Title: Mobilizing the Web with DAMLEnabled Web Services
1Mobilizing the Web with DAML-Enabled Web
- Sheila McIlraith
- Knowledge Systems Laboratory (KSL)
- Department of Computer Science
- Stanford University
- (with Son Cao Tran and Honglei Zeng)
The Web is evolving from a provider of documents
and images
to a provider of services
- Problem todays web is designed primarily for
human use.
- We are developing semantic markup of
- web services,
- web service users preferences and constraints
- reusable agent procedures
- to make services computer-interpretable,
use-apparent, and
- agent-enabled.
- We are developing agent technology that exploits
- markup to support automated web service
- execution, composition and interoperation.
5Web Service Markup Will Enable
- Automation of
- Web service discovery
- Find me an airline service that offers flights to
- Web service execution
- Buy me Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone at
- www.amazon.com
- Web service selection, composition and
- Make my travel arrangements for my IJCAI
conference trip
These are the drivers for web service markup.
6Semantic Markup
- How is DAML adding value over XML?
- Ontologies
- reuse sharing
- composition succinct web site markup
E.g., service world-altering service
purchase purchase-plane-ticket p
urchase-UAL-plane-ticket purchase-bo
ok ... Information-providing service
provide-schedule-info provid
e-flight-schedule-info ...
7Semantic Markup
- How is DAML adding value over XML?
- Ontologies
- reuse sharing
- composition succinct web site markup
- Constraints and Rules
- compact representation
- ease of expression
E.g., flight-over-3hours ? movie unauthorized-we
b-site ? unreliable-source
8Semantic Markup
- How is DAML adding value over XML?
- Ontologies
- reuse sharing
- composition succinct web site markup
- Constraints and Rules
- compact representation
- ease of expression
- Semantics
E.g., supplier -vs-
vendor due-date
9Web Services An Example
- Web service discovery
- Find me an airline service that offers flights to
- Web service execution
- Buy me Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone at
- www.amazon.com
- Web service selection, composition and
- Make my travel arrangements for my IJCAI
conference trip
- Each web site provides a set of services
- information providing (e.g., flight schedules,
camera views) or
- world-altering (e.g., booking flights, home
temp. adjustment)
- Web services are conceived as
- functions for execution, (Declaratively
Specified API)
- actions/processes for composition and
- Web sites are annotated with DAML markup,
- services in terms of action preconditions
- and effects or in terms of processes of
- actions.
11DAML Markup of Web Services
Function and action-based markup exploits
E.g., service world-altering service
purchase purchase-plane-ticket p
urchase-UAL-plane-ticket pa
rameters c-name, origin, dest, d-date,
know(c-name), valid(credit-card),
effects purchased(ticket),
debit(credit-card)... rent
rent-car ... Information-provi
ding service provide-schedule-info
provide-flight-schedule-info ...
Collectively they create a distributed KB of
12Agents request services through brokers
Agents communicate with DAML-enabled web sites
through Agent Brokers that request web services
and dispatch responses. Brokers exploit the web
service ontologies to assist in locating
appropriate service providers.
13DAML-Enabled Agents
Agents are tasked by people, or by other agents.
14Generic Procedures
Agents are tasked in terms of high-level,
reusable generic procedures. The what no
t necessarily the how. Ontologies support shar
ing, reuse, and composition.
15Customizing Generic Procedures
- Generic procedures can be further constrained by
- DAML-defined constraints
- user constraints/preferences,
- group constraints, or
- instance-specific constraints.
E.g., Bob would like to drive if the driving
distance is less than 3 hours. KSL Busines
s air travel should be on an American carrier.
16Instantiating Generic Procedures
Agents KB is automatically constructed relative
to the generic procedure and constraints. KB is
updated by web service responses.
Deductive machinery instantiates the generic pro
cedure wrt. constraints and world state to
generate web service requests
that the broker executes.
- DAML First-order logic and some DAMLOIL
- Agent KB representation language Situation
- Generic procedures representation language
- Deductive machinery Prolog
- Agent Broker Open Agent Architecture SRI
- Prototype agent/agent broker constructed.
- Preliminary ervice ontology constructed.
18Travel Example
Bob Chen wants to travel from San Francisco to
Monterey, departing September 2 and returning Se
ptember 6.
The purpose of the travel is DAML.
Generic Procedure Travel(customer,origin, dest,
date-d, date-r, purpose) Book-travel(origin,
dest) Book-transportation(dest) Book
-hotel(dest) Inform(customer) Create
-expense-claim end
Our Labs Relevant Constraints
KSL Business air travel must be on an American
carrier. Bobs Relevant Constraints Bob would
like to drive if the driving distance is less
than 3 hours.
19Dynamic User Interface with DAMLOIL
20Behind the Scenes
21Behind the Scenes
22Behind the Scenes
23Behind the Scenes
24Behind the Scenes
25Behind the Scenes
26Behind the Scenes
27Behind the Scenes
28Agent e-mails itinerary to customer
29Agent e-mails itinerary to customer
30Agent e-mails itinerary to customer
31Agent e-mails itinerary to customer
32Agent e-mails itinerary to customer
33Agent creates expense claim for customer
34Summary of Key Features of KSL Work
- DAML Markup of Web Services, User Constraints,
Agent Procedures
- Computer-interpretable, use-apparent,
agent-enabled services.
- Ontologies facilitate construction, sharing,
reuse, and composition
- support succinct web site markup.
- Markup not specific to particular agent
- A DAML-Enabled Agent System
- DAML markup provides distributed KB for agents.
- Logic-based generic procedures constraints.
- Procedures - general and easy to use.
- Constraints enable customization.
- Ontologies facilitate construction, sharing,
reuse, composition.
- Procedures are verifiable wrt. certain
- Deductive machinery instantiates procedures
- web service requests that are sent to the agent
- Procedures deductive machinery provide middle
- between planning programming.
35Take-Away Message
- Semantic Web Services are going to
revolutionize B2B and E-Commerce on the Web.
- They will also revolutionize the way companies
deal with their information and business
- Semantic markup (DAML markup) of web services
is the key enabling technology for this