Title: Migration Statistics John Salt
1Migration Statistics John Salt
- Migration Research Unit, Department of Geography,
- University College London, UK.
- Labour Market Statistics
- User Group Meeting
- Royal Statistical Society
- 23rd January, 2009.
2- Data on international migration are generally
considered scarce and inadequate for measurement
purposes (IUSSP, 1987). - An urgent need for international migration
statistics coincides with an unsatisfactory
degree of availability, reliability and
comparability of data on international migration
flows (THESIM, 2006).
3Foreign Nationals, 1994 - 2008, thousands
Source LFS
4LFS COB and Citizenship 2008 (000)
5Working population 1997 and 2008, thousands
6Foreign nationals living and working in UK, by
SEC, 2004 2008.
7Living and Working in UK, by SEC, 2008
Source LFS
8Foreign nationals living and working in UK, by
Region of Residence, per cent, 1994 - 2007
9Total Inflow 2007 (000)
- LFS 367
- IPS 527
- TIM 577
- 1 year to Q2 2007
- Calendar year 2007
10International Migration, 1981-2007 Net Flows By
11IPS 2006 Contacts and gross flows
12Work permit applications approved by type,
Source WP UK/BIA
13ICT work permits by sector, 2007
14Worker Registration Scheme, Work Permits and
First Permissions by occupational group, 2007
15Overseas Nationals entering the UK and allocated
a National Insurance Number NINo, 2002/03 and
2007/08, thousands
16Foreign labour inflows by route of entry, 2007