Title: Despertar to wake wake someone up
1Despertar to wake ( wake someone up)
2Despertar to wake ( wake someone up)
- Despierto
- Despiertas
- Despierta
Despertamos Despertais Despiertan
3Despertarse to wake up
- Me Despierto
- Te Despiertas
- Se Despierta
Nos Despertamos Os Despertais Se Despiertan
4Despertar to wake (wake someone up)
- Desperté
- Despertaste
- Despertó
Despertamos Despertastais Despertaron
5Despertarse to wake up
- Me Desperté
- Te Despertaste
- Se Despertó
Nos Despertamos Os Despertastais Se Despertaron
6Reflexive verbs as infinitives
- When using reflexive verbs as an infinitive, the
reflexive pronoun still has to match the subject - Ex. I want to take a shower.
- Yo quiero ducharme
- Ex2. We need to take a bath.
- Necesitamos bañarnos
7Reflexive verbs in present progressive
- When using reflexive verbs in the present
progressive, the reflexive pronoun still has to
match the subject - Ex. I am taking a shower.
- Yo estoy duchándome
- Ex2. We are taking a bath.
- Estamos bañándonos
8 9The passive voice
- Looks like reflexive verb
- But subject is not doing something to themselves
- Used to say that something is done
- Ex. Books are read.
- Ex. Spanish is spoken.
- Ex. Toilets were sold at Lowes.
- Ex. A quiz was given everyday.
10Passive voice cont
- With the passive you dont know who did or does
the action but you know the action is done.
11How to set up a passive voice sentence in Spanish
- Use se 3rd person singular or 3rd person
plural form of the verb. - Ex. Books are read. - Se leen libros
- Ex. Spanish is spoken.- Se habla español
- Past tense sentences
- Ex. Toilets were sold at Lowes. Se vendieron
los excusados en Lowes. - Ex. A quiz was given everyday. Se dio una
prueba todos los días.
12Demonstrative adjectives
- This, these close to the speaker
- That, those close to the person being spoken
to. - That over there, those over there very far away.
13Demonstrative adjectives
- This, these este, esta estos, estas
- Key word ---- aquí here- close to the speaker
- That, those ese, esa, -- esos, esas
- Key word ---- allí there --close to the person
being spoken to. - That over there, those over there aquél,
aquella --- aquellos,aquellas - Key word ---- allá way over there or over
yonder--very far away
14Demonstrative adjectives
- Demonstrative adjectives are adjectives
- Adjectives must agree with the noun it modifies
- Masc. sing noun--- masc. sing adjectives
- Masc. plural noun --- masc. plural adjectives
- fem. sing noun--- fem. sing adjectives
- fem. plural noun --- fem. plural adjectives
15Demonstrative adjectives
- This towel Esta toalla
- These towels Estas toallas
- This toilet este excusado
- These toilets estos excusados
16Demonstrative adjectives
- That towel Esa toalla
- Those towels Esas toallas
- That toilet ese excusado
- Those toilets esos excusados
17Demonstrative adjectives
- That towel over there aquella toalla
- Those towels over there aquellas toallas
- That toilet over there aquel excusado
- Those toilets over there aquellos excusados
18Demonstrative pronouns
- That towel Ésa that one ( referring to )
- Those towels Ésas - those ( ones)
- That toilet ése
- Those toilets ésos
19Demonstrative pronouns
- That one over there aquélla
- Those ones over there aquéllas
- That one over there aquél
- Those ones over there aquéllos
20Demonstrative pronouns
- This one Ésta
- These ones Éstas
- This one Éste
- These ones Éstos
21Neuter demonstrative pronouns
- This stuff Ésto
- That stuff Éso
- That stuff over there -- aquello
Refers to general nouns, situations or
unidentified objects
22Demonstrative adjectives/pronounswebsites
- http//www.columbia.edu/fms5/hdem.html