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1. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE AGE OF TRADE ... Centre for Economic Studies and Planning. School of Social Sciences. Jawaharlal Nehru University ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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LIBERALIZATION What Did We Really Get?A case
Study of JordanPresented atIDEAs Beijing
Workshop 3-5th June, 2007
  • Fayq Al Akayleh
  • Centre for Economic Studies and Planning
  • School of Social Sciences
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University
  • New Delhi

Natural Obstacles
  • Lack of arable land (Only 7.8 percent (1 million
    acres) of the total land is arable.
  • The very limited resources for both the drinking
    and irrigation water (Estimated deficit of
    drinking water in 1997 was 25 percent.)
  • Rain-fed agriculture occupies 80 percent of the
    total arable land

Table 1 Average Production Trade Share and
Export-Import ratio of Main Crops (Calculated
based on quantities) (2000-2003)
Wheat Barley Lentils Fruits Vegetables Citrus Fruits
Production () 1.6 1.6 0.01 16.4 71.5 8.9
X/M () 0.2 0.0 2.4 361.7 361.7 361.7
Trade Share () 1717 2104 767 43.8 43.8 43.8
Agricultural Trade Liberalization Policies,
Introduced since 1993
  • 1989 Implementation of the Economic Structural
    Adjustment Program 1989-1993. This was
    interrupted by the 1990/91 Gulf Crisis and U.S.
    offensive against Iraq
  • 1993 Implementation of Economic Reform Program
    that has been included in the 1993-1997 and
    1999-2003 economic and social development plans.
  • 1993 Food subsidies reduced by more than 50
    (declined as a share of GDP from 3.4 in 1990 to
    1.2 in 1993)
  • 1993 Governments gradual withdrawal from
    importing almost all agricultural products except
    for very few items in competition with the
    private sector

Continued Agricultural Trade Liberalization
  • 1994 Agricultural Sector Adjustment
    Program-under World Banks Agricultural
    Structural Adjustment Loan
  • In October 1994, the Government lowered all
    tariffs of more than 50 to 50 or less ,
    affecting 21 of imports (including tobacco and
  • In May 1995, tariffs on all agricultural products
    were reduced further to 25
  • In May, 1995, the Government eliminated all
    quantitative restrictions on agricultural
    imports, except very few essential food items,
    and converted them into tariffs
  • In 1996, A progressive tariff for irrigation

Continued Agricultural Trade Liberalization
  • In August 1996, the bread subsidy was eliminated
    and the prices of flour and bread were increased.
    Increasing price of bread was accompanied by cash
    transfer of the amount of JD 1.280 per person per
    month, subject to the JD 500 per household
    eligibility criterion
  • 1994 The Government replaced the Consumption Tax
    on imports by the General Sales Tax Law No. 6 of
    1994, which is applied equally on domestically
    produced goods as well as imports.

Continued Agricultural Trade Liberalization
  • 1997 Export Promotion Facility of the Central
    Bank of Jordan, which was operating to provide
    credits for exporters, through commercial banks,
    at 2 percentage points below the prevailing
    discount rate, was terminated on January 1st,
  • 1999 In January 1999, the general cash transfer
    was eliminated and the Government liberalized
    bread prices. The cost of food subsidy as a share
    of GDP was 3.1 in 1989 and declined to 0.3 of
    GDP in 1999.
  • 2000 Total domestic subsidies offered by the
    government to local agricultural producers
    reduced by 13.3 over a period of seven years
    from the date of accession to WTO

Continued Agricultural Trade Liberalization
  • 2003 As a provision of the Great Arab Free Trade
    Agreement, by January 1st, 2003, exemption of
    customs duties among the League countries reached
    70 percent, including agricultural products
  • 2005 The State-owned Agricultural Marketing and
    Processing Company (AMPCO) was privatized in
    November 2005 for JD 8.9 million

Agricultural Real Production, Real Income and
Relative Prices
Figure 1
  • Relative price index of agricultural products was
    slightly lower in period after 1993 compared to
  • Real agricultural production peaked in 1992 and
    fell thereafter, never reaching that level again.
  • Average production in 2001-03 was 21 lower than
    in 1991-93 (JD 193.6 million in 2001-03 and JD
    245.5 in 1991-93).
  • The same scenario happened to real income from
    agriculture with sharper decline since 1993
  • Average income in 2001-03 was 53 lower than in
    1991-93 (JD 111.1 million lower than JD
    236.3 million in 1991-93).
  • Domestic agricultural prices were higher than
    world prices since 1993. This made domestic
    agricultural products less competitive adversely
    affecting exports and encouraging imports.

Agricultural Real Investment and Trade Share
Figure 2
  • Since 1993, trade share increased sharply till
    2000 and agriculture sector experienced
    disinvestment (JD -7.8 million) in 1996, both
    moved together till 2002, and in opposite
    direction in 2003.
  • Average trade share increased from 237.1 during
    1985-1992 to 315 during 1993-2003, whereas
    average agricultural investment decreased from JD
    42.7 million to JD 21.2 million.
  • Real investment and share of trade in
    agricultural GDP have, in general, moved in
    opposite direction
  • The dominance of imports over exports in trade
    reduced the ability of domestic producers to
    competing, which discouraged investment,
    resulting in declining production

Trade Deficit in Agriculture Sector
Competitive Advantage (CAX) for Agricultural
Exports and for agricultural production (CAM)
  • The following formulas were used to find the CAX
    and the CAM
  • CAXij (Xijt / Xjt) / (Xiwt / Xwt)
  • CAMij (Mijt / Mjt) / (Miwt / Mwt)
  • i, j, t, w, X, and M are agricultural ith
    product, Jordan, time period, the world, exports
    and imports, respectively, and if
  • CAX is greater (smaller) than unity for an
    agricultural product, the country has competitive
    advantage (competitive disadvantage) in export of
    that product and when RCAX (the change in CAX) is
    greater (smaller) than unity, the country has
    been gaining (losing) advantage in export of that
  • CAM is greater (smaller) than unity for an
    agricultural product, then the country has
    disadvantage (advantage) in the production of
    that product RCAM is greater (smaller) than
    unity implies that the country witnessed further
    loss (gain) in advantage of the production of
    that product.

Results for Competitive Advantage
  • Over the pre-reform period, Jordan had
    competitive advantage in EXPORT of 14 out of 37
    agricultural products included in the study, yet
    the number of competitive products declined to 13
    during the reform period.
  • The number of agricultural products that have
    competitive advantage in PRODUCTION had declined
    from 25 products in the pre-reform period to 23
    products in the age of trade liberalization.
  • So no improvement in competitive advantage
    neither for agricultural exports nor for

Export-Weighted Real Exchange Rate for
Export-weighted RER for Agriculture
  • The very high values of the RER index refers to
    the period in which the economy experienced
    financial crisis as a result of increasing
    external debt by more than 300 between 1987 and
  • Export-weighted RER of agriculture was generally
    depreciating during 1970-1986 and also during
    1996-2003, YET the index during 1970-1986 was, in
    average, 132 lower than in 1996-2003.
  • The reason behind the higher values of the
    Export-weighted RER is the increasing price level
    in Jordan in comparison with that in importing
    countries of Jordanian agricultural exports.
  • Higher and upper-middle income groups contributed
    to more than 60 of Jordanian exports and the
    change in their CPIs, in average, were lower than
    that of Jordan in the reform period
  • Therefore, the Government had to give
    agricultural exporters preferential exchange rate
    for their export proceeds so that they can
    compete internationally

Trend of Production Patterns of Main Agricultural
Table 2 Percentage Change in Production,
Trade and Domestic Availability in the Era of
Trade Liberalization (1993-2003) in comparison
with the pre-reform (1970-1992)
Variable   Wheat Lentils Barley Vegetables Fruits
1- Production -53.9 -76.8 8.9 110.7
2- Exports -90.1 -84.7 -40.2 0.7
3- Imports 96.2 133.8 543.1 -25.4
4- Yield 103.9 11.8 90.7 69.2
5- Area harvested -76.5 -72.9 -20.4 43.4
6- Trade Share 294.9 540.0 687.6 -58.8
7- P.C. Domestic Availability -11.2 -60.6  ------ 35.7
Continued Table 2
Variable  Red and Poultry Meat Milk Table Eggs
1- Production 156.9 184.2 147.0
2- Exports 45.6 1374.5 -81.3
3- Imports 39.4 33.3  -
6- Trade Share -37.0 -50.0 -91.7
7- P.C. Domestic Availability 18.5 32.7 6.2
Production Patterns, Impact of Exposure to
International Markets and Domestic availability
of Food
  • Production pattern has shifted from food grains
    to vegetable and fruit farming.
  • Production of livestock products have improved in
    the reform period.
  • For food grains that are included in the study,
    exposure to international markets (in terms of
    export, import, or trade share) had a negative
    impact on both the production and per capita
    domestic availability.
  • Production of fruits and vegetables improved and
    associated with more exposure to international
    markets, yet real income did not improve
    adequately, as a result.
  • Such a pattern of agricultural production and the
    increasing exposure to international markets have
    been associated with worsened food quality, food
    needs and the number of undernourished persons.

Development of food quality, food needs and the
number of undernourished persons(From FAO
  1. Dietary energy consumption in Jordan, in annual
    average, had declined from 2790 kcal/person/day
    in 1989-1992 to 2660 kcal/person/day in
  2. Annual average of dietary protein consumption
    declined from 75 g/person/day during 1989-1992 to
    71 g/person/day in 1993-2003.
  3. Minimum dietary energy requirement (food needs) ,
    in annual average, had increased from 1758
    kcal/person/day in 1989-1992 to 1796
    kcal/person/day during 1993-2003.
  4. The annual average of the contribution of
    Carbohydrates in total dietary energy consumption
    (food quality) had declined from 65 during
    1989-1992 to 63 in the 1993-2003.
  5. Contribution of fats in total dietary energy
    consumption (food quality) increased from 25 to
    26 .
  6. Contribution of proteins in total dietary energy
    consumption (food quality) remained 11 during
    the two periods
  7. The number of undernourished persons has
    increased from 0.15 million over the 1989-1992 to
    0.35 million in 1993-2003 (or from 4.2 to 7.3
    of the total number of population).

Contribution of Agricultural Employment to Total
Concluding Remarks
  • Agricultural real income and real production
    deteriorated during the reform period. This
    situation was associated with increasing exposure
    to international markets.
  • Competitive advantage of agricultural export and
    production declined in the reform period in
    comparison with the pre-reform period.
  • Agricultural trade deficit exacerbated more in
    the reform period than in the pre-reform period.
  • The increase in agricultural relative prices (in
    Jordan relative to the world prices) was a result
    of gradual withdrawal of the government from
    investment, pricing policy, credit schemes,
    direct subsidies to agricultural producers and
    exporters and, the reduction of tariff and NTBs.

Continued Concluding Remarks
  • Per capita domestic Availability declined and the
    number of undernourished persons increased during
  • In the light of the relatively decreasing world
    prices of agriculture, increasing RER for
    agricultural exports has not been met by
    preferential exchange rates for agricultural
    exporters to enable them competing in
    international markets

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