Title: Billion Photos as Generic Source of Data
1Billion Photosas Generic Source of Data
SIGGRAPH Course Next Billion Cameras
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros Carnegie Mellon University
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2Subject-specific Data
Photos of Coliseum
Portraits of Bill Clinton
3Much of Captured World is generic
4Generic Data
street scenes
Food plates
5Is Generic Data useful?
6Hays and Efros. Scene Completion Using Millions
of Photographs. SIGGRAPH 2007 and CACM October
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8Diffusion Result
9Efros and Leung result
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11Scene Matching for Image Completion
12Scene Completion Result
13The Algorithm
14Scene Matching
15Scene Descriptor
16Scene Descriptor
Scene Gist Descriptor (Oliva and Torralba 2001)
17Scene Descriptor
Scene Gist Descriptor (Oliva and Torralba 2001)
182 Million Flickr Images
19 200 total
20Context Matching
21Graph cut Poisson blending
22Result Ranking
We assign each of the 200 results a score which
is the sum of
The scene matching distance
The context matching distance (color
The graph cut cost
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30 200 scene matches
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37Why does it work?
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39Nearest neighbors from acollection of 20
thousand images
40Nearest neighbors from acollection of 2 million
41Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data
Halevy, Norvig, Pereira 2009
- Parts of our world can be explained by elegant
mathematics - physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc.
- But much cannot
- psychology, economics, genetics, etc.
- Enter The Data!
- Great advances in several fields
- e.g. speech recognition, machine translation
- Case study Google
42- A.I. for the postmodern world
- all questions have already been answeredmany
times, in many ways - Google is dumb, the intelligence is in the data
43How about visual data?
- text is simple
- clean, segmented, compact, 1D
- Visual data is much harder
- Noisy, unsegmented, high entropy, 2D/3D
- Quick Overview
- Uses of Data
- Visual content for graphics
- Better image understanding for vision
- The Dangers of Data
44Photos as Visual Contentfor Computer Graphics
45Traditional Computer Graphics
46State of the Art CG
- Amazingly real
- But so sterile, and lifeless
47The richness of our everyday world
Photo by Svetlana Lazebnik
48Appearance Transfer
pixels, texture, color distribution, contrast,
lighting, etc.
a few examples
49Semantic Photo Synthesis EG06
Johnson, Brostow, Shotton, Arandjelovic, Kwatra,
and Cipolla. Eurographics 2006.
50Photo Clip Art SG07
- Inserting a single object -- still very hard!
- object size, orientation
- scene illumination
Lalonde et al, SIGGRAPH 2007
51Photo Clip Art SG07
- Use database to find well-fitting object
Lalonde et al, SIGGRAPH 2007
52Face Swapping SG08
D. Bitouk, N. Kumar, S. Dhillon, P. N. Belhumeur,
and S. K. Nayar, SIGGRAPH08
53SkyFinder SG09
Tao, Yuan, Sun, SIGGRAPH 2009
54Webcam Clip Art SG Asia09
Object transfer
illuminant transfer
Lalonde et al, SIGGRAPH Asia 2009
CG2Real Improving the Realism of Computer
Generated Images using a Large Collection of
Photographs, Johnson, Dale, Avidan, Pfister,
Freeman, Matusik, Tech. Rep. MIT-CSAIL-TR-2009-034
56Image Restoration using Online Photo Collections
Dale, Johnson, Sunkavalli, Matusik, Pfister,
57Exploring Virtual Space IVW08
Sivic, Kaneva, Torralba, Avidan, Freeman,
Internet Vision Workshop, 2008
58Photos as Visual Knowledgefor Computer Vision
59Label Transfer
Tags Sky, Water, Beach, Sunny, Time 1pm,
August, 2006, Location Italy, Greece, Hawaii
Photographer Flickrbug21, Traveller2
a few examples
6080 Million Tiny Images PAMI08
Torralba, Fergus, Freeman, PAMI 2008
6180 Million Tiny Images PAMI08
Torralba, Fergus, Freeman, PAMI 2008
62Non-parametric Scene Parsing CVPR09
Liu, Yuen, Torralba, CVPR 2009
63im2gps CVPR08
Hays Efros, CVPR 2008
64Priors for Large Photo Collections
Compute Aggregate Statistic
Independent of Scenes, Photographers Cameras
Camera Distortion Free
Recover Camera Properties
Compute Aggregate Statistic
Independent of Scenes Photographers
One Cameras Distortion
Dependent on Camera
Kuthirummal et al, ECCV08
65The Dangers of Data
- Internet is a tremendous repository of visual
data (Flickr, YouTube, Picassa, etc) - But its not random samples of visual world
- Many sources of bias
- Sampling bias
- Photographer bias
- Social bias
67Flickr Paris
68Real Paris
69Real Notre Dame
70Sampling Bias
- People like to take pictures on vacation
71Photographer Bias
- People want their pictures to be recognizable
and/or interesting
72Photographer Bias
- People follow photographic conventions
73Social Bias
100 Special Moments by Jason Salavon
74Social Bias
Mildred and Lisa
Source U.S. Social Security Administration
Gallagher et al CVPR 2008
75Social Bias
Gallagher et al CVPR 2008
Gallagher et al, CVPR 2009
76Reducing / Changing Bias
Street side Google StreetView
- Autonomous capture methods can reduce / change
bias - But it wont go away completely
- Need care in picking your data to suit your
- There is lots of generic visual data out there,
and there will be MUCH more! - Some of it with useful annotations
- We are beginning to figure out how to use it
- But lots of open questions still remain
- Warning all data is biased
- Need to understand and exploit the biases