Islam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Islam has a story of Adam and Eve. ... The ideal of Islam is that religion and state are not separated. ... no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his rasul ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Islam

  • Wendy Kaltenbach, Matt Zelasko, Amanda Matson,
    Thomas Stockard, Christine Brutvan

The Absolute
  • Firm monotheism
  • Shahada -there is no god but God
  • absolute singleness of God
  • Iblis - personification of evil
  • other beings - jinn, angels

The Absolute (continued)
  • Allah
  • great and merciful
  • 99 names
  • beyond human comprehension
  • revealed through prophet Muhammad
  • requires a final judgement
  • communicates through the Quran, prophets,
  • sovereignty over human life
  • how much?

How Muslims view the world
  • think God created a good world
  • having been created, it is not eternal
  • it was made by God, but it is not God
  • it is sustained by the will of God

How Muslims view the world
  • the world is a wonderful place
  • preview of conditions that can be found in the
    next life
  • made for humans to enjoy
  • proper for Muslims to reflect in their fine arts
    the beauties of Gods creation

Expansion of Islam in the World
  • Islam emerged from Arabia
  • spread through the Middle East, North Africa,
    North Africa, Europe, and Asia
  • spread of Islam is one of the most rapid
    expansions of any religion in the history of the

Islam in the 21st Century
  • Islam is the religion of nearly 20 of people
  • Islam in the United States
  • Two Major Groups
  • Immigrants who voluntarily came from Syria,
    Lebanon, Pakistan, Iran, etc
  • African Americans who sought a religion better
    suited for their experience instead of the
    Christianity of most whites
  • approximately 600 mosques and Islamic centers in
    the United States

  • Islam has a story of Adam and Eve.
  • humans are above all other creatures in the order
    of nature, they have the moral responsibility to
    live according to the commandments of God.
  • humans are to live at peace with each other,
    recognizing that all humans of any race or
    location are called to submit to God
  • all who submit to God are brothers and sisters
    and part of one community.

Problem for Humans
  • Sin
  • the refusal to submit to the will of God

Solution for Humans
  • one can be saved when they acknowledge that there
    is no other god but God
  • Muhammad is His prophet.
  • recite the Shahada without reservation
  • live according to the Quran
  • offering prayers five times a day
  • giving alms to the poor
  • keeping the fast of Ramadan
  • making pilgrimage to Mecca

Terms of Islam
  • Caliph a successor of the prophet Muhammad. The
    first caliph was Abu Bakr. The ideal of Islam is
    that religion and state are not separated.
  • Shia members of the party of Ali, who
    believed that he should have been the next leader
    after Uthman.
  • Sunni the traditional, majority, Muslims who
    accepted Mu awiyah as the next leader after

More Terms
  • Ummah the Muslim community
  • Sharia the duties that God has placed on the
    Muslim community
  • Tawhid the Muslim doctrine of the unity of God
  • can be interpreted as the law

Tenets of Islam
  • Five Pillars of Islam requirements made of all
  • Shahada there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad
    is his rasul (messenger)
  • Salat five periods of prayer each day
  • Zakat must pay an obligatory tax to the needy
  • Sawm must fast during the daylight hours in the
    month of Ramadan
  • Hajj if they are able, they should make a
    pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime

  • at a bare minimum, every Muslim is required to
    participate in prescribed prayer five times a day
  • dawn, noon, mid-afternoon , nightfall, and
  • although these prayers can be said alone or with
    groups, there seems to be special benefit in
    reciting them in groups.
  • noon on Friday is the time of community prayer in
    the Mosque

Prayer (continued)
  • Raka each complete cycle of ritual movements
    that is part of Muslim prayer.
  • during prayer Muslims stand, bow, kneel, and
    touch their foreheads on the ground
  • Muezzin one who calls Muslims to prayer.
  • Muhammad preferred the human voice to the
    Christian use of bells.

Major Features
  • personal ethics of Islam require that believers
    avoid certain things
  • gambling, drinking alcohol, lying, and stealing
  • for religious reasons, believers must not eat
  • the Quran teaches against being an aggressor
    however, when an injustice has been done,
    fighting to avenge it is required.

  • although marriage is usually between one husband
    and only one wife, Islam permits up to four wives
    for a man who can support them adequately and
    treat them equally
  • divorced men and women may remarry, either each
    other or other partners

Major Figures
  • Muhammad - the messenger of God
  • 7th century Arabia
  • unified the tribes of Arabia into one people,
  • Gods revelation to him affirmed tradition of
    Abraham and Ishmael as builders of the Kabah in
  • in the line of prophets of Isreal
  • recitations, inspired by God, written down in the

Major Figures (continued)
  • Ayatolla Ruhollah Khomeini
  • Timothy Drew
  • Elijah (Poole) Muhammad
  • Malcolm X

Rites and Ceremonies
  • Chiefly consist of those relating to pregnancy,
    birth, naming, sacrifice, initiation, betrothal,
    marriage, and death.
  • Pregnancy
  • fertility rite
  • a ceremony to propitiate the spirits of ancestors
  • Childbirth
  • confinement
  • rites by midwife at birth
  • Azam, summons to prayer
  • takbir or Muslim creed
  • naming
  • After childbirth
  • 40 days
  • fortieth day the child is placed in a cradle
  • ukikais
  • hair shaved
  • Childhood and Adolescence
  • Ear-boring
  • Sal-Girah
  • Circumcision

Rites and Ceremonies (cont)
  • Marriage
  • no specific religious ceremony required
  • both persons legally competent
  • contract in the presence of two witnesses
  • Kazi reads from the Kuran
  • dowry or meher must be paid to the wife
  • accompanied by feast and celebrations
  • several Hindu ceremonies persist in lower classes
  • Funeral Rites
  • bury their dead
  • Kuran read at death
  • body carefully washed and wrapped
  • Women do not attend
  • friends and relations walk behind the bier
  • service in a mosque or graveyard
  • family priest or village Kazi recites service
  • feasts on third, tenth, fortieth days

  • Muslim Holidays Link

  • World Religions by Warren Matthews
  • http//
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