Science: Determinism and Uncertainty - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Science: Determinism and Uncertainty


... what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about ... Communism can be regarded as a sign that modern thought based upon the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Science: Determinism and Uncertainty

Science Determinism and Uncertainty
Science entering the 19th Century
  • Scientific Awakening laid the theoretical and
    operational bases science
  • Popular opinions about science at the beginning
    of the 19th Century
  • Authority for truth
  • Triumphant in describing nature
  • Prestige in method of science versus other
    methods (religion redefined)
  • Technologists looking at science to improve

The Bases of Science
  • 1. Cause and Effect
  • 2. Determinism
  • Reductionism
  • Objectivity

Physical Sciences are Quantitative
  • "I often say...that when you can measure what you
    are speaking about, and express it in numbers,
    you know something about it but when you cannot
    measure it, when you cannot express it in
    numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and
    unsatisfactory kind it may be the beginning of
    knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your
    thoughts, advanced to the stage of science,
    whatever the matter may be."
  • Lord Kelvin

Social Sciences Confident but methods not fully
  • Belief that all puzzles can be solved through
  • Rosetta stone solved mystery of Hieroglyphics
  • Medical advances
  • Technology
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Analysis of behavior

Louis Pasteur
  • Use of science to improve life
  • Degree in crystal chemistry
  • Switched to Bacteriology/microbiology
  • Chicken cholera

  • Fortune favors the prepared mind.
  • Louis Pasteur

Contributions of Louis Pasteur
  • Developed the concept of vaccinations and showed
    how it worked to prevent chicken cholera
  • Living things only from living things (study in
  • Demonstrated that disease is caused by
    microorganisms (foundation of modern
  • Pasteurization (saved the milk, beer, and wine
    industries of France)
  • Saved the silk industry through heat treatment of
    silk worm nurseries
  • Vaccination against anthrax (saved the sheep/wool
    industry of France)
  • Rabies vaccination

  • I have been looking for spontaneous generation
    for twenty years without discovering it. No, I
    do not judge it impossible. But what allows you
    to make it the origin of life? You place matter
    before life and you decide that matter has
    existed for all eternity. How do you know that
    the incessant progress of science will not compel
    scientists to consider that life has existed
    during eternity, and not matter? You pass from
    matter to life because your intelligence of today
    cannot conceive things otherwise. How do you
    know that in ten thousand years one will not
    consider it more likely that matter has emerged
    from life?
  • Louis Pasteur

  • "Science advances through tentative answers to a
    series of more and more subtle questions which
    reach deeper and deeper into the essence of
    natural phenomena."
  • Louis Pasteur

Pasteurs environment and motivation
  • Duty to country
  • Personal value system
  • Scientific impetus
  • Earn a living

Charles Darwin
  • Influenced by previous scientists
  • Theory begun in Galápagos Islands
  • Origins of Species
  • Descent of Man
  • Controversy and support
  • Persisting problems today

  • Organic evolution, as Darwin conceived it,
    involved at least three distinct propositions
    first, that more complex forms of life appeared
    on the earth later than simpler ones (the
    doctrine of progression) secondly, that these
    later forms of life were descended from the
    earlier ones (the doctrine of transformation)
    and thirdlyDarwins essential contributionthat
    the descent of these later species from the
    earlier was a consequence of variation and
    natural selection.
  • - Toulmin, Stephen and June Goodfield, The
    discovery of Time, The University of Chicago
    Press, 1965, pg 138.

  • Because Darwins view of the origins of life is
    totally mechanistic, it fails to explain all of
    the elements of mans progress. Hegel says that
    somewhere or somehow the natural juices from
    which organisms were created must have inclined
    towards the Greek. (Meaning that there was some
    tendency that led mankind to seek perfection in
    spirit, beauty, and behavior.)
  • Another way of thinking about this is to consider
    the limits of reductionism. One could ask, What
    is a radio? A scientist would seek to answer by
    taking the radio apart. (You could, in fact,
    just throw it down and break the case so that all
    the elements and parts are scattered about.)
    However, isnt there something about the radio
    that can only be discerned by turning the radio
    on and listening to a beautiful symphony (or
    other great aesthetic work). This goes beyond
    the mechanistic approach and asks the question
    Why does something exist?

Changes in science in mid 1800's
  • Status
  • Determinism, reductionism, cause and effect not
  • Newton's description of universe was fully
  • Newton's basic assumptions not disputed
  • Time is continuous and constant
  • Space is continuous and constant
  • Mass is continuous and constant
  • The world can be described by Euclidean

  • Euclidean geometry a priori assumptions
  • 1. The shortest distance between two points is a
    straight line.
  • 2. Two parallel lines never cross.
  • 3. Two non-parallel lines cross at one and only
    one point.
  • Newton then derived that mass is a constant that
    relates time, length, and speed or acceleration.
  • Riemann geometry a priori assumptions
  • 1. The shortest distance between two points is a
  • 2. Two parallel lines cross at infinity.
  • Einstein then derived that mass is a variable
    that depends upon time, length, and speed or
  • From H. Clay Gorton, The Transitory Nature of
    Telestial Knowledge

Conflict Newton versus Einstein
  • Newton Mass is constant. Time and length are
  • F ma
  • Einstein Mass is variable. Time and length are
  • E mc2

  • "A clock attached to a system that is in relative
    motion will be observed to run more slowly than
    one that is stationary with respect to us. Rods
    appear to contract in the direction of their
    motion when they are observed to move from rest
    into uniform motion... The mass of a moving body
    increases with the body's velocity relative to
    its observer."
  • Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds, Basic Books,
    1993, p.111.

Einstein Creativity
  • "Einstein had the peculiar habit of attacking a
    problem by going back to the basics. He
    dispensed with most of the known facts, deriving
    the key concepts himself from scratch. By doing
    so, he avoided many of the bad assumptions that
    confused his colleagues."
  • Thorpe, Scott, How to Think Like Einstein,
    Barnes Noble Books, Inc., 2000, p. 30.

Einstein Creativity
  • "The only reason for time is so that everything
    doesn't happen at once.
  • Einstein, Albert, quoted in Thorpe, Scott, How
    to Think Like Einstein, Barnes Noble Books,
    Inc., 2000, p.136.

Einstein Creativity
  • The distinction between past, present and
    future is only an illusion, however persistent.
  • Einstein, 1955

Einstein Creativity
  • Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very
    persistent one.
  • - Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

  • The difference between fiction and reality?
    Fiction has to make sense.
  • - Tom Clancy

Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Principles
  • You cannot simultaneously determine the position
    and momentum (mass) of a particle
  • Electrons and light are both particles and waves
  • Positions, masses and other characteristics of
    particles are expressed by probability

Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Principles
  • "The quantum effect is a feature of the subatomic
    world which has no analogy in macroscopic
    physics the more a particle is confined, the
    faster it moves...Modern physics thus pictures
    matter not at all as passive and inert but as
    being in a continuous dancing and vibrating
    motion whose rhythmic patters are determined by
    the molecular, atomic, and nuclear
    configurations. We have come to realize that
    there are not static structures in nature. There
    is stability, but this stability is one of
    dynamic balance, and the further we penetrate
    into matter the more we need to understand its
    dynamic nature to understand its patterns."
  • The Turning Point, Fritjof Capra

Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Principles
  • "While it an electron acts like a particle, it
    is capable of developing its wave nature at the
    expense of its particle nature, and vice versa,
    thus undergoing continual transformations from
    particle to wave and from wave to particle. This
    means that neither the electron nor any other
    atomic 'object' has any intrinsic properties
    independent of its environment. The properties
    it shows particle-like or wave-like will
    depend on the experimental situation, that is, on
    the apparatus it is forced to interact with."
  • The Turning Point, Fritjof Capra

Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Principles
  • "God runs electromagnetics by wave theory on
    Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Devil runs
    them by quantum theory on Tuesday, Thursday, and
  • William Bragg, Nobel prize-winning physicist

Chaos and Synchronicity
  • Butterfly effect
  • Principles of chaos
  • Synchronicity

Chaos Theory
  • Weather prediction story
  • Observation Small changes can make large
  • Conclusion We may not really know the cause and
    effect relationship

Chaos and Synchronicity
  • "When a butterfly flutters its wings in one part
    of the world, it can eventually cause a hurricane
    in another..."
  • Edward Lorenz and Chaos Theory

Chaos and Synchronicity
  • Poincaré 1854-1912 also points out that some
    events that appear to be fortuitous are not
    instead, their causes stem from minute
    disturbances. A cone perfectly balanced on its
    apex will topple over if there is the least
    defect in symmetry and even if there is no
    defect, the cone will topple in response to a
    very slight tremor, a breath of air. That is
    why, Poincaré explained, meteorologists have such
    limited success in predicting the
    weather....Chaos theory, a more recent
    development, is based on a similar premise.
    According to this theory, much of what looks like
    chaos is in truth the product of an underlying
    order, in which insignificant perturbations are
    often the cause of events.
  • Peter L. Bernstein, Against the Gods, 1996, 201

Chaos and Synchronicity
  • This, finally, is the essence of synchronicity
    the world we live in is filled with harmonies
    and coincidences that have no explanation in
    terms of cause and effect. It is fruitless to
    seek after hidden forces and occult powers. The
    world is a given it is just as it is, full of
    cause and effect, full of synchronicity.
  • R. Rucker, The Fourth Dimension, p. 188

Changes in the Bases of Science (1850 - present)
  • Probability
  • Uncertainty
  • Chaos theory
  • Reductionism
  • Determinism
  • 3. Proximate Cause and Effect

Science Today
  • "In science, ?fact' can only mean ?confirmed to
    such a degree that it would be perverse to
    withhold provisional assent'."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.88.

Science Today
  • "Scientific theories can never provide a
    complete and definitive description of reality.
    They will always be approximations to the true
    nature of things. To put it bluntly, scientists
    do not deal with truth they deal with limited
    and approximate descriptions of reality."
  • The Turning Point, Fritjof Capra

Science Today
  • "The purpose of science was not the 'accumulation
    of knowledge' (since, after all, all scientific
    theories are eventually proved false) but rather
    the creation of 'mental maps' that guide and
    shape our perception and action, bringing about a
    constant 'mutual participation between nature and
  • David Bohm, The Special Theory of Relativity

Science Today
  • "So far as the laws of mathematics refer to
    reality, they are not certain. And so far as
    they are certain, they do not refer to reality."
  • Einstein, Albert, quoted in Thorpe, Scott, How
    to Think Like Einstein, Barnes Noble Books,
    Inc., 2000, p. 111.

Faith Scientific and Religious
  • Faith is trusting that you understand the cause
    of some effect. In science, you trust that the
    cause is proximate, that is, nearby in time and
    space. In religion, you trust that the cause is
    known to God. Both methods require faith.
  • Brent Strong

The New World
  • "The modern era has been dominated by the
    culminating belief expressed in different forms,
    that the worldand Being as suchis a wholly
    knowable system governed by a finite number of
    universal laws that man can grasp and rationally
    direct for his own benefit. This era, beginning
    in the Renaissance and developing from the
    Enlightenment to socialism, from positivism to
    scientism, from the Industrial Revolution to the
    information revolution, was characterized by
    rapid advances in rational, cognitive thinking.
    This, in turn, gave rise to the proud belief that
    man, as the pinnacle of everything that exists,
    was capable of objectively describing, explaining
    and controlling everything that exists, and
    possessing the one and only truth about the
    world. (continued)

The New World
  • "It was an era in which there was a cult of
    depersonalized objectivity, an era in which
    objective knowledge was amassed and
    technologically exploited, an era of systems,
    institutions, mechanisms, and statistical
    averages. It was an era of freely transferable,
    existentially ungrounded information. It was an
    era of ideologies, doctrines, interpretations or
    reality, an era in which the goal was to find a
    universal theory of the world, and thus a
    universal key to unlock it prosperity

The New World
  • "Communism was the perverse extreme of this
    trendThe fall of Communism can be regarded as a
    sign that modern thoughtbased upon the premise
    that the world is objectively knowable, and that
    knowledge so obtained can be absolutely
    generalizedhas come to a final crisis. This era
    has created the first global, or planetary,
    technical civilization, but it has reached the
    limit of its potential, the point beyond which
    the abyss begins.
  • "Traditional science, with its usual coolness,
    can describe the different ways we might destroy
    ourselves, but it cannot offer truly effective
    and practical instructions on how to avert them."
  • Vaclav Havel (first leader of the Czech Republic)

Thank You
  • "It certainly is curious to start one's
    autobiography, not with where and when one was
    born, the names of one's parents, and similar
    personal details, but to focus instead on a
    question which Einstein phrases simply 'What,
    precisely, is thinking?' Einstein explains why
    he has to start his 'obituary' in this way 'For
    the essential in the being of a man of my type
    lies precisely in what he thinks and how he
    thinks, not in what he does or suffers.'"
  • Gerald Holton, Einstein, History, and Other

  • "Few modern researchers are likely to admit, as
    Oersted gladly did, that he had been completely
    convinced many years earlier of the existence of
    the effect he eventually discovered. Oersted had
    been persuaded of a connection existing between
    electricity and magnetism by reading Immanuel
    Kant, who on metaphysical grounds proposed that
    all the different forces of nature are only
    different exemplifications of one fundamental
    force, a Grundkraft."
  • Gerald Holton, Einstein, History, and Other

  • "In the twentieth century physics has gone
    through several conceptual revolutions that
    clearly reveal the limitations of the mechanistic
    world view...The universe is no longer seen as a
    machine, made up of a multitude of separate
    objects, but appears as a harmonious indivisible
    whole a network of dynamic relationships that
    include the human observer and his or her
    consciousness in an essential way.
  • The Turning Point , Fritjof Capra

  • "Many great discoveries in physics ultimately
    boil down to equalities of two ratios. When
    Archimedes discovered the law of the lever, for
    example, he found that a balance beam is in
    equilibrium when the ratio of the weights is
    equal to the inverse ratio of the lengths of the
    lever arms...Two thousand years later Galileo
    showed that the ratio of the acceleration of a
    ball rolling down an incline to the acceleration
    of ball in a free fall is equal to the ratio of
    the height of the incline to its length. This
    likeness is subtler and more deeply hidden than
    the law discovered by Archimedes and, for that
    reason, it is in some sense superior. In a
    similar way, works of art gain in stature and are
    considered to be more beautiful, as the
    appearances they unify are more widely varied.
    Thus there is greater merit in comparing death to
    a bee than to, say, sleep, and more poetry in the
    metaphor of honey for Juliets breath than, say,
    wind. A scientific theory is beautiful to the
    extent that the phenomena it explains are
    unrelated - or at least seem so."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.66.

  • "Einstein...notes first of all to pay 'special
    attention to the relation between the content of
    a theory,' on the one hand, and 'the totality of
    empirical facts,' on the other. These two
    constitute the two 'components of our knowledge,'
    the 'rational' and the 'empirical' these two
    components are 'inseparable' but they stand
    also, Einstein warns, in 'eternal antithesis....'
    Up to this point, therefore, we are left with a
    thoroughly dualistic method for doing science.
    On the one hand, Einstein says, 'the structure of
    the system is the work of reason' on the other
    hand, 'the empirical contents and their mutual
    relations must find their representation in the
    conclusions of the theory.'
  • Gerald Holton, Einstein, History, and Other

  • "It used to be considered obvious that time
    flowed on forever, regardless of what was
    happening but the theory of relativity combined
    time with space and said that both could be
    warped, or distorted, by the matter and energy in
    the universe. So our perception of the nature of
    time changed from being independent of the
    universe to being shaped by it. It then became
    conceivable that time might simply not be defined
    before a certain point as one goes back in time,
    one might come to an insurmountable barrier, a
    singularity, beyond which one could not go. If
    that were the case, it wouldn't make sense to ask
    who, or what, caused or created the big bang. To
    talk about causation or creation implicitly
    assumes there was a time before the big bang
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.66.

  • "One can assemble a list of about ten chief
    presuppositions underlying his Einstein's
    theory of construction throughout his long
    scientific career primacy of formal (rather
    than materialistic or mechanistic) explanation
    unity or unification cosmological scale in the
    applicability of laws logical parsimony and
    necessity symmetry (for as long as possible)
    simplicity causality (in essentially the
    Newtonian sense) completeness and
    exhaustiveness continuum and, of course,
    constancy and invariance."
  • Gerald Holton, Einstein, History, and Other

  • "He Einstein felt a gap somewhere without
    being able to clarify it, or even to formulate
    it. He felt that the trouble went deeper than
    the contradiction between Michelson's actual and
    the expected result. He felt that a certain
    region in the structure of the whole situation
    was in reality not as clear to him as it should
    be, although it had hitherto been accepted
    without question by everyone, including himself."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.97.

  • "The reward for such internalization of subject
    matter is intuition. The scientist learns to
    sense what is expected, to feel how the world
    ought to work... In essence, intuition is the
    ability to sense an underlying order in things,
    and thus is related to still another mental tool
    that is indispensable to the working scientist
    the perception of patterns, both visual and
    verbal...All good theories contain, at heart, an
    ordering process that reveals hidden patterns."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.116.

  • "Another troubling trend of the new physics
    Standard Model of particle physics, big bang
    cosmological model and Grand Unified Theories is
    that the theories have many arbitrarily
    adjustable parameters (one model fits all data),
    or they come in many slightly different versions,
    so as to hedge one's bets... An irreverent name
    for this strategy might be the Ptolemaic
    method...who...developed a theory of planetary
    motion that involved adding increasingly
    complicated ?epicycles' until his predictions
    fitted the facts."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.77-78.

  • "One can sum up all this the viability of a
    scientific theory by saying that the criterion
    of the scientific status of a theory is its
    falsifiability, or refutability, or testability."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.85.

  • Scientists are aware....that it is possible
    to live and not to know. But I dont know
    whether everyone believes this is true. Our
    freedom to doubt was born out of struggle against
    authority in the early days of science.... It is
    our responsibility as scientists to teach how
    doubt is not to be feared but welcomed and
  • Richard Feynman (quoted in Nye, Mary Jo, before
    Big Science, p. 228)

  • In my entire scientific life, extending over
    forty-five years, the most shattering experience
    has been the realization that an exact solution
    of Einsteins equations of general relativity,
    discovered by the New Zealand mathematician Roy
    Kerr, provides the absolutely exact
    representation of untold numbers of massive black
    holes that populate the universe. This
    shuddering before the beautiful, this
    incredible fact that a discovery motivated by a
    search after the beautiful in mathematics should
    find its exact replica in Nature, persuades me to
    say that beauty is that to which the human mind
    responds at its deepest and most profound level.
  • Astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

  • In 1937, in response to criticisms of The
    General Theory, Maynard Keynes summed up his
    views By uncertain knowledge...I do not mean
    merely to distinguish what is known for certain
    from what is only probable. The game of roulette
    is not subject, in this sense, to
    uncertainty....The sense in which I am using the
    term is that in which the prospect of a European
    war is uncertain, or the price of copper and the
    rate of interest twenty years hence, or the
    obsolescence of a new invention....About these
    matters, there is no scientific basis on which to
    form any calculable probability whatever. We
    simply do not know!
  • Peter L. Bernstein, Against the Gods, 1996, 229

  • What I am suggesting is that if we take
    sensations and thoughts as primary, then there is
    no reason to limit the dimensions of the world
    to the space and time dimensions involved in the
    motions of inanimate objects. Part and parcel of
    every object you see is what the object reminds
    you of, how you feel about it, what you know
    about its past, and so on. If we make an honest
    effort to describe the world as we actually live
    it, then the world grows endlessly more
    complicated than any simple 3-D picture. There
    is a feeling that the more we delve into the
    nature of reality, the more we will find. Far
    from being limited, the world is inexhaustibly
  • Rucker, The Fourth Dimension, p.194

  • "Many students in the sciences (to say nothing
    of those in other fields) believe that the
    business of science is truth and that, in
    science, truth is based on fact. But science has
    to do with understanding nature, not with
    establishing fixed truths."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.x.

Ockham's Razor
  • "What can be done with fewer terms is done in
    vain with more."
  • Ockham, William, as quoted in Palmer, Donald,
    Does the Center Hold?, Mountain View, CA
    Mayfield Publishing Company, 1991, p. 91.

  • The Order of Nature
  • Newton believed that there were 5 fixed and
    permanent concepts or features of nature
  • Ultimate inorganic particles which were solid,
    massy, hard, impenetrable, moveable.
  • Problems Radioactivity, Uncertainty Principle
  • Organic structures that are adaptive and willful.
  • Problems Evolution by natural selection, no
    difference between organic and inorganic matter.
  • Stability of the planetary orbits and fixed
    nature of the stars
  • Problems New planets, Red shift
  • Laws of motion (passive) arising from inertia and
    mass such as F ma and Newton's basic laws of
  • Problems Relativity, e mc2
  • Laws of attraction and repulsion (active) such as
    gravity, magnetism, electrical attraction,
    chemical reactions
  • Problems None so far. Do we know that basic
    constants (Planck's constant, gravitational
    constant, pi, natural logarithm, etc.) have been
    and will remain constant for all time?
  • From Toulmin, Stephen and June Goodfield, The
    Discovery of Time, The University of Chicago
    Press, 1965, p.247 and following.

  • When Romeo finds Juliet in the tomb, and thinks
    her dead, he laments, "Death that hath suckt the
    honey of thy breath." The rhyme of death with
    breath, and the sixfold repetition of the th
    sound, sometimes silent, sometimes buzzing, are
    the tools of the poet's craft. But the power of
    the line derives from its message, the
    comparisons of death to a bee, of Juliet to a
    flower hidden likenesses between vastly
    disparate things."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.71.

Determinism by Laplace
  • "If I knew all the laws of nature and had one
    complete description of the universe at any given
    moment, then I could predict all future events
    and retrodict all past events."
  • Laplace as quoted in Palmer, Donald, Does the
    Center Hold?, Mountain View, CA Mayfield
    Publishing Company, 1991, p. 241.

  • "For two and a half centuries physicists have
    used a mechanistic view of the world to develop
    and refine the conceptual framework known as
    classical physics. They have based their ideas
    on the mathematical theory of Isaac Newton, the
    philosophy of René Descartes, and the scientific
    methodology advocated by Francis Bacon...Like
    human-made machines, the cosmic machine was
    thought to consist of elementary parts.
    Consequently it was believed that complex
    phenomena could always be understood by reducing
    them to their basic building blocks and by
    looking for the mechanisms through which these
    interacted. This attitude, known as
    reductionism, has become so deeply ingrained in
    our culture that it has often been identified
    with the scientific method."
  • Fritjof Capra, The Turning Point

  • Thomas Young
  • light waves
  • John Dalton
  • atomic theory
  • Kekule
  • organic molecular structure
  • Dmitri Mendeleev
  • periodic table
  • Alfred Nobel
  • dynamite

Uncertainty and the Quantam Theory
  • Wilhelm RoentgenX-rays
  • Pierre and Marie Curieisolated radium
  • fission
  • Max Planckquantum theory
  • Albert Einsteinphotoelectric effect
  • relativity
  • Ernest Rutherfordatomic structure

  • 1800selectricity identified
  • Alessandro Voltafirst battery
  • Hans Christian Oerstedelectromagnetism
  • Andre Ampereelectromagnetic theory
  • Georg Ohmcircuit analysis
  • Michael Faradayrelation between valance electron
    and electricity
  • James Clerk Maxwellelectromagnetic theory

  • Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann
  • All living things have cells
  • Gregor Mendel
  • Rule for genetics

  • Edward Jennersmall pox vaccination (1796)
  • Robert Kochgerms caused disease (1882)
  • Tuberculosis caused by bacteria
  • Paul Ehrlichchemotherapy
  • Sigmund Freudpsychoanalysis
  • Alexander Flemingpenicillin (1928)

  • "In 1898 an English admiral, Percy Scott, watched
    his men at target practice. All but one was
    doing miserably. That one gunner had evolved his
    own aiming tactic. He kept his eye on the sight
    and he moved the gun continuously until he could
    feel the synchronization between his aim and the
    motion of the ship. What he was doing was
    subtle...It coupled the man and the machine...
    That unknown English sailor thought not about
    mastering standard technique but about how to do
    the job."
  • John Lienhard, The Engines of Our Ingenuity,

  • "The twentieth-century quantum physicist Richard
    Feynman asserted that if the human race was wiped
    out and could pass on just one sentence of
    scientific knowledge, this sentence should begin
    'All things are made of atoms...'"
  • Strathern, Paul, Mendeleyev's Dream, New York
    Berkley Books, 2000, p.245.

  • "Fleming's discovery illustrates the concept of
    'selective coding,' the ability to sift important
    information from irrelevancies... Another path to
    creative insight is called 'selective
    combination,' seeing a way to combine the
    relevant information once you've detected it...
    Another skill useful to creativity is the ability
    to draw comparisons and analogies. Many
    breakthroughs are the result of juxtaposing
    elements or ideas that ordinarily do not go
    together or detecting a hidden pattern of
    connections among things. "
  • from Goleman, Daniel et al., The Creative
    Spirit, Plume, 1992, p.35.

  • "I've given up trying to be rigorous. All I'm
    concerned about is being right."
  • Hawking, Stephen, quoted in Thorpe, Scott, How
    to Think Like Einstein, Barnes Noble Books,
    Inc., 2000, p. 30.

Uncertainty and the Quantam Theory
  • Neils Bohrenergy controls electron motion
  • Erwin Schrödingerwave mechanics
  • Werner Heisenberguncertainty principle
  • Enrico Ferminuclear chain reaction

Implications of Quantum Uncertainty
  • Determinism questioned
  • Time/Mass/Dimensions reexamined
  • Scientific method questioned
  • Thoughts and feelings more real than substance
  • Cause and effect relationships false

  • "Resistance to technological change derives
    from two sources that aid and abet each other,
    though they can exist independently. One is the
    economic and political interest of the
    technological status quo. The other is the
    resistance of intellectuals, who, for one reason
    or another, are genuinely and sincerely fearful
    of technology. Though at times the
    intellectuals' sincerity may be in doubt, it is
    reasonable to distinguish between these selfish
    and selfless currents in technophobic responses.
    Whatever its motives, the resistance to
    technological change has to rely on non-market
    forces, above all the control of political
  • Mokyr, Joel, The Gifts of Athena, Princeton
    University Press, 2002, p.262-263.

  • A theory is a set of basic rules, supported by a
    great many confirmed observations by many
    scientists, that explains and makes sensible a
    large number of facts that, without the theory,
    would seem to be unconnected...Theories are not
    necessarily correct in every detail, to begin
    with, and might never be entirely correct in
    every detail, but they are sufficiently correct
    (if they are good theories) to guide scientists
    in understanding the subject the theory deals
    with, in exploring further observations, and,
    eventually, in improving the theory. No
    scientific theory is instantly accepted by
    scientists. There are always those scientists
    who are suspicious of anything new and this is
    perhaps a good thing. Theories should not slide
    into acceptance too easily they should be
    questioned and tested vigorously. In this way,
    weak spots in the theory will be uncovered and,
    perhaps, strengthened.
  • Isaac Asimov, Atom, pp. 12.

  • "But where evidence is sparse or absentas it is
    for a growing number of questions in physics
    other criteria, including aesthetic ones, come
    into play in an essential way, both for
    formulating a theory and for evaluating it. In
    view of this fact, it is imperative that
    physicists know what they mean when they make
    appeals to such standards as elegance, coherence,
    and inner beauty. Many professional scientists
    use these terms to refer to their work, but few
    take the trouble to define them. What, then, is
    meant by elegance? By coherence? And What is
    beauty, in the context of mathematical formulas
    and physical theories?...All science is the
    search for unity in hidden likenesses...The
    equality of ratios is to physics what rhythm is
    to poetry, and balance to painting."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.69-71.

  • "But our understanding of nature does not proceed
    simply by means of scientific method, however
    understood. It frequently involves the kind of
    discovery that turns on less predictable (and
    less definable) factors such as accident and
    luck, as well as such personal traits as
    intuition, empathy, passion, openness to
    surprise, etc. that have to do with the
    personality of the individual scientist."
  • John Hatton and Paul Plouffe, Science and its
    Ways of Knowing, 1997, pp.x.

  • "Quantum theory implies the universe is basically
    an indivisible whole, even though on the larger
    scale level it may be represented approximately
    as divisible into separately existing parts. In
    particular, this means that, at a quantum
    theoretical level of accuracy, the observing
    instrument and the observed object participate in
    each other in an irreducible way. At this level
    perception and action therefore cannot be
  • David Bohm, The Special Theory of Relativity

  • Science is the daughter of faith, the sister of
    hope, and the mother of charity.
  • Louis Pasteur

  • "The central core of the old belief system, one
    that lasted into the twentieth century, rested on
    three dogmas... (1) To all genuine questions
    there is one true answer, all others being false,
    and this applies equally to questions of conduct
    and feeling, to questions of theory and
    observations, to questions of value no less than
    to those of fact. (2) The true answers to such
    questions are in principle knowable. (3) These
    true answers cannot clash with one another."
  • Einstein, History and Other Passions, Gerald

Knowledge vs. Imagination
  • Imagination is greater than knowledge.
  • -Albert Einstein

Why Scientists Should Read Shakespeare
  • Why Humanists Should
  • Understand Einstein
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