Title: Dia 1
1Figure 21.1 Irving Fisher (1867-1947)
2Figure 21.2 The Netherlands interest rates and
inflation rates (CPI), 1979 2004
3Figure 21.3 Germany interest rates and term
4Figure 21.3 Germany interest rates and term
5Figure 21.4 Term structure of interest rates US
yield curve on 10 January, 2006
6Figure 21.5 Japan term structure of interest
7Figure 21.6 Two investment options
8Figure 21.7 Accuracy of linear approximation of
9Figure 21.8 Australia and USA variability in
exchange rates and interest rates
10Figure 21.8 Australia and USA variability in
exchange rates and interest rates
11Figure 21.9 Australia USA 12-month covered
interest parity
12Figure 21.10 Assumptions, interest parity, and
market efficiency
13Figure 21.11 Australia USA prediction accuracy
of forward rates
14Figure 21.11 Australia USA prediction accuracy
of forward rates
15Figure 21.11 Australia USA prediction accuracy
of forward rates
16Figure 21.12 Australia USA forecast errors