Asset Manager

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Asset Manager


Amortization information ... Print separate amortization schedules for assets that are amortized. Additional Report Options ... Export depreciation schedule to Excel ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Asset Manager

Asset Manager
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Asset Manager Training
  • Session Topic
  • Introduction
  • Asset Tree and Management
  • Asset Detail Tabs
  • Asset Button Bar
  • Asset Tips and Tricks
  • Asset Questions and Answers
  • Approx. time
  • 5 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • 45 minutes
  • 10 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • 5 minutes

Asset Tree
  • The Tree displays all assets and all forms
    containing assets
  • Click the icon to expand a form and display its
    assets in the tree
  • Click on an asset to move to that asset and
    display the entry tabs
  • Click on a form to see Asset Management (details
    on all assets for that form)
  • Right click allows for many options
  • Highlight indicates disposed assets

Asset Management
Asset Management
  • Sort assets by any column in ascending or
    descending order (just click on the column
  • View totals for all assets or the current form
  • Double click on an asset to see that assets
  • Tag all assets by clicking on the header in the
    tag column
  • Click the Options button to select additional
    columns to display or hide
  • Renumber assets by clicking on the Renumber
  • Restore deleted assets by clicking the Recycle
  • Delete assets by tagging one or more and clicking
    the Delete button
  • Move assets by tagging one or more, clicking the
    Move button, and assigning the new form
  • Close the Asset Manager by clicking the Close

Asset Detail Tabs
  • There are six detail input tabs General,
    Vehicle, Disposition, Florida, Michigan, and
  • Calculated values appear in blue in shaded boxes
  • Press F1 on any field to get field specific help

General Tab
General Tab
  • The General tab shows specific information about
    the asset
  • It shows Federal and Alternative Minimum Tax
    Depreciation side by side
  • Click the button to access state
  • Allows for additional information about the asset
  • Additional description detail
  • Alternate description (longer for reports)
  • Force options
  • Amortization information
  • Enter a functional category, location, account
    code, and/or division code for report grouping

State Details
  • Use this screen to make adjustments between state
    and federal depreciation rules
  • Special depreciation is automatic
  • Uncheck the box that says State depreciation is
    the same as federal depreciation except for
    Federal Special Depreciation Allowance to adjust
    179 or make other adjustments
  • Each state listed in the return that is not
    conforming to federal rules can be adjusted and
    will have a depreciation schedule and adjustments
    made on the appropriate form or schedule

Changes to Special Depreciation Allowance
  • Generally not available for assets placed in
    service on or after January 1, 2005
  • Exceptions are
  • Long production period property and
    transportation property
  • Non-commercial aircraft
  • Must be placed in service by 12/31/2005
  • Use force option to calculate special
    depreciation allowance

New York Liberty Zone Benefits
  • The Liberty Zone is the area located on or south
    of Canal Street, East Broadway (east of its
    intersection with Canal Street), or Grand Street
    (east of its intersection with East Broadway) in
    the Borough of Manhattan in the City of New York,
    New York.
  • 30 Special depreciation allowance
  • Increased 179 deduction
  • Leasehold improvement property is classified as
    5-year property

Qualified Liberty Zone Property
  • Property placed in service after January 1, 2005
    that otherwise would have qualified for the
    special depreciation allowance
  • Used property depreciated under the modified
    accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) with a
    recovery period of 20 years or less
  • Used water utility property which is either
  • Property that is an integral part of the
    gathering, treatment, or commercial distribution
    of water
  • Any municipal sewer
  • Used computer software that is readily available
    for purchase by the general public, is subject to
    a nonexclusive license, and has not been
    substantially modified
  • Certain nonresidential real property and
    residential rental property
  • Rehabilitates property damaged or replaces
    property destroyed by the terrorist attacks of
    September 11, 2001
  • Real property is only considered destroyed (or
    condemned) if the entire structure was destroyed
    (or condemned)
  • Meets the other tests

Liberty Zone Property Other Tests
  • Acquisition date test
  • Placed in service date test
  • Substantial use test
  • Original use test
  • Exceptions

Liberty Zone Increased 179 Deduction
  • Only 50 of the cost (instead of 100) is used
    when figuring the reduced dollar limit for costs
    exceeding 420,000
  • 105,000 dollar limit is increased for qualified
    property to the smaller of
  • 35,000
  • The cost of section 179 property that is
    qualified property
  • Qualified property
  • Qualified Liberty Zone property
  • Property that would be qualified Liberty Zone
    property except that it is eligible for the
    special depreciation allowance

Liberty Zone Leasehold Improvement Property
  • Classified as 5-year property
  • Must use straight-line depreciation
  • Under ADS the recovery period is 9 years
  • Qualified improvements
  • In a nonresidential building in the Liberty Zone
  • Placed in service after September 10, 2001 and
    before January 1, 2007
  • No written binding contract effective prior to
    September 11, 2001
  • Improvement is made under or pursuant to a lease
    by the lessee (sublessee) or the lessor of that
    part of the building
  • That part of the building is to be occupied
    exclusively by the lessee (sublessee)
  • The improvement is placed in service more than 3
    years after the building was first placed in
  • Some exceptions (cant be to a common area, not
    an elevator/escalator, or enlargement of the

(No Transcript)
Vehicle Tab
Vehicle Tab
  • The Vehicle tab gathers additional information
    about automobiles
  • Added detail for odometer beginning and ending
  • Enter any business mileage, commuting mileage,
    and other mileage
  • In an individual return, click the Detail
    button(with the pin)
  • Enter medical mileagefor this vehicle
  • Enter charitable mileagefor this vehicle
  • The totals for all vehicleswill carry to Form
    1040 Schedule A
  • The business use percent is automatically
    calculated based on the mileage entries
  • Current year depreciation allowance for Standard
    Mileage Rate (SMR) will calculate based on
    business mileage
  • Prior year depreciation allowance for SMR can be
    entered (it will update from year to year)

Vehicle Tab
  • Enter any necessary vehicle expense
  • Click the Detail button next to Other to enter
    additional information
  • Property tax
  • Licensing fees
  • Registration fees
  • Insurance
  • Other expenses
  • If the property tax is anad valorem tax, check
    the box to carry the nonbusinesspercentage to
    the Schedule A
  • In the first year an auto is placed in service
    in a 1040 return, the Asset Manager will optimize
    between SMR and actual automobile expenses
  • Standard Mileage Rate is not allowed on business
  • If the automobile is exempt from the luxury
    automobile limitations on depreciation, select
    the appropriate reason from the Options pick list
  • Answer automobile related questions on the
    Questions tab

Standard Mileage Rates
Automobile LimitationsPassenger Autos
Disposition Tab
Disposition Tab
  • Choose from various types of disposition
  • Sale (Form 4797)
  • Installment Sale (Form 6252)
  • Like-Kind Exchange (Form 8824)
  • Casualty and Theft (Form 4684)
  • Charitable Contribution (Form 8283)
  • Group dispositions available for sales and
    installment sales, like-kind exchanges, and
    casualties and thefts
  • Partial dispositions available for sales and
    installment sales
  • Tracks required depreciation recapture
  • All disposition forms are generated within the
    Asset Manager (no additional entries are
    necessary in the return)

Group Sale
Group Sale
  • Choose the primary asset in the group
  • Click the Group button on the Disposition tab
  • Enter the group description
  • Enter the type of disposition (sale)
  • Enter the disposition date
  • Enter the gross sales price
  • Enter any expenses associated with the sale
  • Select the part of Form 4797 to report the sale
    on (i.e. Part 3, Sec 1245)
  • Enter separate land information, if required
  • Tag the assets to include in the group
  • The bold asset is the primary asset in the
    current group
  • The italicized assets are included in other
  • The date placed in service and cost columns have
    been added to help identify the asset
  • If there are assets that are Section 1250 and
    Section 1245 property in the same group, go to
    each asset in the carry to 4797 column and make
    the correct selection
  • Click the OK button to save the group
  • Click the Remove Group button to remove a group
  • Click the Cancel button to return to the Sale tab
    without saving any changes

Group Installment Sale
Group Installment Sale
  • Same as group sale
  • Change type of disposition to installment sale
  • Indicate amount of current year principal
    payments received
  • Indicate amount of current year interest payments
  • Tag the assets to include in the group
  • Click the OK button to save the group

(No Transcript)
Like-Kind Exchange Reg.
  • Temporary Regulation 1.168(i)-6T
  • Effective for exchanges after Feb 27, 2004
  • General Rule
  • Exchanged basis (the basis in the replacement
    property that does not exceed the basis in the
    relinquished property) is depreciated over the
    remaining recovery period of the relinquished
    property using the same MACRS depreciation method
    and convention as long as it has the same or a
    shorter recovery period or depreciation method
  • The excess basis (boot) is depreciated using
    current MACRS rules
  • No depreciation for time period between giving up
    the relinquished property and acquiring the
    replacement property
  • An election out of the new rules is available,
    but the entire basis of the replacement property
    is depreciated as new property

Group Like-Kind Exchange
Group Like-Kind Exchange
  • Choose the primary asset in the group
  • Click the Group button on the Disposition tab
  • Enter the group description
  • Enter the type of disposition (like-kind
  • Enter the disposition date
  • Enter a description of the like-kind property
  • Enter the date the received property was
  • Enter the date the property was actually received
  • Fill in other fields as required
  • Tag the assets to include in the group
  • Click the OK button to save the group
  • Note The exchanged asset(s) will not be created.
    You will have to manually add the new asset(s)

Group Casualty or Theft
Group Casualty or Theft
  • Choose the primary asset in the group
  • Click the Group button on the Disposition tab
  • Enter the group description
  • Enter the type of disposition (casualty/theft)
  • Enter the disposition date
  • Enter the classification
  • Tag the assets to include in the group
  • Indicate for each asset
  • Any insurance or other reimbursements
  • The fair market value before the casualty
  • The fair market value after the casualty (if any)
  • Click the OK button to save the group

Florida and Michigan Tabs
  • Florida Tab
  • Used to generate Florida Tangible Tax return
    (Form 405-R)
  • Enter the county and other key entries
  • Age, year purchased, and original installed cost
    all carry from the General tab
  • Michigan Tab
  • Generates Michigan C-8000ITC and C-8000D
  • Enter the location and Michigan classifications
  • Fill out the other information as required

Florida Tangible Tax
  • Prepare the header information on the Florida
    Form 405-R
  • Open the Asset Manager
  • Choose the asset to edit
  • Click on the Florida tab
  • Assign the county
  • Select from the pick list
  • Start typing the county name
  • Assign the location
  • Enter a number (1 99)
  • Locations can be set up by using the Settings
  • Location number in settings (or as input) must
    correspond to location number entered on the
    405-R input screen
  • Assign the line number
  • Enter the condition

Other Tab
  • Offers four additional options for tracking
  • Uncheck the box to activate the column and make
    necessary changes
  • ACE carries to 1120 returns
  • Book value will carry to the balance sheet and
    M-1 on the business returns
  • Use the Other and What-If columns for what-if
  • Access the state depreciation calculations by
    clicking the pin button

Button Bar
  • New Asset
  • Special Allowance
  • Calculator
  • Section 179
  • Settings
  • Reports
  • Help
  • Close

New Asset
  • Allows for quick entry of asset basics
  • Gathers the minimum amount of data necessary to
    start depreciating an asset
  • Expands as additional data is required
  • Asset ID is optional and allows for alphanumeric
  • Type is optional and allows for automatic
    assignment of the depreciation method
  • Next button to quickly add the next asset

Special Allowance
  • Elect out of special depreciation allowance
  • Elect 30 in lieu of 50 special allowance
  • Election is made for all classes or on a class by
    class basis
  • 3 Year
  • 5 Year
  • 7 Year
  • 10 Year
  • 15 Year
  • 20 Year
  • Water Utility Property
  • Depreciable Computer Software
  • Qualified Leasehold Improvement Property

  • Access the TaxWorks Calculator
  • Paste the value into any numeric input field
  • The calculator can also be accessed by hitting
    the plus key on the keyboard
  • It will take the number in the current field and
    is then ready to add additional numbers to it
  • Uncheck the box at the bottom if you do not want
    the results pasted into the program when you hit
    enter (equals)

Section 179
  • Display information about any disallowed section
    179 expense carryover
  • Display a summary of section 179 expense reported
    on a K-1 from a partnership or S-corporation
  • Override business income within the Asset
    Manager, if necessary

  • Enter functional category information
  • Thirteen categories are pre-assigned
  • Add additional categories as needed
  • Applies to all clients
  • Enter location information
  • Applies to current client only
  • Enter basic location information toprint on a
  • Contact information available for primary
  • Enter account code information
  • Applies to the current client only
  • Allows for a report to be grouped byaccount
  • Enter division code information
  • Applies to the current client only
  • Allows for a report to be grouped by division
  • Sort any column in ascending/descending order by
    clicking on the column header
  • Find in the current sort column by entering the
    text to search for in the Find box
  • Insert or delete rows by clicking the appropriate

  • Select which reports (depreciation schedules) to
    print with the return
  • Preview the reports from the Asset Manager
    (before printing them)
  • Disposition report gives detailed breakout of
    group sales, sales, and installment sales
  • Group reports by form or schedule, functional
    category, location, account code, or division
  • Sort each group by description, asset ID, or
    date placed in service
  • Choose to break each group (section) onto a new
  • Print reports for Federal Depreciation,
    Alternative Minimum Tax Depreciation, State
    Depreciation, ACE Depreciation (1120 returns),
    Book Depreciation, Book Tax Difference, and Other
  • Print future reports for Federal, AMT, State,
    Book, and Other Depreciation
  • Print separate amortization schedules for assets
    that are amortized

Additional Report Options
  • Balance sheetreconciliation
  • Defaulted to print on the Federal depreciation
    and book depreciation schedules for the 1065,
    1120, and 1120S
  • Backs out any future purchases
  • Backs out any current year dispositions
  • Should tie to the balance sheeton page 4 of the
    tax return
  • Subsection reports
  • Cannot be the same as the section
  • Year acquired
  • Form or Schedule
  • Type
  • Functional Category
  • Location
  • Account Code
  • Division Code

Help and Close
  • Help
  • Feature helps for the Asset Manager
  • Contains some examples and frequently asked
  • Close
  • Close the Asset Manager

Tips and Tricks
  • Import assets from another return
  • Export depreciation schedule to Excel
  • When you delete a multiple in input mode, it will
    move the assets to the recycle bin and compress
    the remaining assets
  • Use shift page up / shift page down to move
    through the assets in the order sorted on Asset
    Management grid

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