Title: Fever, headache, belly pain
1Fever, headache, belly pain
- 37 yo Somali male was in his usual state of
health until 9 days ago he developed fever, HA
and body aches - Fever not measured, some relief with Tylenol but
returns intermittently throughout the day/night - Headache bilateral and constant, worse in
temporal regions, no visual changes, having vivid
dreams, has a sore neck but not stiff, good ROM. - Abdominal pain- gassy bloating, poorly localized,
6/10. Worse with meals, unclear alleviating
factors. Stooling with normal color, frequency,
and consistency. No nausea or vomiting, eating
normally up to today(now anorexic).
- Two days later at work, he became weak and fell.
No trauma from fall - told to go home. Since then
he has been resting at home. - Sought medical attention at local ER 2 days ago -
says no tests were done and he was sent home with
Tylenol. - Symptoms acutely worsened last night and
developed a bloody nose, dark urine (like coffee,
yellow eyes per his sister. - Similar to what he had about 1.5 yrs ago while in
Uganda- was diagnosed with malaria and given
shots. Remained in Uganda 4-5 months after
treatment, but says when he arrived in USA Jan
2006 he was tested negative for malaria. - Other Questions?
4Past Medical History
- Malaria several times in Somalia, always
goes away with medicine - Immigrant screening
- RPR neg 9/06/05
- HIV ELISA neg 9/06/05
- ppD to 19 mm, negative CXR, prescribed INH. He
only took 3 months of INH - No medications or allergies
5Social Family history
- Arrived in Virginia in January 2006 from Somalia
via Uganda never left MN since - Moved to MN March 2006 never left since
- Works in a Turkey packing plant with raw meats,
in Fairbault. - He lives in apartment with friends. His mother
and sister live in Mpls, other siblings in the
US, no children, not married. - Smokes tobacco cigarettes - half ppd. Denies
alcohol or other drug use ever. - FHX noncontrib, except malaria while in africa
6Physical exam
- General Appearance NAD, thin.
- BP 109/64 Pulse 101 Temp 102.6 Resp 20 Ht
5' 6" (1.68m) Wt 137 lbs 2.0 oz (62.2kg) SaO2
100 - Body Mass Index is 22.14 kg/(m2).
- HEENT Normal- Head shows no signs of trauma or
recent fall - -Eyes Normal- EOMI, scleral icterus. Pupils
equal and reactive to light. - -Nose Normal- free of discharge.
- -Mouth Normal- No lesions present, throat is
free of erythema, no tonsillar enlargement. Fair
dentition. Mucous membranes dry. - -Ears Normal- Hearing grossly intact.
- -Neck Normal- No thyromegaly, no stiffness.
Normal neck girth. - CARDIOVASCULAR Normal- Regular rate and rhythm,
normal S1/S2, no murmurs, rubs or extra heart
sounds. Pedal pulses intact, no JVD, no edema, no
carotid bruit - LUNG Normal- Lungs show no wheezes, crackles or
course lung sounds. Chest excursion normal - ABDOMEN Normal- BS present. No organomegaly.
Tender in RUQ and epigastric area, no rebound or
guarding. No abdominal scars. - MUSCULOSKELETAL Normal- No joint erythema,
edema, or tenderness. Muscles are nontender to
palpation. Normal ROM. - LYMPHATIC/VASCULAR Normal- No cervical,
supraclavicular or axillary LAD. - SKIN Normal- No rashes or lesions present, no
bruising. - NEURO Normal- Cranial nerves intact. Patellar
and biceps reflexes intact. Finger grip, triceps
and biceps strength 5/5 bilaterally.
7Physical exam
- General Appearance NAD, thin.
- BP 109/64 Pulse 101 Temp 102.6 Resp 20 Ht
5' 6" (1.68m) Wt 137 lbs 2.0 oz (62.2kg) SaO2
100 on RA - Body Mass Index is 22.14 kg/(m2).
- HEENT Normal- Head shows no signs of trauma or
recent fall - -Eyes Normal- EOMI, scleral icterus. Pupils
equal and reactive to light. - -Nose Normal- free of discharge.
- -Mouth Normal- No lesions present, throat is
free of erythema, no tonsillar enlargement. Fair
dentition. Mucous membranes dry. - -Ears Normal- Hearing grossly intact.
- -Neck Normal- No thyromegaly, no stiffness.
Normal neck girth. - CARDIOVASCULAR Normal- Regular rate and rhythm,
normal S1/S2, no murmurs, rubs or extra heart
sounds. Pedal pulses intact, no JVD, no edema, no
carotid bruit - LUNG Normal- Lungs show no wheezes, crackles or
course lung sounds. Chest excursion normal - ABDOMEN Normal- BS present. No organomegaly.
Tender in RUQ and epigastric area, no rebound or
guarding. No abdominal scars. - MUSCULOSKELETAL Normal- No joint erythema,
edema, or tenderness. Muscles are nontender to
palpation. Normal ROM. - LYMPHATIC/VASCULAR Normal- No cervical,
supraclavicular or axillary LAD. - SKIN Normal- No rashes or lesions present, no
bruising. - NEURO Normal- Cranial nerves intact. Patellar
and biceps reflexes intact. Finger grip, triceps
and biceps strength 5/5 bilaterally.
8Laboratory Data
AST 65 (10-42) ALT 62 (10-40) Alk Phos 149
(34-104) Total bili 5.9 (lt1.6) Dir Bili 2.6
(lt0.3) Lipase 35
INR 1.2 Alb 2.8
UA SG 1.029, pH 6.0, 2 prot, large blood,
urobilinogen increased, neg LE, neg nit, WBC 2-5,
RBC 0-2
Differential 56 N 0 Eos 15 L 22 Bands 6
M 1 Myelocytes
Nasal swab neg Influenza AB
- CXR normal
- RUQ US normal liver, gall bladder, and biliary
10Call from the lab
Plasmodium vivax
12P. Vivax - Thin Smear Appearance
- Gametocytes large oval scattered brown
pigment /- Schuffners dots - Ring stage large chromatin dot(s) ameoboid
shape /- Schuffners dots - Schizonts large, 12-24 merozoites /-
Schuffners dots /- ruptured
- Classical microscopy during daylight hours
- PCR send out to Mayo
- Binax rapid diagnostic test
- Falciparum or NOT
14Plasmodium vivax