • Benefits in case of old age, invalidity or to
  • Benefits in case of accidents at work and
    occupational diseases
  • Death grants
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Family benefits

Material scope Reg. 883/2004
  • Not very much innovation
  • New 
  • Paternity benefits equivalent to maternity
  • Pre-retirement benefits
  • Explicit exemption of advances of maintenance
  • Inclusion of all special schemes for the Liberal
  •  No solution 
  • Special provision for long term care benefits
  • Special provision for child care benefits
  • Freedom to provide services (patient mobility)

Pre-retirement benefits
  • What exactly is meant?
  • Old age part-time? Not clear because in many
    Member States benefits to the employer, not to
    the employee
  • Cases Kutz-Bauer und Steinicke Working
    conditions under Dir. 76/207
  • Therefore not at the same time social security?
  • In any way - No aggregation!

Advances of maintenance payments
  • Cases Offermanns und Humer AT
    Unterhaltsvorschuss covered by Reg. 1408/71
  • Problems in case of residence of the child
    outside the competent state
  • Big success Advances to maintenance payments
    excluded from Reg. 883/2004 (Annex I)
  • Therefore no export but equal treatment (Art. 12
    EC - Cases Cowan, Martinez Sala)

Long term care benefits
  • Cases Molenaar und Rs Jauch sickness benefits
  • No special provision
  • Nevertheless hope?
  • Art. 34 to avoid overlapping deducting the
    benefit in kind from the benefit in cash
  • Annex X special non contributory benefits
    case Hosse pressure to elaborate a special
    chapter on co-ordination for such benefits

Long term care benefits - possible ways of
  • Export of cash benefits only through the
    institution of the place of residence
  • This institution has the obligation to inform the
    persons concerned
  • This institutions deducts the amount of the
    benefit in kind
  • Corresponding deduction of reimbursement (special
    provision in case of lump sums)
  • Important Overpayments have to be avoided

Child care benefits
  • No special provision
  • Co-ordination problematic (e.g. child care in DE,
    mother frontier worker from AT still in
  • Family-view (like all other family benefits)
  • Individualised-view
  • ECJ Family view correct - case Dodl and

Special non contributory benefits
  • New Definition (Art. 70)
  • In case of supplementary, substitute or ancillary
    coverage minimum income
  • In case of benefits solely for the protection for
    the disabled link to the social environment
  • Non contributory no financing by contributions
    no problem for supplementary benefits to
    contributory benefits

Equal treatment of facts
  • New provision (Art. 5)
  • (lit. a) equal treatment of benefits and income
    corresponds to Art. 12 (2) of Reg. 1408/71
  • (lit. b) general equalisation
  • where under the legislation of the competent
    Member State legal effects are attributed to the
    occurrence of certain facts or events, that
    Member State shall take account of like facts or
    events occurring in any Member State as though
    they had taken place in its own territory.

Equal treatment of facts Consequences
  • Danger e.g. creation of periods of insurance
  • Therefore no impact on aggregation (Rec. 10) or
    on competences (Rec. 11)
  • Important one provision for all Member States
  • ECJ up until now always in that direction
  • Legal simplification

Equal treatment of factsLimits
  • Example
  • Child care periods in pension insurance
  • Child care whenever in any Member State?
  • Important Connection with competence (always
    state of residence?)
  • Is correction of case Kauer possible?
  • There are only very few possibilities for
  • Important Annex XI

  • Central uniform provision (Art. 6)
  • In case of voluntary insurance no restriction to
    persons who have been already gainfully active in
    that Member State
  • Via equalisation of facts equivalent periods
    could be created by foreign periods of insurance
  • Impact e.g. on periods of military or civilian
  • School or university studies if equivalent
    periods under national legislation

Applicable legislation Reg. 1408/71
  • Insurance only in one Member State allowed
    various designations of competent State
  • place of gainful activity
  • posting for a maximum of 12 months
  • prolongation for further 12 months
  • normally exercise of an activity in more than
    one Member State -gt State of residence
  • problems in case of termination of the activity
  • agreement on exceptions

Applicable legislation Reg. 883/2004
  • Most important changes
  • Legislation of the previous state of activity in
    case of receipt of short term benefits in cash
  • For all non active persons the legislation of the
    state of residence applies
  • 24 months of posting (no E 102 any more)
  • Normally exercise of an activity in more than one
    Member State legislation of State where a
    substantial part of activity is exercised

Applicable legislation - Problems
  • Unsolved problems
  • Retroactive corrections to achieve lawful status
  • Impact of labour law and workers protection on
    social security
  • Obligation of employer without any representation
    in the state of exercise of the activity to
    information and to pay the contributions

Sickness benefitsReg. 1408/71
  • Benefits in kind under the legislation of the
    state of residence or stay
  • No special provisions for entitlement under the
    freedom to provide services
  • Benefits in cash under the legislation of the
    competent state

Sickness benefitsReg. 883/2004
  • Important amendments (including those brought by
    Reg. 631/2004 to Reg. 1408/71)
  • Equalisation of entitlements for all persons
    (already since 1.6.2004)
  • European Health Insurance Card (already since
  • More rights for frontier workers
  • New cost reimbursement provisions
  • But again no codification of rights under the
    freedom to provide services

Equalisation of entitlements
  • No difference between employed or self-employed
    persons / pensioners / stay abroad of employed
    persons / students / holidays (since 1.6.2004)
  • Entitlement depends on nature of the benefit and
    the expected length of the stay
  • Direct contact to the service providers (doctors,
    hospitals) abroad (since 1.7.2004)
  • E 112 authorisation has to be granted if
    treatment cannot be given within a time-limit
    which is medically justifiable (Reg. 883/2004)

European Health Insurance Card
  • New since 1.6.2004 EHIC or replacement form
  • States with transition period (AT, IT, LV, LT,
    MT, NL. PL, PT, SK, HU, UK, CY) introduction at
    the latest an 1.1.2006
  • In many Member States combination with national
  • Since 1.6.2004 in any case new E 111 after end
    of transition period for a Member State
    Replacement form

More rights to frontier workers
  • Family members (like active frontier workers)
    automatic choice between benefits in state of
    residence or employment if no restriction in
    Annex III
  • Retired frontier workers right to continue
    treatments already begun in state of employment
  • Retired frontier workers continued right of
    choice if frontier worker during 2 years of the
    last 5 years and entry in Annex V
  • More rights also for pensioners who receive
    treatment in the competent state entry in Annex

  • Fight against inequalities especially in case of
  • Principle real cost refund
  • Lump-sum of 85 , state of residence costs of E
    112, competent state pays all other benefits
  • Lump-sum of 80 , if competent state pays all
    benefits in its territory (Annex IV), E 112 costs
    by state of residence, competent state pays all
    other costs of treatment outside the state of

PensionsReg. 1408/71
  • Important principles
  • Aggregation for entitlement
  • If aggregation is necessary calculation of
    theoretical amount for all periods and then
  • If aggregation is not necessary national or
    pro-rata-pension (highest amount)
  • Insurance periods lt 12 months other state has
    to pay
  • Equalisation of requests

Accidents at work and occupational diseases -
Reg. 1408/71
  • Benefits in kind (e.g. treatment after an
    accident) same principles as in case of
  • Accident pensions are paid by the state where the
    accident occurred or in which the last period of
    exposition is reckoned
  • Internal pro-rata of costs in case of special
    lung diseases (sclerogenic pneumoconiosis)

Pensions and accidents at work or occupational
diseases - Reg. 883/2004
  • No major amendments
  • Accident insurance No pro-rata in case of
    sclerogenic pneumoconiosis
  • Pensions Equalisation of requests still open if
    information is missing
  • Pensions Anti-Cumulation partition of
    deductible amount and not any longer of the
    amount of the benefit which will be suspended
  • Pensions Problems with national reforms (funded

Unemployment benefitsReg. 1408/71
  • Exportation max. 3 months receipt of benefits
    in previous state of employment for 4 weeks,
    return, otherwise loss of entitlement
  • Frontier worker unemployment benefit under
    legislation of state of residence
  • Seasonal workers either stay in state of
    employment, export of unemployment benefit for 3
    months or immediately unemployment benefit from
    state of residence

Unemployment benefitsReg. 883/2004
  • Exportation same conditions, but 3 3 months
  • Frontier workers unemployment benefit from state
    of residence but search of employment also in
    previous state of employment
  • Seasonal workers and frontier workers
    reimbursement of unemployment benefit by previous
    state of employment 3 months 2 months (if
    insurance 12 months during last 24 months)

Family benefits - Reg. 1408/71
  • Difference between active persons (all family
    benefits) and pensioners (only family allowances)
  • Priority of gainful activity over residence
  • Differential amount by state which has not the

Family benefits - Reg. 883/2004
  • Clear new provision, identical for all persons
    for all benefits residence is not relevant
  • Clear hierarchy of competences
  • Gainful active persons
  • Pensioners
  • Entitlement only due to residence
  • In case of entitlements of the same type -
  • Suspended competence differential amount

Different other amendments by Reg. 883/2004
  • Also in other fields essential amendments
  • Replacement of data exchange by electronic
  • Collection of contributions and recovery of undue
    benefits directly applicable

First assessment
  • Has the simplification been successful?
  • XI in stead of VIII Annexes!
  • Various possibilities for options in sickness
  • Complex provisions in the field of unemployment
  • No solutions for new social risks, unresolved
  • Decisions of ECJ not all transformed
  • Central provision on equalisation of facts
  • Central provision on aggregation
  • Provisions and Annexes simplified
  • Start for special co-ordination of long term
    care benefits

Farewell to Reg. 1408/71?
  • No! Complex parallelism of Reg. 1408/71 and Reg.
  • Reg. 1408/71 remains applicable for
  • Reg. 859/2003 concerning third country
  • EEA-Agreement
  • Agreement on free movement in relation to CH
  • Reg. 1661/85 concerning Greenland
  • No farewell to Reg. 1408/71 but farewell to
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