Title: School Site Councils
1School Site Councils
- Focus on School Improvement and Student
2The Subjects of this Workshop are
- Overview of the Roles/Responsibilities of the
- Historical PerspectiveA Theme of Collaboration
- Orientation/Elections
- Council Composition (definitions)
- Duties of Officers/members
- Tools for a Successful SSC
- Areas Outside the Scope of the SSC
- Conducting the Meeting
- Linking Student Achievement and Expenditures
- Actions Required of the SSC
- Show Me the Money
3Overview of the Roles/Responsibilities of the SSC
- Develop a comprehensive Single Plan for Student
- Ensure that the school is continually engaged in
identifying and implementing curriculum and
instructional practices
- Develop a budget aligned to consolidated
application funds and other categorical funds
requiring decisions from the School Site Council
4Overview of the Roles/Responsibilities
of the SSC
- Recommend Single Plan for Student Achievement to
local School Board
- Recommend plan for targeting use of other
categorical or supplemental funds to local School
- Continuous planning, monitoring, and review of
- Annual review and revision of plan
6Overview of the Roles/Responsibilities of the SSC
- The SPSA must be developed with the advice,
review and certification of any applicable school
advisory committees
- English Learner Advisory Committee
- State Compensatory Education Advisory Committee
- Special Education Advisory Committee
- Gifted and Talented Education Advisory Committee
- All required advisory committees have a
responsibility to advise the school on the
special needs of students and on ways the school
may meet those needs
7Overview of the Roles/Responsibilities
of the SSC
- Review district policies
- Develop training program for SSC members
- Review meeting and operating procedures
- Develop annual meeting calendar
- Review bylaws annually
8Roles and Responsibilities of the SSC
- Legislative roleSSC writes plan/budget
- Executive roleprincipal/school staff implement
school plan
- Judicial rolelocal governing board makes and
interprets policy and approves plan
- Advisory committeesadvise the SSC
9Roles and Responsibilities of the SSC
- Function
- The SSC is not to be viewed as an advisory body
whose advice may be accepted or rejected
- Instead, the actions of the SSC constitute the
first step in a formal process for developing
improvement strategies and for allocating
resources to support these efforts
10Federal and State Improvement Efforts
- Whats Driving Improved Student Academic
- Federal
- Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in Elementary
Secondary Education Act (ESEA)/No Child Left
Behind (NCLB)
- State
- Public School Accountability Act (PSAA)
- Assessment, Standards, Rewards and Sanctions
- Intermediate Intervention/Underperforming School
Program (II/USP)
- High Priority School Grant Program (HPSGP)
- Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA)
11Historical PerspectiveA Theme of Collaboration
12School Site CouncilsAfter 2001
Consolidated Application
School Site Council Single Plan for Student Achie
vement (SPSA)
15Selection/Election of Teachers
- Notify teachers of the nomination process
- Allow teachers to nominate self/other teachers
- Place name(s) on a ballot
- Provide an opportunity for a write-in
- Establish a process to assure that all teachers
receive a ballot
- Utilize teachers or an election committee to
count ballots
- Maintain ballots for 5 years
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
16The Principal
- The law is very clear that the principal is an
active, voting member of the council
- SSC attendance and responsibilities CANNOT be
assigned to a vice principal or other designee
- He/she has no administrative authority over the
- In addition, the principal may not veto a
decision of the council or make plan or budget
changes without SSC approval
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
Source other than CISI
17Definition of Other School Personnel
- Classified personnel (e.g., clerical,
instructional, custodial and food services
- Administrative personnel (e.g., vice principals,
certificated administrative assistants)
- Certificated support staff-not assigned as a
classroom teacher of record (e.g., counselors,
resource teachers)
- Itinerant staff (e.g., translators, nurse,
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
18Election of Parents
- School Site Council should reflect the school
community, including all socio-economic, ethnic
and program groups.
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
19Selection/Election of Parents
- The term parent includes a guardian
- A parent CAN be an employee in the district,
but CANNOT be employed at the school in any
capacity (e.g., noon-duty, recreational
assistant, substitute) - A community member may serve in the parent
position as long as the person has been selected
by parents of children in the school
- Goal It is the hope of the legislature that the
School Site Council reflect the school community,
including all socioeconomic, ethnic, racial
groups - Make attempts to assure that parents of students
participating in various programs are included
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
Source other than CISI
20Sample Election Process
- Each group utilizes an election committee
- Notify group of election process
- Allow group to nominate self/others
- Place name on ballot
- Provide opportunity for write-in candidate
- Establish process to assure that everyone in that
group receives a ballot
- Election Committee counts the ballots
- Maintain ballots for 5 years
21CouncilCompositionSEE BULLETIN 4148 Advisory
committees and School Site Councils
22Composition of the SSCElementary
- Any school which has two or more grades in the
K-6 grade span
- 10 member minimum
- One half staff and one half parents/community
- Staff includes principal, majority of classroom
teachers, other staff
23Elementary Configuration
24Other Elementary School Site Council Sizes
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
25Composition of the SSCSecondary
- Any school which has two or more grades in the
7-12 grade span
- 12 member minimum, if all categories are to be
- One half staff and one half parents/community and
students elected by their peers
- Staff includes principal, majority of classroom
teachers, other staff
27Other Secondary School Site Council Sizes
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
28Middle Schools
- A School Site Council at the middle school level
may, but is not required to, include pupil
representation. EC, Section 33133(c)
- This permits local Boards of Education to choose
whether a middle school follows the elementary or
secondary composition requirements
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
29School Site Council Composition
- Exceptions
- Span schools will form their councils based on
the Districts classification of their school
(elementary, middle, or high school).
- Special Education Centers
- Special education schools and centers with
secondary students may use the same composition
as elementary schools, or they may choose to
follow the same composition as comprehensive high
schools. - Middle Schools
- Middle schools may, but are not required to,
include student representatives.
- (Education Code Section 33133-c)
30School Site Council Composition
- Exceptions (continued)
- Continuation Schools
- In continuation schools, the membership of the
SSC shall be no fewer then eight members and
shall be constituted to ensure parity. Half the
membership shall be (a) the principal, two
teachers, and one other school personnel (staff
side) and half shall be (b) two parents or
community members elected by parents and two
students representatives elected by the entire
student body.
31Parent/Community Eligibility
- Parent is defined as the parent or guardian of a
student at a school, unless that parent is a paid
employee of the school district at that site
- Community is defined as any person having an
interest in the local school process and is
elected by parents to take one of their slots
32School Site Council Composition
- Other staff may include
- Assistant Principals
- School Nurse
- Counselors
- Clerical Staff
- Paraprofessionals
- Custodial Staff
- Food Service Staff
- Resource Teachers
- Coordinators
- Instructional Coaches
- Library Media Teachers
- Community Representatives
- Non-classroom teachers refers to those full-time
employees whose classroom teaching assignment, if
any, is fewer than three (3) periods per day in
secondary, or less than half-time in elementary.
33The School Principal
- Is a voting member of the council.
- Provides information and leadership.
- Is responsible for staff and student elections of
the SSC.
- Is responsible for the proper functioning and
implementation of the SSC.
- Is responsible for any program and/or fiscal
implications due to non-compliance with
federal/state policies, rules, and regulations.
- Directs staff to implement the approved Student
Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and monitors
in conjunction with SSC.
- Note The principal may not delegate any of these
- (Refer to LAUSD Bulletin 4148)
34Duties of Officers/Members
35Duties of Officers/Members
- The council shall elect officers, including
- Chairperson to organize, convene, and lead
meetings of the council
- Vice-Chairperson to serve in the absence of the
- Secretary to record events and actions taken at
council meetings
- Parliamentarian to resolve questions of
procedure, often with the help of Roberts Rules
of Order or similar guide
- Other officers as needed to perform stated duties
in support of the work of the council
- The principal may assign someone to take notes
(in their absence) however that person may not
vote or participate in the discussions unless it
is to make a comment on an agenda item just as
any other member of the public.
36Roles and Responsibilities of SSC Members
- Regularly attend SSC meetings
- Become knowledgeable of state and local
educational issues related to assessment,
curriculum and instruction
- Communicate SSC business internally and
- May appoint committees to perform tasks to assist
the council in developing, monitoring, or
evaluating the SPSA
37Roles and Responsibilities of SSC Members (cont.
- Review district policies
- Develop training program for SSC members
- Review meeting and operating procedures
- Develop annual meeting calendar
- Review bylaws annually
38Tools for a Successful SSC
- Member roster and phone numbers/email addresses
- Copy of School Site Plan
- Copy of most recent Categorical Program
Monitoring (CPM) or Western Association of
Schools and Colleges (WASC)
- Copy of School Site Council budget
- List of all revenue sources and expenditures
- Student achievement data (STAR, API scores,
Reading and Math benchmark assessment result,
CELDT result, attendance rates, suspension rates,
39Tools for a Successful SSC
- Knowledge of the implementation of the various
components of the SPSA.
- Information regarding the effectiveness of the
strategies contained within the SPSA and an
understanding of the SSCs ability to make
modifications as needed. - Local board policies.
- State and federal requirements.
- The core instructional program.
- The SPSA Budget including proposed expenditures.
40Tools for a Successful SSC
- Access to state content/performance standards,
state frameworks, CDE publications Its
Elementary Taking Center Stage Aiming High
- Student achievement data
- District assessments
- State assessments
- API and AYP results
- Attendance
- Grades
41Areas Outside the Scope of School Site Councils
- A school management committee
- A policy-making body
- A political organization
- A personnel committee
- A grievance committee
- A fund-raising organization
- An extension of the PTSA
- A social group
42Conducting the School Site Council Meeting
- Be open to the public
- Allow the public to address the council on any
matter within the jurisdiction of the council
- Post a meeting notice 72 hours in advance,
specifying date, time and location, and agenda
describing each item of business
- Make any meeting materials available to the
public upon request
44Conducting the Meeting
- Create a sign-in sheet for all who attend. The
sheet should designate the various
constituencies (admin, teacher, classified,
parent/community) - Provide copies of agenda and all materials to SSC
members and the public
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
45Conducting the Meeting
- Notify alternates for members that they may not
vote and are not counted toward a quorum, unless
the voting member is no longer able to serve on
the SSC - Follow the posted agenda
46Conducting the Meeting
- Use an agreed upon procedure (e.g., Roberts
Rules of Order-10th edition) for conducting
- Provide opportunities for discussion of items on
- Maintain minutes, agendas and sign-ins of the
meeting for 5 years
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
47Conducting the Meeting(Greene Act)
- The council cannot act on any item that was not
included on the posted agenda
- Exception If an action is needed and was not
known at the time the agenda was posted, the SSC
may, by unanimous vote, add the item on the
agenda for action - Questions and brief statements for clarification
may be made as long as there is no impact on
students or staff
- If these procedures are violated, upon demand of
any person, the council must reconsider the item
at its next meeting after allowing for public
comment on the item
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
- Are not required by law however, are recommended
for all committees and councils per Bulletin
- Can serve as a guide for the councils actions
- Should be reviewed annually by a Bylaws
subcommittee acting on behalf of the SSC
- The Bylaws subcommittee should bring the
recommended changes to the SSC
Source California Institute for School
Improvement (CISI)
49Content of Bylaws
- Name of Organization
- Role of the Council Purpose roles of council
(job description)
- Members Size of council, procedures, for
election of members, terms of office, filling
vacancies, termination transfer of membership.
- Officers Methods for officer nomination, voting,
election, filling officer vacancies, terms of
office and duties
50Content of Bylaws (contd)
- CommitteesDescription of standing or special
- MeetingsDescription of date, time place of
- Conduct of the Meeting/Parliamentary
AuthorityDescribes the procedures for conducting
the meeting
- Amendment of BylawsDescribe the procedures for
amending the bylaws
- A copy of the SSC bylaws should be provided to
all members
- The Chairperson of the SSC should annually review
the bylaws with the council members
- Each member of the council should take time to
review the bylaws
- Any material provided to a school site council
should be made available to any member of the
public who requests the materials pursuant to the
California Public Records Act Chapter 3.5
(commencing with section 6250) of Division 7 of
Title I
52Check Bylaws First
- Schools are encouraged to have procedures for the
selection/election of members written into the
SSCs bylaws.
- The following are suggested provisions.
- Means of electing members and officers
- Terms of office of members and officers
- Notice of elections for each peer group
- Responsibilities of the council
- A policy on non-discrimination
- Note Schools may elect non-voting alternate
members who become voting members in the event of
a mid-year vacancy.
Refer to LAUSD Bulletin 4148 Advisory Committees
and School Site Councils
- Be respectful every member will have an
opportunity to speak at an appropriate time
- Disagreement and respectful debate between
Committee members at Committee meetings is
appropriate personalized disagreement can be
divisive and damaging
- Remember that you and every other Committee
member generally owe a duty to act in the best
interest of the entire community
- If you have a point that you wish to make to one
or more Committee members, address the point to
the Committee chairperson
- Dont let personality conflicts or prior policy
disagreements spill over into Committee meetings
or public comments
- Address the issues
- When possible, deal with persons making comments
that the Committee finds inappropriate or
offensive by simply letting the person have their
say, within a reasonable time limit - Do not use communications with the public or
school district as a means of communicating with
other Committee members that is the role of a
public meeting - Be respectful of Committee decisions if you
disagree with the position taken by the
Committee, the time to express that opinion is
prior to when that position is adopted
57Holding the Gavel What it Means to be
Committee Chairperson
- The Committee elects a chairperson from among its
members to provide leadership on behalf of the
Committee and the community it serves
58Running an Effective Meeting
- Call the meeting to order at the appointed time
- Announce the business to come before the
Committee in its proper order
- Enforce the Committees policies relating to the
conduct of meetings and help ensure compliance
with the Bylaws
- Recognize people who desire to speak, and protect
the speaker who has the floor from disturbance or
- Explain what the effect of a motion would be if
it is not clear to every member
- Restrict discussion to the question when a motion
is before the Committee
59Running an Effective Meeting, cont
- Rule on issues of parliamentary procedure
- Put motions to a vote, and state clearly the
results of the vote
- Be responsible for the orderly conduct of all
Committee meetings
- Always have antennae out, be aware of the
dynamics of the Committee, audience and staff
60Sticking Together Through Good Times and Bad
- Committees take collective responsibility for
their performance
- If you vote in favor of an action that passes,
you consent to that action, and are expected to
support it
- If you vote against an action that nevertheless
passes, you are expected to support the majority
and not attempt to sabotage or subvert the
action - Committees operate by consensus
- If you are not in the room when the vote is
taken, you nevertheless consent to the action
61Roberts Rules of Order Parliamentary Procedure
- Number of members that must be present to legally
transact business
- Why? We dont want small unrepresentative groups
making decisions for entire body
63Right of Minority
- Right to be heard and to voice their dissent
- Right to have their dissent noted in the record
- But, once dissent is given and vote taken, it is
the decision of the collective body, even those
who objected
64Individual Member Rights
- To receive notice and attend all meetings
- To introduce and second motions
- To speak on agenda items after first seeking
recognition of chair
- To vote
65Call to Order
- Before the presiding officer calls the meeting to
order it is his duty to determine if quorum is
- If a quorum is not present, the chair waits
until there is one, or until after a reasonable
time, there appears to be no prospect that a
quorum will assemble - If quorum cannot be obtained, the chair calls the
meeting to order, announces the absence of a
quorum and entertains a motion to adjourn or
66The Right to Move a Motion
- Matters considered one at a time
- To be in order, the motion must be directly
related to the question under consideration
- Frivolous, vague, incoherent, and duplicative
motions are out of order (ruling by chair)
67The Right to Move a Motion cont
- Subsidiary motions, i.e., motions to postpone,
refer to committee, table, etc. must directly
relate to the main motion
- All motions need a second
- If no second, then the motion fails from lack of
- After a motions first reading, Chair should
inquire, Is there any discussion?
- Maker of a motion has the first right to speak
and to amend it
68Amending Motions
- Amendment must be germane to main question
- Must be offered before, not after, vote
- Includes adding words or phrases striking out
words or phrases and substituting words or
69Point of Order
- To correct a breach in the rules
- Only used for major infractions
- Made at the time of the infraction
- Second not required
- Not debatable
- Ruled upon by the chair
- Voting
- Chair should announce minority votes, i.e.,
Hearing one nay and no others.
- If vote requires more than a majority, Chair
should announce before the vote the supermajority
that is required
- Tie vote is a lost vote because no majority was
71Meeting Minutes
- Contents
- A record of what was done at the meeting, not
what was said by the members. Should never
reflect the secretarys opinion, on anything said
or done - Important motions a) the wording in which each
motion was adopted or disposed of, whether motion
was debated or amended b) the disposition of the
motion, any primary or secondary amendments - The name of the seconder of the motion should not
be entered in the minutes unless ordered by the
- When a count is taken or ordered, the number of
votes on each side should be entered
- If vote is by roll call, the names of those
voting on each side and those answering present
should be entered
- All notices of motions instance of bylaw
- All points of order and appeals
- The name and subject of a guest speaker can be
given, but no effort should be made to summarize
his remarks
- The hour of adjournment
- The signature minutes should be signed by the
secretary and can also be signed, if the assembly
wishes, by the president. The words Respectfully
submitted although occasionally used-represent
an older practice that is not essential in
signing the minutes - Access
- Any member has a right to examine the minutes of
the society at a reasonable time and place. The
same principle applies to the minutes of boards
of a committee
72Linking Student Achievement and Expenditures
73The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- The intent of the Single Plan for Student
Achievement (SPSA) is to create a cycle of
continuous improvement of student performance,
and to ensure that all students succeed in
reaching state academic standards.
74The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- The school plan serves as an official document
in audits to determine appropriate expenditures
of categorical funds, including equipment
purchases, and personnel responsible to complete
multifunded and semiannual certifications.
75Requirements for the Single Plan for Student
- School districts must assure that Site Councils
have developed and approved a Single Plan for
Student Achievement for schools participating in
programs funded through the consolidated
application process, and any other school program
they choose to include . . . -
- EC, Section 64001(a)
76Requirements for the Single Plan for Student Ach
- Must be developed with the review, certification
and advice of any applicable school advisory
committees . . . EC, Section 64001(a)
- Plans required to be consolidated into a single
- Consolidated Application
- School and Library Improvement Block Grant
- Pupil Retention Block Grant
- ESEA/NCLB Program Improvement
77 Requirements for the Single Plan for Student Ach
- Must be aligned with school goals for improving
student achievement
- Must be based upon an analysis of verifiable
state data, including the API, ELD . . . and may
include any data voluntarily developed by
districts to measure student achievement . . .
- EC, Section 64001(d)
78Requirements for the Single Plan for Student
- Must address how funds will be used to improve
the academic performance of all students to the
level of the performance goals, as established by
the API index . . . EC, Section 64001(d) - Must be reviewed annually and updated
- Must be reviewed and approved by the governing
79Integrating Plans
- Most categorical programs have planning
- Integrating or merging two or more planning
processes does not eliminate any of these
- The combined process must include the
requirements of all the programs involved
80Integrating Plans
- Immediate Intervention for Underperforming
Schools Program (II/USP)
- High Priority School Grant Program (HPSG)
- Program Improvement (PI)
- Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA)
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)
81Actions Required of the SSC
82The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
Steps for Developing the Single Plan for Student
Achievement The graphic represents the cycle of a
ctions required by the SSC in the development,
implementation and revision of the SPSA.
83Developing The Single Plan for Student
Achievement (SPSA)
- Step 1 Measure the Effectiveness of Current
Improvement Strategies
- Analyze Student Performance
- Analyze the Instructional Program
- Education Code Section 64001(g)
84Certification of Advisory Committee Input
- Step 2 Seek Input from School Advisory
- Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC)
- English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- Gifted Talented Education Program Advisory
- The SSC must document the following actions
- Written recommendations from advisory
- Consideration of recommendations at SSC meeting
- Dissemination of information regarding the SPSA
to advisory committee(s)
- Share final draft with advisory committee(s)
- Recommendation for approval of the SPSA to Local
- Note If the SSC chairperson refuses to certify
input, the minutes and sign-in sheets from the
meeting where the approval was granted must be
submitted with the SPSA. The local district
superintendent or designee will decide whether to
approve or send SPSA back to SSC for revision.
85The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Step 3 Reaffirm or Revise School Goals
- School goals must be based on comprehensive
assessment of student academic achievement, using
multiple measures of student performance.
- Step 4 Revise Improvement Strategies and
- The SSC will adopt specific actions to reach
each goal, specify dates by which actions are to
be started and completed, identify expenditures
needed to implement the action, and identify the
funding source. -
86The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Step 5 Approve and Recommend the SPSA to the
Governing Board
- After appropriate advisory committees have
reviewed the proposed SPSA, the SSC must approve
it at a meeting for which a public notice has
been posted. - The Board of Education has delegated to the
general superintendent and the local district
superintendents responsibility for budget and
program decisions related to SBIX and Title I
Program Improvement schools, which includes
schools in corrective action and restructuring. - Restructuring Plans must be approved by the local
district superintendent before implementation.
- Note For schools identified as Program
Improvement (PI), the SSC remains in place.
87The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
- Step 6 Monitor Implementation
- Once the plan is approved, the responsibility of
the SSC is to monitor the effectiveness of
planned activities and modify those that prove
ineffective. - Monitoring should follow the calendar of events
established by the SPSA to verify timely
implementation and achievement of objectives
critical to the success of the plan.
88SHOW ME THE MONEY2008-09 Is Not Business As
Usual with the
89Budget Highlights 2008-09
- COLA 5.66
- Growth Funded
- Categoricals -6.50
- Growth Funded
90State Programs Under the Purview of the SSC
Reported in the Consolidated Application
- State-funded Programs
- Economic Impact Aid
- Limited English Proficient (LEP)
- State Compensatory Education (SCE)
91Federal Programs Under the Purview of the SSC
Reported in the Consolidated Application
- Federally-funded NCLB Programs
- Title I, Part A - Basic and Neglected
- Title III, Part A LEP Students
92Federal Funding Source School Services of
93Other Grants Under the Purview of the SSC
- QEIA Quality Education Investment Act
- School Library Improvement Block Grant
- Gifted Talented
- HPSG/SAIT High Priority
Schools Grant/School Assistance and Intervention
94Allowable Expenditures for the SSC
- District guidelines for the expenditure of
supplemental funds
- Must supplement, not supplant District resources
- Must meet intent of the funding source
- Must be data driven and intended to serve the
population that generated the funds
- Must be reasonable and appropriate to the school
plan and program
- Must be specified in the SPSA
95Allowable Expenditures - Item Numbers
- Resources pre-approved by the appropriate
categorical program staff
- Focus on direct services to students
- Non-item number resources must be approved by the
appropriate categorical program administrator
96Approval Process
- The school plan and budget must be
- developed by the School Site Council with the
appropriate input from the applicable advisory
- approved by the Board of Education, who has
delegated authority to approve each schools SPSA
to the Associate Superintendent of Federal
State Educational Programs, after review and
recommendation for approval by the Local District
Superintendent, Language Acquisition Branch and
other appropriate categorical staff