Vectorbased models used for terrain, including contours and TIN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vectorbased models used for terrain, including contours and TIN


Vector-based models used for terrain, including contours and TIN ... line) shares segments with line features of another type (e.g. Amtrack rail line) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Vectorbased models used for terrain, including contours and TIN

Introduction to GIS
  • Vector-based models used for terrain, including
    contours and TIN
  • Problem creates distinct terrain entities that
    distort reality terraces and triangular facets
  • Raster based grids are more commonly used
  • They are optimal for showing spatial
    micro-variation in elevation although still have
    the problem of being like miniature steps
  • Lattices deal with this through interpolation

Introduction to GIS
  • Weather station data Vector, coded with points
  • Average precipitation surface Raster
    interpolation of points
  • Average precipitation contours vector lines
  • Both are interpolations, but one may be more
    accurate in a given situation
  • Downside of contours terrace effect, fewer
    intervals, more categorical

Metropolitan Areas
Introduction to GIS
  • No official administrative boundary for this
  • Where does one metro area begin and another end?
    Look at the New York New Jersey area.
  • For a precise bounding, say for administrative
    purposes, use vector
  • Can also include fuzzy boundaries
  • To represent a gradual change from one urban area
    to another, use raster

Introduction to GIS
Types of Vector Topology
  • Arc-node and node topology the way that line
    features connect to point features
  • Polygon topology the way that neighboring
    polygons connect and share borders
  • Route topology the way that a line feature of
    one type (e.g. commuter rail line) shares
    segments with line features of another type (e.g.
    Amtrack rail line)
  • Regions topology the way that polygons overlap
    (e.g. GIS layers with a time component) or when
    spatially separate polygons are part of the same

Reclassification with Grids
------Using GIS--
Introduction to GIS
Here we reclass to 3 classes, based on natural
Reclassification with Grids
------Using GIS--
Introduction to GIS
Reclassification with Grids
------Using GIS--
Introduction to GIS
Reclassification with Grids
------Using GIS--
Introduction to GIS
Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Methods for storing raster data in a more
    computationally and memory efficient way.
  • Where a raster layer is random noise, this does
    not work.
  • Requires repetitive patterns or areas of
  • The fewer z values, the easier to compress.
  • Simplest method is cell-by-cell encoding where
    cell values are stored by row and column number
    This is essentially uncompressed.
  • DEMs and satellite images generally use this
    structure because there is typically so much

Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Run-length encoding (RLE)
  • Compression method that records cell values in
    groups called runs.
  • It records the starting and ending pixel for a
    run with the same value for a given row, so
    hundreds of pixels could be recorded with only
    two values, if they all have the same value and
    are adjacent.
  • However, because it measures runs along rows, it
    is not efficient for two dimensional areas of
  • RLE can reduce file size by 101, depending on

Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Runs
  • Row 2 3,4
  • Row 3 2, 8
  • Row 4 4,7
  • Row 5 5,7
  • Row 6 2,6

Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Chain code
  • This is a more efficient method for dealing with
    two-dimensional compression
  • This defines a homogeneous two-dimensional area
    using cardinal directions and units movements to
    define bounding perimeter in relative terms from
    a known point
  • For instance, go 2 N, 1 W, 1N, 3 W, 1S.etc.

Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Here, starting from the lower left, the computer
    would define that coordinate then code 1N, 3E,
    1N, 1W, 1N, 2W, 1N, 1E, 1N, 2E etc..
  • This would define the perimeter of a homogeneous
  • All must have exactly the same value

Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Block code
  • A method that uses square blocks to represent
    areas of homogeneous values
  • Each block is encoded only with location of one
    corner cell and the dimensions since they are
    square, only one dimension needs to be given
  • Uses medial axis transformation technique

Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Quad tree
  • Divides a grid into hierarchy of quadrants
  • Starts with four quadrants any quadrant that has
    totally homogeneous cells will not be subdivided
    further, but is stored as a lead node which is
    coded only with that value and the id of the
  • Any quadrants with more than one value are
    subdivided again into four more quadrants and
    again the computer checks for homogeneity.
  • It keeps on doing this until it has generated all
    its leaf node or until it gets down to the pixel
  • This is known as recursive decomposition
  • This is good where one part of a grid is very
    uniform and the rest is heterogeneous.

Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Quad tree

Homogeneous (all one value)
Not homogeneous more than one value within
Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Quad tree now we break down those quadrants with
    non-homogeneous values into four sub quadrants

Not homogeneous more than one value within
Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Quad tree and we keep doing this until weve
    come down to the point where there are only
    homogeneous quadrants, even if those are
    one cell in dimension

Not homogeneous more than one value within
Raster Data Structuring
Introduction to GIS
  • Quad tree

One value (leaf node) Mixed values (non-leaf)
Vector Compression
Introduction to GIS
  • Vector data take up a lot of memory, so
    compression techniques are needed.
  • These are automated techniques for simplifying
    line segments by removing points, while still
    preserving geometric accuracy
  • Simplest form is elimination of repetitive
    characters, like the first character, or
    coordinate value, of all coordinates along a
    particular horizontal axis
  • Another is to keep every nth point on a line
  • Yet another is to remove points and estimate
    functions Spline function can estimate

Vector Compression
Introduction to GIS
  • One of the most common methods is the
    Douglas-Peucker method
  • Draw a straight line between first and last
    points in a curved line segment and calculate
    orthogonal distance from each point to line
    those that fall within certain defined distance
    are removed
  • The new end point of the straight line is then
    moved to the point with the greatest orthogonal
    distance and process starts again.

Vector Compression
Introduction to GIS
  • Douglas-Peucker method

Introduction to GIS
  • Public Land Survey System is used for
    partitioning of land
  • Land is US West and Midwest are divided up into
    nested hierarchy
  • 6x6 mile townships
  • 36 mile square parcels called sections

Introduction to GIS
  • Note the nested system

Introduction to GIS
  • Here are the townships for Washington

Introduction to GIS
  • BLM is currently developing a Geographic
    Coordinate Database of PLSS in the west
  • The database contains lat/long coordinates and
    descriptive information for section corners and
    monuments recorded in the PLSS
  • This is important, because many peoples land
    ownership in the west is based on this system

Introduction to GIS
How its been done in the past survey markers or
benchmarks are key
IDW-How it works
Introduction to GIS
  • Zij Zxy /Dp
  • Z value at location ij is f of Z value at known
    point xy times the inverse distance raised to a
    power P.
  • Z value field numeric attribute to be
  • Power determines relationship of weighting and
    distance where p 0, no decrease in influence
    with distance as p increases distant points
    becoming less influential in interpolating Z
    value at a given pixel

IDW-How it works
Introduction to GIS
  • What is the best P to use?
  • It is the P where the Root Mean Squared
    Prediction Error (RMSPE) is lowest, as in the
    graph on right
  • To determine this, we would need a test, or
    validation data set, showing Z values in x,y
    locations that are not included in prediction
    data and then look for discrepancies between
    actual and predicted values. We keep changing the
    P value until we get the minimum level of error.
    Without this, we just guess.

IDW-How it works
Introduction to GIS
  • This can be done in ArcGIS using the
    Geostatistical Wizard
  • You can look for an optimal P by testing your
    sample point data against a validation data set
  • This validation set can be another point layer or
    a raster layer
  • Example we have elevation data points and we
    generate a DTM. We then validate our newly
    created DTM against an existing DTM, or against
    another existing elevation points data set. The
    computer determine what the optimum P is to
    minimize our error

IDW-How it works
Introduction to GIS
IDW-How it works
Introduction to GIS
  • There are two IDW method options Variable and
    fixed radius
  • 1. Variable (or nearest neighbor) User defines
    how many neighbor points are going to be used to
    define value for each cell
  • 2. Fixed Radius User defines a radius within
    which every point will be used to define the
    value for each cell

IDW-How it works
Introduction to GIS
  • Can also define Barriers User chooses
    whether to limit certain points from being used
    in the calculation of a new value for a cell,
    even if the point is near. E.g. wouldn't use an
    elevation point on one side of a ridge to create
    an elevation value on the other side of the
    ridge. User chooses a line theme to represent
    the barrier

Spline Method
Introduction to GIS
  • SPLINE method
  • Can also control
  • Weight this controls the tautness of the curves.
    High weight value with the Regularized Type, will
    result in an increasingly smooth output surface.
    Under the Tension Type, increases in the Weight
    will cause the surface to become stiffer,
    eventually conforming closely to the input
  • Number of points around a cell that will be used
    to fit the curve

Kriging Method
Introduction to GIS
  • Like IDW interpolation, Kriging forms weights
    from surrounding measured values to predict
    values at unmeasured locations. As with IDW
    interpolation, the closest measured values
    usually have the most influence. However, the
    kriging weights for the surrounding measured
    points are more sophisticated than those of IDW.
    IDW uses a simple algorithm based on distance,
    but kriging weights come from a semivariogram
    that was developed by looking at the spatial
    structure of the data. To create a continuous
    surface or map of the phenomenon, predictions are
    made for locations in the study area based on the
    semivariogram and the spatial arrangement of
    measured values that are nearby.
  • --from ESRI Help

USGS Transfer FormatsOptional
Introduction to GIS
  • Optional Old DLG format
  • This lab will use files in this format
  • The Optional format is based on an 80-byte
    logical record length with a ground planimetric
    coordinate system and topological linkages
    contained in node, line, and area elements.
  • The DLG files in optional format do NOT contain
    record delimiters (e.g. commas). Use the chop
    utility with the following DOS command to deal
    with this problem
  • chop 80 infilename outfilename
  • Files in an Optional format carry an opt.gz
    extension, and files in the SDTS format carry a
    tar.gz extension

USGS Transfer Formats SDTS
Introduction to GIS
  • Spatial Data Transfer Standard
  • Newer Standard for USGS data
  • Large scale DLGs only available in this format
  • The Federal Geographic Data Committee has
    mandated that all federal digital geographic data
    go to this standard
  • The Standard allows the exchange of digital
    spatial data between different computer systems.
    It provides a solution to the problem of spatial
    data transfer from the conceptual level to the
    details of physical file encoding.
  • Several software tools have been developed for
    the importing SDTS data, but each data product
    requires a different software tool

Importing SDTS
Introduction to GIS
  • There are several SDTS import functions in Arc
    Toolbox but they dont support all conversions
  • Often youll have to use Arc View scripts, like
    DLG20A.AVE which, used in conjunction with a DOS
    utility called CHOP, allows use of 1100,000 DLGs
  • 124,000 SDTS DEMs can be imported as grids in AV
    using a freely available extension called SDTS
    grid import, or SDTS2DEM.avx

Importing SDTS
Introduction to GIS
  • Several good SDTS resource pages
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

The Physics of RS
Introduction to GIS
  • The geometry of reflectance is largely a function
    of surface characteristics, such as roughness
  • Specular reflectors are like mirrors, where
    angle of reflection equals angle of incidence
  • Diffuse (Lambertian) reflectors are rough
    surfaces that reflect uniformly in all directions
  • Real world objects are in between

The Physics of RS
Introduction to GIS
  • Diffuse reflections contain spectral info on the
    color of the reflecting surface
  • Specular reflections do not
  • Still water and ice trend towards specular
  • In RS we mainly care about that portion of the
    incident energy that is reflected

Introduction to GIS
  • TM uses 16 detectors per band, except thermal,
    which uses four 100 detectors, versus 16 for MSS
  • At any instant all 100 detectors view a different
    area on the ground due to spatial separation of
  • Therefore, accurate band to band data
    registration (correct overlaying) requires
    knowledge of the relative projection of the
    detectors as an fn of time this requires knowing
    relative position of each detector array with
    respect to the optical axis

Introduction to GIS
  • The high resolution data sets are broken into
    several products, based on the processing steps.
    The more steps, the more expensive. Each has
    different level of error. Lowest error is the
    precision plus line of products
  • All IKONOS data are available as a single pan BW
    image, as multispectral layers or as
    pan-sharpened multispectral imagery
  • Pan sharpening process adds pixel color to 1 m
    pan data by combining the pan and multispectral
    data. Ground control is used for precision
  • Regular multi-spectral comes without pan

Geometric Correction
Introduction to GIS
  • Raw digital images contain two types of geometric
    distortions systematic and random
  • Systematic sources are understood and can be
    corrected by applying formulas
  • Random distortions, or residual unknown
    systematic distortions are corrected using
    multiple regression of ground control points that
    are visible from the image

Geometric Correction resampling
Introduction to GIS
  • Random distortion correction regresses
    difference between image position and ground
    position as a function of where a pixel is in the
    x and y directions.
  • Define a grid of empty undistorted map cells
  • Overlay the randomly distorted image and guess at
    what image cell value corresponds with what empty
    undistorted cells using the transformation
    equation from the regression

Noise Removal
Introduction to GIS
  • RS data tend to have random radiometric noise
    from periodic drift, detector malfunction,
    interface problems, hiccups in data
  • A common method for this is destripping
    procedures, in which histograms for the lines
    produced from a given detector are compared to
    each other and problems in a given detector can
    be isolated and compensated for with a gray scale
    adjustment factor.

Multi-image Manipulation
Introduction to GIS
  • Principal Components is a statistical method of
    cluster analysis that can be used to enhance and
    help interpret multi-spectral image data
  • Problem pixel values in different layers tend to
    be highly correlated, meaning that slight
    differences between bands are hard to perceive,
    so it may be hard to differentiate different
  • PCs are a way of separating out redundant info
    from info that is unique to each band and each
    layer is uncorrelated
  • In a simple 2 band case, first image shows
    average of two (that which is common) and second
    shows difference (that which is not common) , but
    as add more bands, create additional components,
    although first one explain the most
  • Good example at http//

Spectral Classification
Introduction to GIS
  • Other classification techniques, besides
    supervised and unsupervised classification,
  • Hybrid classification for instance, using
    unsupervised training areas to help analyst id
    numerous spectral classes that need to be defined
    in order to adequately represent the land cover
    information classes to be differentiated in a
    supervised classification.
  • Spectral Mixture analysis and fuzzy
    classification both for classification of mixed
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