Title: The New Neighbor
1The New Neighbor
2Yes Amanda, they are the Spencers, you will meet
them soon.
Look Mom, New Neighbors
I cant wait to meet them!
3We are your new neighbors!! My name is Jenny.
And this is my brother JJ. Lets play together
4I wonder why JJ is walking alone?
5Thats funny JJ, that was a good ape
Amanda, thats not funny, JJ has autism, he
wasnt trying to be funny, he cant help what he
does sometimes.
6Mom, I accidentally made fun of JJ today. But, I
didnt know he had autism. I feel badly now.
You didnt do it on purpose. Now you know JJ has
a chemical imbalance that makes it difficult for
him to be social. But, he is very bright.
7That explains why JJ goes to a different school
and keeps to himself. I feel really badly about
how I acted towards him. I shouldnt be so mean
to him anymore.
8JJ is really nice, I should make sure other kids
arent mean to him.
9Why doesnt anyone want to sit with me?
10I still feel horrible about laughing at JJ. But
there are positive aspects to this now I feel
more comfortable around people with special
needs. Its a good thing I work at the Park
District where I can work one on one with kids
who have autism and other special needs.
11JJ has really changed my life. He really has
taught me a lot and I learned that I shouldnt
judge people and I should treat everyone nicely.