Title: Agenda 080110
1 Agenda 080110 Summary of progress Michiko
Meso Scale OSSE for MTGIRS by Hans
Huang (NCAR) Progress in UAS OSSE Yuanfu Xie
and Nikki Prive Progress in simulation of
radiance Ron Errico, Runhua Yang Tong,
Haibing, Jack Trouble we had in AIRS OSSE
Michiko and Haibing Scheduling the next meeting
on Evaluation of T799 NR
2Summary of the progress Simulation of radiance
data DB91L Thinned data Surface data
Discussion on meso - regional OSSE Demand for
high resolution NR and OSSE Regional vs
global Low res vs meso res (less than 5km, non
hydrostatic, cloud resolving) Future NR Global
meso scale model NICAM (3.5 km) GFDL-ESRL
(Planned delivery time 2012) Local high
resolution Fibonacci grid stretched-icosahed
ral grid Meso scale regional NR
3Need for plan in Meso scale OSSE
High resolution data become available. Demand
(hope) for high resolution data assimilation and
forecast Meso scale OSSEs are being conducted at
NCAR and Wisconsin Although we will be busy in
working T511 T799 NR for next few years, Joint
OSSE has to have a guide line toward meso scale
OSSE to integrate the effort.
4Progress in Simulation of radiance data -
DB91L Data set with 91 level NR profile at foot
print. NR data interploated to foot print of
satellite observation. DB91L data will be saved
in binary format not in bufr There are two
streams of effort in simulation of radiance
data A. state of art strategies by using
complete data set for T799 NR period. (DB91L for
HIRS foot print is posted at ftp site)
S/DBL91T511/OCT05/HIRS These data are generated
by Jack and a program to read these data are
posted at ftp//ftp.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/gc_wmb/jwoo
llen/nrpoes DB91L produced for this group
should be also useful for CRTM developers. B.
Simulation for thinned data for complete 13 month
NR period (Currently working on May05-Oct05).
This may be sufficient for calibration.
5 We consider 5 TCC for cut off to simulate
clear sky radiance. This will eliminate large
number of good stratospheric channel, which can
produce clear sky radiance even if TCC is
large. We decide to use quality mark from real
world. Radiance data were preselected, thinned,
cloud cleared and quality marked. 1. Jack
will produced DB91L for foot print used by GSI 2.
Tong and Haibin will produce profile for selected
foot print 3. Jack will add QC to the channel
which were not used by GSI Since the data will
based on real cloud we will ended up producing
clear sky radiance at cloudy area and missing
data from clear area in NR. However, this is
good enough for precursor run.
612/15/07 The first set of thinned data Index of
d goes10_sndr_2005050200.dbl911647
KB12/18/200783600 PM goes12_sndr_2005050200.dbl9
11224 KB12/18/200783600 PM noaa14_hirs2_20050502
00.dbl9118024 KB12/18/200783600
PM noaa14_msu_2005050200.dbl9113187
KB12/18/200783600 PM noaa15_amsua_2005050200.dbl
9134127 KB12/18/200783600 PM noaa15_amsub_200505
0200.dbl9113162 KB12/18/200783600
PM noaa16_amsua_2005050200.dbl9133683
KB12/18/200783600 PM noaa16_amsub_2005050200.dbl
9113077 KB12/18/200783700 PM noaa16_hirs3_200505
0200.dbl9123004 KB12/18/200783700
PM noaa17_amsub_2005050200.dbl9113239
KB12/18/200783700 PM noaa17_hirs3_2005050200.dbl
9123524 KB12/18/200783700 PM First Jack will
produce from May 07-Sep07 After some test produce
for the rest of the T511 period
7Global or Regional?
Global analysis is performing better for
regional forecast? Influence of Global
Teleconnection in a few days forecast Regional
OSSEs can produce quick results for analysis and
a few hours forecast evaluation Regional OSSEs
are suitable for Universities with limited
resources Local high resolution global model is
an option
8Global Meso scale models are being developed
NICAM Nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric
model Global cloud resolving model
3.5 km model integrations are done for one week
(stop due to computing resource) 7 and14km model
integrated for 100-200 days 40 levels
9(No Transcript)
1026DEC2006 2100 JST
11MTSAT (??????)
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14(4) T-PARC interestsGlobal optimal positioning
of observing systems in OSSEImprove forecast
Yucheng Song Nov1,2007
Day 3-4 Radiosondes Russia
Day 5-6 Radiosondes Tibet
D 2-3 G-IV
D 1-2 C-130 UAS
D-1 UAS P-3
Day 3-4 GEMS Driftsondes Aerosondes
Extensive observational platforms during T-PARC
winter phase allow us to track the potential
storms and take additional observations as the
perturbation propagate downstream into Arctic and
US continents
Yucheng Song Nov1,2007
16Local high resolution global model Using
Fibonacci grid
17H. Tomita (2007) "A stretched grid on a sphere by
new grid transformation and its applications
"submitted to J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, special
18Requirement for the meso scale (can be global)
Nature run (sample suggestions)
?Could be either global or regional. ?The NWP
mode must have good forecast skill ?Distinction
between simulation of observation for OSSE and
for visualization and forecast skill. ?At least
3 month lower resolution run with same model is
required to provide a period for spin up for bias
correction. ?There will be very little or no
noise for switching to higher resolution model.
The length of the high resolution model can be
shorter ?Must have a good TC or severe weather in
the nature run period. ?Sufficient number of
vertical levels. Minimum 91 levels. ?Some degree
of coupling with ocean and land surface ?If it is
regional, the effect of the lateral boundary must
be evaluated. This could be a s large as data
impact. ? A list of verification method must be
produced by Joint OSSE. ? ? ?
19Meso scale Nature run verification Sample
Enegy spectrum Realistic Cloud distribution Realis
tic Cloud type Cyclone statistics Tropical
waves Hurricane Warm core Max wind (Katrina 1mi
average Convective cell Temperature/moisture/wind
Cloud coverage imagery vs.simulations Cloud
liquid/ice statistics Cloudsat/Calipso vs.