Title: Hidden Process Models
1Hidden Process Models
- Rebecca Hutchinson
- Joint work with Tom Mitchell
- and Indra Rustandi
2Talk Outline
- fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data
- Prior work on analyzing fMRI data
- HPMs (Hidden Process Models)
- Preliminary results
- HPMs and BodyMedia
3functional MRI
4fMRI Basics
- Safe and non-invasive
- Temporal resolution 1 3D image every second
- Spatial resolution 1 mm
- Voxels 3mm x 3mm x 3-5mm
- Measures the BOLD response Blood Oxygen Level
Dependent - Indirect indicator of neural activity
5The BOLD response
- Ratio of deoxy-hemoglobin to oxy-hemoglobin
(different magnetic properties). - Also called hemodynamic response function (HRF).
- Common working assumption responses sum linearly.
6More on BOLD response
- At left is a typical BOLD response to a brief
stimulation. - (Here, subject reads a word, decides whether it
is a noun or verb, and pushes a button in less
than 1 second.)
Signal Amplitude
Time (seconds)
7(No Transcript)
8Lots of features!
- 10,000-15,000 voxels per image
9Study Pictures and Sentences
Press Button
View Picture
Read Sentence
Read Sentence
View Picture
4 sec.
8 sec.
- 13 normal subjects.
- 40 trials per subject.
- Sentences and pictures describe 3 symbols , ,
and , using above, below, not above, not
below. - Images are acquired every 0.5 seconds.
10- The star is not below the plus.
11(No Transcript)
12 ---
14fMRI Summary
- High-dimensional time series data.
- Considerable noise on the data.
- Typically small number of examples (trials)
compared with features (voxels). - BOLD responses sum linearly.
15Talk Outline
- fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data
- Prior work on analyzing fMRI data
- HPMs (Hidden Process Models)
- Preliminary results
- HPMs and BodyMedia
16Its not hopeless!
- Learning setting is tough, but we can do it!
- Feature selection is key.
- Learn fMRI(t,t8)-gtPicture,Sentence
Press Button
View Picture
Read Sentence
Read Sentence
View Picture
4 sec.
8 sec.
- Gaussian Naïve Bayes Classifier.
- 95 confidence intervals per subject are /-
10-15. - Accuracy of default classifier is 50.
- Feature selection Top 240 most active voxels in
18Why is this interesting?
- Cognitive architectures like ACT-R and 4CAPS
predict cognitive processes involved in tasks,
along with cortical regions associated with the
processes. - Machine learning can contribute to these
architectures by linking their predictions to
empirical fMRI data.
19Other Successes
- We can distinguish between 12 semantic categories
of words (e.g. tools vs. buildings). - We can train classifiers across multiple subjects.
20What cant we do?
Press Button
View Picture
Read Sentence
Read Sentence
View Picture
4 sec.
8 sec.
- Take into account that the responses for Picture
and Sentence overlap. - What does the response for Decide look like and
when does it start?
21Talk Outline
- fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data
- Prior work on analyzing fMRI data
- HPMs (Hidden Process Models)
- Preliminary results
- HPMs and BodyMedia
- Overlapping processes
- The responses to Picture and Sentence could
overlap in space and/or time. - Hidden processes
- Decide does not directly correspond to the known
stimuli. - Move to a temporal model.
23Hidden Markov Models?
CogProc Picture, Sentence, Decide
- Cant do overlapping processes states are
mutually exclusive. - Markov assumption given statet-1, statet is
independent of everything before t-1. - BOLD response Not Markov!
24factorial HMMs?
Picture 0,1
Sentence 0,1
Decide 0,1
- Have more flexibility than we need.
- Picture state sequence should not be 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1 - Still have Markov assumption problem.
25Hidden Process Models
Name Read sentence Process ID 1 Response
Name View Picture Process ID 2 Response
Name Decide whether consistent Process ID
3 Response
Process ID 1
Process ID 1
Process Instances
Process ID 2
View picture
Process ID 3
Decide whether consistent
Observed fMRI cortical region 1 cortical
region 2
26HPM Parameters
- Set of processes, each of which has
- a process ID
- a maximum response duration R
- emission weights for each voxel v
W(v,1),,W(v,t),,W(v,R) - a multinomial distribution over possible start
times within a trial q1,,qt,,qT - Set of standard deviations one for each voxel
27Interpreting data with HPMs
- Data Interpretation (int)
- Set of process instances, each of which has
- a process ID
- a start time S
- To predict fMRI data using an HPM and int
- For each active process, add the response
associated with its processID to the prediction.
28Synthetic Data Example
Process 1
Process 2
Process 3
Process responses
ProcessID1, S1
Process instances
ProcessID2, S17
ProcessID3, S21
Predicted data
29Our Assumptions
- Processes, not states.
- One hidden variable process start time.
- Known number of processes in the model.
- e.g. Picture, Sentence, Decide 3 processes
- Known number of instantiations of those
processes. - e.g. numTrials3 processes
- Each process has a unique signature.
- Contributions of overlapping processes to the
same output variable sum linearly.
30The generative model
- Together HPM and interpretation (int) define a
probability distribution over sequences of fMRI
P(yv,thpm,int) N(mv,t,sv)
mv,t S Wi.procID(v,t
i ÃŽ active process instances
- Given
- An HPM
- A set of data interpretations (int) of processIDs
and start times - Priors over the interpretations
- P(intiY) a P(Yinti)P(inti)
- Choose the interpretation i with the highest
32Synthetic Data Example
ProcessID1, S1
Interpretation 1
ProcessID2, S17
ProcessID3, S21
ProcessID2, S1
Interpretation 2
ProcessID1, S17
ProcessID3, S23
Observed data
Prediction 1
Prediction 2
33Learning the Model
- EM (Expectation-Maximization) algorithm
- E-step
- Estimate a conditional distribution over the
start times of the process instances given the
observed data, P(SfMRI). - M-step
- Use the distribution from the E step to get
maximum-likelihood estimates of the HPM
parameters q, W, s.
34More on the E-step
- The start times of the process instances are not
necessarily conditionally independent given the
data. - Must consider joint configurations.
- With no constraints, TnInstances configurations.
- 2000120 configurations for typical experiment.
- Can we consider a smaller set of start time
35Reducing complexity
- Prior knowledge
- Landmarks
- Events with known timing that trigger
processes. - One per process instance.
- Offsets
- The interval of possible delays from a landmark
to a process instance onset. - One vector of n offsets per process.
- Conditional independencies
- Introduced when no process instance could be
36Before Prior Knowledge
Read sentence
Cognitive processes
View picture
Decide whether consistent
Observed fMRI cortical region 1 cortical
region 2
37Prior Knowledge
Sentence Presentation
Picture Presentation
Landmarks (Stimuli)
Landmarks go to process instances. Offset
values are determined by process IDs.
Sentence offsets 0,1
Picture offsets 0,1
Read sentence
Decide offsets 0,1,2,3
Cognitive processes
View picture
Decide whether consistent
Observed fMRI cortical region 1 cortical
region 2
38Conditional Independencies
Sentence Presentation
Picture Presentation
Sentence Presentation
Picture Presentation
Landmarks (Stimuli)
Sentence offsets 0,1
Sentence offsets 0,1
Picture offsets 0,1
Picture offsets 0,1
Read sentence
Read sentence
Decide offsets 0,1,2,3
Decide offsets 0,1,2,3
View picture
View picture
Decide whether consistent
Decide whether consistent
Observed fMRI cortical region 1 cortical
region 2
39More on the M-step
- Weighted least squares procedure
- exact, but may become intractable for large
problems - weights are the probabilities computed in the
E-step - Gradient ascent procedure
- approximate, but may be necessary when exact
method is intractable - derivatives of the expected log likelihood of the
data with respect to the parameters
40Talk Outline
- fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data
- Prior work on analyzing fMRI data
- HPMs (Hidden Process Models)
- Preliminary results
- HPMs and BodyMedia
41Preliminary Results
Press Button
View Picture Or Read Sentence
Read Sentence Or View Picture
4 sec.
8 sec.
16 sec.
picture or sentence?
picture or sentence?
42GNB vs. HPM Classification
- GNB non-overlapping processes
- HPM simultaneous classification of multiple
overlapping processes - Average improvement of 15 in classification
error using HPM vs GNB - E.g., for one subject
- GNB classification error 0.14
- HPM classification error 0.09
43trial 25
44Model selection experiments
- Model with 2 or 3 cognitive processes?
- How would we know ground truth?
- Cross validated data likelihood P(testData HPM)
- Better with 3 processes than 2
- Cross validated classification accuracy
- Better with 3 processes than 2
45Current work and challenges
- Add temporal and/or spatial smoothness
constraints. - Feature selection for HPMs.
- Process libraries, hierarchies.
- Process parameters (e.g. sentence negated or
not). - Model process interactions.
- Scaling parameters for response amplitudes to
model habituation effects.
46Talk Outline
- fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) data
- Prior work on analyzing fMRI data
- HPMs (Hidden Process Models)
- Preliminary results
- HPMs and BodyMedia
47One idea
Name Riding bus Process ID 1 Response
Name Eating Process ID 2 Response
Name Walking consistent Process ID 3 Response
Process instances
Observed data
Sensor 1
Sensor 2
48Some questions
- What processes are interesting?
- What granularity/duration would processes have?
- What would landmarks be?
- Variable process durations needed?
- Better way to parameterize process signatures?