Title: The Evolution of the Net: Predicting Network Infrastructure
1The Evolution of the NetPredicting Network
Bruce R. SchatzGraduate School of Library and
Information Science University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (USA) Graduate School of
Informatics Kyoto University (August 2001 July
2002) schatz_at_uiuc.edu, www.canis.uiuc.edu
GSLIS Proseminar February 24, 2003
2The Future of Infrastructure
- Niels Bohr on Quantum Theory
- Prediction is very Difficult, especially about
the Future
3What is Infrastructure?
- Infra means Inside
- Structure means Support
- Infrastructure is
- Essential Services for Everyday Life
- Universal Protocols to Help Users
- Infrastructure Evolves to Deeper Levels
- New Technologies become Generic Enough
4Outline of Talk
- The Evolution of Infrastructure
- Amateurs become Experts via Technology
- The Waves of the Net
- Data
- Information
- Knowledge
- The Laws of the Net
- The Basic Units of Evolution
5Evolution of Infrastructure
- Everyone becomes
- An Expert with
- Interactive Support
6The Structures of Everyday Life
- Bodies (individuals)
- Food and Clothes
- Buildings (groups)
- Houses and Cities
- Transportation (physical interactions)
- Rails (trains) and Roads (cars)
- Communication (logical interactions)
- Phones (talking) and Computers (retrieving)
7How Infrastructure Scales
- Experts are Effective but Expensive
- Initially All things done by Experts
- Eventually Most things done by Amateurs
- Volume forces Provider Pyramid
- A few experts at the top
- A lot of amateurs at the bottom
- Infrastructure supports Ordinary People
- Everyone becomes a little bit of an Expert
- Most interactions done by amateurs
8Example Talking
- Transmission of Messages
- Generated by a person and Sent to another
- Network connects Operators to Operators
- The Telegraph of the 19th Century
- Station to Station, trained professionals
- Operator transmits coded message
- The Telephone of the 20th Century
- Person to Person, untrained amateurs
- Person speaks in ordinary words
- Infrastructure transmits coded message
9Example Retrieving
- Search of Archives
- Generated by many and Retrieved by many
- Network connects Archives to Users
- Bibliographic Search of the 20th Century
- Station to Station, trained professionals
- Librarian queries central archives
- Web Search of the 21st Century
- Person to Person, untrained amateurs
- Person types in ordinary words
- Infrastructure queries central archives
10Provider Pyramids Emerge
- Telephone Network was Station-Station
- Person talked to Telephone Operator
- E.g. get me a doctor!
- Operator did manual switching to Person
- Volume forced Network to Person-Person
- In 1900, everyone must become an operator
- In 2000, everyone is an operator!
- Amateurs use directories then dial numbers
- Infrastructure supports Everyday Activity
- Automatic switching scales to volume
11The Evolution of Infrastructure
- Experts handle Everyday Structures
- Provide services that become essential
- Increased Volume forces Provider Pyramid
- Amateurs handle most Interactions
- Infrastructure supports Amateurs
- Free Labor at Acceptable Quality
- Evolution proceeds by Copying Experts
- New Services approximate Experts
- Infrastructure adopts new Protocols
- Generic Technologies that always work
12The Waves of the Net
- Network Infrastructure
- Evolves from Data to
- Information to Knowledge
13What is the Net?
- The Net connects Everyone to Everything
- Global Network Infrastructure
- Universal Protocols to support Interactions
- The Functionality of the Net Evolves
- Data to Information to Knowledge
- Deeper Levels with Stronger Technologies
- At Any Level, the User only sees Outside
- Infrastructure is Inside, thus Invisible
- The Web is just the Present not the Future
- Someday, the Net will be true Cyberspace
14Waves of the Net - Levels
- Data The Past
- Transmission across Networks (Physical)
- Telephone Operators Switching Gateways
- Information The Present
- Retrieval across Spaces (Logical)
- Reference Librarians Federated Repositories
- Knowledge The Future
- Analysis across Models (Reality)
- Doctors Categories
- Wisdom The Goal
15Waves of the Net - Services
- Data The Past
- File Transfer
- Basic Unit is Bits within Packets
- Information The Present
- Concept Navigation
- Basic Unit is Words within Documents
- Knowledge The Future
- Structure Correlation
- Basic Unit is Features within Vectors
16Waves of the Net -- Protocols
- Data The Internet
- Packet Subwave TCP/IP (Transmission)
- File Subwave FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- Information The Interspace
- Document Subwave HTTP/HTML (Search)
- Concept Subwave CSP (Concept Switching)
- Knowledge The Intermodel
- Vector Subwave VTP/VCPL (Cluster Pattern)
- Structure Subwave SMP (Structure Matching)
17Transmitting Data
- Telephone Network of the 19th Century
- Wave 0, Multiplexed Telegraph
- Digital Bits
- basic Syntax for Transmission
- Packets are the paradigm
- Packets are grouped Bits
- Address and Routing for Packets
- Bits interpreted only by local computers
18The Internet
- First Universal Physical Wave
- Wave 1, Protocols across Networks
- Universal across packet networks (IP)
- Files from computer to computer
- Distributed File Systems
- Files cluster Bits within Computers
- Assemble Files from Bits using Packets (TCP)
- Transmit Files across Computers (FTP)
19Searching Information
- WorldWide Web of the 20th Century
- Wave 2, Hyperlink Transmission (HTTP)
- Digital Words
- basic Semantics for Search
- Documents are the paradigm
- Documents are grouped Words (HTML)
- Classification and Indexing for Documents
- Words interpreted only by local repositories
20The Interspace
- First Universal Logical Wave
- Wave 3, Protocols across Spaces
- Universal across document spaces
- Concepts from repository to repository
- Distributed Concept Systems
- Concepts cluster Words within Repositories
- Assemble Concepts from Words using Documents
- Search Concepts across Repositories
21Universal Information Units
- Basic Concepts of Natural Language
- Fundamental Grouping needed for Semantics
- Specialized to specific Community Collections
- Essential Technologies all Converging
- Document Representation (XML, RDF)
- Language Parsing (multiword noun phrases)
- Statistical Indexing (contextual frequencies)
- Peer-Peer Networking (local computations)
- Concept Switching (vocabulary translations)
22Same Process, Deeper Level
- The Interspace, using Libraries
- Subject thesaurus, yields Concept space
- Subject classification, yields Concept map
- From words to concepts
- From networks to spaces
- The Intermodel, using Lifestyles
- Reality problem, yields Structure model
- Reality solution, yields Structure cluster
- From features to structures
- From spaces to models
23Analyzing Knowledge
- Lifestyle Grid of the 21st Century
- Wave 4, Full-spectrum Questionnaires
- Digital Features
- basic Pragmatics for Analysis
- Vectors are the paradigm
- Vectors are grouped Features
- Comparison and Clustering for Vectors
- Features interpreted only by local situations
24Healthcare Infrastructure
- Monitors for each Individual
- Capture everyday lifestyle status
- Customized questionnaires for healthcare
- Build detailed database of health vectors
- Managers for each Individual
- Daily Feature Record for each Individual
- Detailed Databases for whole Population
- Analyze Clusters of Similar Individuals
25The Intermodel
- First Universal Representational Wave
- Wave 5, Protocols across Models
- Universal across vector models
- Features from individual to individual
- Distributed Structure Systems
- Structures cluster Features within Individuals
- Assemble Structures from Features using Vectors
- Analyze Structures across Individuals
26Universal Knowledge Units
- Basic Structures of Everyday Life
- World Categories needed for Pragmatics
- Similar Structures from Many Subjects
- Medicine, categories of health status
- Computing, TCOL versus UNCOL
- Anthropology, cross-cultural universals
- Psychology, basic natural categories
- Architecture, design patterns for comfort life
- History, structures of everyday life
27Realizing Wisdom
- Zen Buddhism
- The Ocean including all Waves
- Direct Interaction with Reality
- Beyond Words and Concepts
- Zen Koans
- Curriculum process of realization exercises
- Become one with the koan, achieve Satori
- Richi -- Reality Challenge, e.g. Mu
- Kikan Reality Interaction, e.g. Oak Tree
28The Intermind
- First Universal Spiritual Wave
- Wave N, Protocols across Minds
- Universal across Mind Realities
- Hive Mind on the Net, There is no Self!
- Religions to model Lifestyles
- richi (koan) for monitor (health)
- kikan (koan) for manager (health)
- Mimic basic structures not details
- Interactive navigation through automated clusters
not automated decision-making
29Metaphors across Waves
- Capturing Operators yields Internet
- Capturing Librarians yields Interspace
- Capturing Doctors yields Intermodel
- Capturing Roshi-s yields Intermind
30The Laws of the Net
- Predicting Units of
- Network Infrastructure
- for Deeper Evolution
31Philosophy of Informatics
- Physics in the 20th Century
- Newtonian Mechanics is Western philosophy
- Deterministic Laws predict all motion
- Quantum Mechanics is Eastern philosophy
- Probabilistic Computations are uncertain
- Informatics in the 21st Century
- Database Retrieval is Western philosophy
- Deterministic Rules match correct results
- Information Retrieval is Eastern philosophy
- Statistical Clusters suggest useful results
32Laws of Motion
- Isaac Newton, 1687, Principia Mathematica
- Â
- I. Every body continues in its state of rest,
or of uniform motion in a right straight line,
unless it is compelled to change that state by
forces impressed upon it. - II. The change of motion is proportional to the
motive force impressed and is made in the
direction of the right line in which that force
is impressed. - III. To every action there is always opposed an
equal reaction or, the mutual actions of two
bodies upon each other are always equal, and
directed to contrary parts.
33Laws of Infrastructure
- Bruce Schatz, 2004, The Evolution of the NetÂ
- I. Every infrastructure undergoes a
characteristic evolution, from station-station to
person-person, from trained experts to untrained
amateurs, to handle the volume of a universal
service. - II. Most of the volume of a universal service
is handled by the users themselves, with
infrastructure support provided by modeling an
appropriate expert. - III. Each new basic structure models a new
expert in terms of previous structures, and each
successful evolution brings the structures closer
to approximating reality.
34Levels of Abstraction
- Deeper Levels drive Later Waves
- Each Wave has a fundamental level
- Deeper composed from Shallower
- Each Level built upon the Previous Level
- units level N-2 ordered by (ob) units level N-1
- Context of N-2 within N-1 yields N
- Laws predict Future Units
- Information Space, Knowledge Model
35Units of Abstraction
- Metaphors
- structures ob situations
- Situations
- categories ob structures
- Structures
- concepts ob categories
- Categories
- documents ob concepts
- Concepts
- terms ob documents
- Documents
- words ob terms
36The Science of Informatics
- New Units from Old Units
- Predict Future Units from Current Units
- New Waves from Old Waves
- Predict Future Protocols from Current
- Same Processes, New Technologies
- Context as Meaning, Statistics as Truth
- Deeper Levels are Closer to Reality