Rotation and Gravity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rotation and Gravity


A standard door is 36 inches wide, with the doorknob located at 32 inches from the hinge. ... a person applies when he pushes on the doorknob at right angles to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rotation and Gravity

Rotation and Gravity
Consider the see saw
  • A see saw is an example of a device that twists.
  • A force that causes a twisting motion, multiplied
    by its distance from the point of rotation, is
    called a torque.
  • The larger the torque, the easier it is for it to
    cause the twist.
  • Torque is what makes a see saw fun.

  • Consider a beam connected to a flat surface by a
    hinge. (This is a top view.)

Now consider a force F on the beam that is
applied a distance r from the hinge.
What happens? A rotation occurs due to the
combination of r and F. In this case, the
direction is clockwise.
  • If we know the angle ? between F and r, we can
    calculate torque!
  • ? r F sin ?
  • ? is torque
  • r is moment arm
  • F is force
  • ? is angle between F and r

Torque Units
  • What are the SI units for torque?
  • mN or Nm.
  • Can you substitute Joule for Nm?
  • No. Even though a Joule is a Nm, it is a scalar.
    Torque is a vector and cannot be ascribed energy

Sample Problem
  • Consider the door to the classroom. We use torque
    to open it.
  • Identify the following
  • The point of rotation.
  • The point of application of force.
  • The moment arm (r).
  • The angle between r and F (best guess).

  • The hinge.
  • Where your hand pushes the door.
  • The distance from the hinge to the place your
    hand pushes the door.
  • 90o

Sample Problem
  • A crane lifts a load. If the mass of the load is
    500 kg, and the cranes 22-m long arm is at a 75o
    angle relative to the horizontal, calculate the
    torque exerted about the point of rotation at the
    base of the crane arm.

  • t r F sin q
  • r 22 m
  • F mg (500 9.8)N
  • 4900 N
  • q 15o
  • (22)(4900)(sin15o)
  • 27900 Nm

Torque equation simplified
  • If ? is 90o
  • ? r F
  • ? is torque
  • r is moment arm
  • F is force

  • A standard door is 36 inches wide, with the
    doorknob located at 32 inches from the hinge.
    Calculate the torque a person applies when he
    pushes on the doorknob at right angles to the
    door with a force of 110 N. (Use 1 inch 2.54 cm
    to calculate the torque in SI units).

  • Width of door is irrelevant.
  • t r F sin q
  • r 32 inches 81.28 cm 0.8128 m
  • F 110 N
  • 90o
  • t (0.8128m)(110 N)(1) 89.4 Nm

  • A double pulley has two weights hanging from it
    as shown.
  • A) What is the net torque?
  • B) In what direction will the pulley rotate?

3 cm
2 cm
2 kg
10 kg
  • Counterclockwise torque
  • ccw r F sin q (0.020m)(10 kg)(9.8m/s2)
  • 1.96 Nm
  • Clockwise torque
  • cw r F sin q (0.030m)(2 kg)(9.8m/s2)
  • 0.59 Nm
  • Net torque
  • tnet 1.96 0.59
  • 1.37 Nm (ccw)

Now consider a balanced situation
40 kg
40 kg
  • tccw tcw
  • This is called rotational equilibrium!

Now consider a balanced situation
40 kg
40 kg
  • If the weights are equal, and the moment arms are
    equal, then the clockwise and counterclockwise
    torques are equal and no net rotation will occur.
    The kids can balance!

Sample Problem
  • A 5.0-meter long see saw has a 45-kg child sits
    all the way on one end and a 60-kg child all the
    way on the other end.
  • What is the magnitude of the net torque?
  • In what direction will the see saw rotate?

  • A) tnet tB tL
  • mBgr mLgr (mB mL)gr
  • (60 45)(9.8)(2.5)
  • 368 Nm
  • B) The system will rotate downward where the
    big child is seated and upward where the little
    child is seated.

Sample Problem
  • A 5.0-meter long see saw is balanced on a fulcrum
    at the middle. A 45-kg child sits all the way on
    one end. Where must a 60-kg child sit if the
    see-saw is to be balanced?

  • You wish the net torque to be zero.
  • 0 tB tL
  • Therefore, the torques are equal in magnitude.
  • tB tL
  • mBgrB mLgrL
  • (60)(9.8) rB (45)(9.8)(2.5)
  • rB (45)(2.5) / 60 1.88 m from the fulcrum.

Sample Problem
  • A 5.0-meter long see saw is balanced on a fulcrum
    at the middle. A 45-kg child sits all the way on
    one end. And a 60-kg child sits all the way on
    the other end. If the see saw has a mass of 100
    kg, where must the fulcrum be placed to attain a
    balanced situation?

  • tccw tcw
  • mBgrB mLgrL msgrs
  • All the gs cancel
  • rL 2.5 rs and rB 2.5 - rs
  • (60)(2.5 - rs ) (45)(2.5 rs) (100)rs
  • 150 - 60 rs 112.5 45 rs 100 rs
  • 37.5 205 rs
  • rs 0.18 m (just 18 cm!)

Sample Problem
  • A 10-meter long wooden plank of mass 209 kg rests
    on a flat roof with 2.5 meters extended out
    beyond the roofs edge. How far out on the plank
    can an 80-kg man walk before he is in danger of

  • The moment arm of the beam is 2.5 m from the
    point of rotation at the edge of the roof
    (location of center of mass)
  • tccw tcw
  • mBgrB mmgrm
  • rm mBrB/mm
  • rm 6.5 m
  • He can go all the way to the end

Torque Lab I
  • Find the mass of your unknown by constructing a
    torque balance using the ruler.
  • Rules
  • The ruler must be balanced at least 15 cm from
  • You must use at least two mass hangers ATTACHED
    WITH CLIPS on the ruler. The amount of mass on
    the hanger is up to you.
  • The unknown MUST BE HUNG FROM A CLIP.
  • Hints
  • The masses of rulers, clips, etc., are written on
  • Dont forget the masses of your clips in your
  • What to turn in
  • Nothing. When you think you know the unknown
    mass, go see your teacher and she will mass it.
    Your grade is based on how close you get to the
    actual value.

Torque Lab II
  • Predict the reading on the spring scale of the
    device to which you and your group are assigned.
  • Rules
  • You may not touch the device.
  • Hints
  • Pulleys simply change the line of action of the
  • The masses of all components are written on the
  • What to turn in
  • Your calculations.
  • You will be graded on clarity and correctness.
  • Clearly indicate what you think the reading on
    the spring scale is.
  • Clearly indicate the device you are analyzing.

SpaceThe Final Frontier
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
  • Kepler developed some extremely important laws
    about planetary motion.
  • Kepler based his laws on massive amounts of data
    collected by Tyco Brahe.
  • Keplers laws were used by Newton in the
    development of his own laws.

Keplers Laws
  • Planets orbit the sun in elliptical orbits, with
    the sun at a focus.
  • Planets orbiting the sun carve out equal area
    triangles in equal times.
  • The planets year is related to its distance from
    the sun in a predictable way.

Keplers Laws
  • Lets look at a simulation of planetary motion at

Newtons Laws and Space
  • Newtons Laws govern space travel if speeds are
    not near the speed of light.
  • Some of the formulas we use involving
    gravitational force have to be re-examined when
    we travel in space.
  • The formulas weve been using near the surface of
    the earth are approximations of the true
    formulas, so we need to learn the rest of the

The Universal Law of Gravity
  • Newtons famous apple fell on Newtons famous
    head, and lead to this law.
  • It tells us that the force of gravity objects
    exert on each other depends on their masses and
    the distance they are separated from each other.

The Force of Gravity
  • Remember Fg mg?
  • Weve use this to approximate the force of
    gravity on an object near the earths surface.
  • This formula wont work for planets and space
  • It wont work for objects that are far from the
  • For space travel, we need a better formula.

The Force of Gravity
  • Fg -Gm1m2/r2
  • Fg Force due to gravity (N)
  • G Universal gravitational constant
  • 6.67 x 10-11 N m2/kg2
  • m1 and m2 the two masses (kg)
  • r the distance between the centers of the masses
  • The Universal Law of Gravity ALWAYS works,
    whereas F mg only works sometimes.

Sample Problem
  • How much force does the earth exert on the moon?
  • How much force does the moon exert on the earth?

  • F GMm/r2
  • 6.67E-115.97E247.35E22 / 3.84E82
  • 1.98E20 1.98 x 1020 N
  • Same force as earth exerts on moon, but opposite

Sample Problem
  • What would be your weight if you were orbiting
    the earth in a satellite at an altitude of
    3,000,000 km above the earths surface? (Note
    that even though you are apparently weightless,
    gravity is still exerting a force on your body,
    and this is your actual weight.)

  • The your weight is the force of gravity on your
    body. Near the earths surface, that is mg.
    However, far from the earth, you must use
  • F GMm/r2
  • 6.67E-115.97E24(your mass) / 3.00E92
  • 4.42 x 10-5 (your mass) (unit is Newtons)

Sample Problem
  • Sally, an astrology buff, claims that the
    position of the planet Jupiter influences events
    in her life. She surmises this is due to its
    gravitational pull. Joe scoffs at Sally and says
    your Labrador Retriever exerts more
    gravitational pull on your body than the planet
    Jupiter does. Is Joe correct? (Assume a 100-lb
    Lab 1.0 meter away, and Jupiter at its farthest
    distance from Earth).

  • For the laborador
  • F Gm1m2/r2
  • 6.67E-11(your mass)45.5 / 12
  • 3.03E-9 (your mass)
  • For Jupiter
  • F Gm1m2/r2
  • 6.67E-11(your mass)1.90E27 / (9.28E11)2
  • 1.47E-7 (your mass)
  • So the Jupiter exerts far more gravitational
    force on your body than the laborador 1 m away

Sample Problem (not in packet)
  • Using Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation,
    derive a formula to show how the period of a
    planets orbit varies with the radius of that
    orbit. Assume a nearly circular orbit.

  • GMm/r2 mv2/r (the mass of the satellite
  • GM/r2 v2/r (but v equals circumference divided
    by period of revolution)
  • GM/r2 (2pr/T)2/r
  • GM/r2 4p2r2/T2r
  • GM/r2 4p2r/T2 (cross multiply to solve for T2)
  • T2 4p2r3/(GM)
  • So the period squared is proportional to the
    radius of revolution cubed and inversely
    proportional to the mass of the central body
    causing the orbit.

Gravitational Potential Energy
  • Remember Ug mgh?
  • This is also an approximation we use when an
    object is near the earth.
  • This formula wont work when we are very far from
    the surface of the earth.
  • For space travel, we need another formula.

Gravitational Potential Energy
  • Ug -Gm1m2/r
  • Ug Gravitational potential energy (J)
  • G Universal gravitational constant
  • 6.67 x 10-11N m2/kg2
  • m1 and m2 the two masses (kg)
  • r the distance between the centers of the masses
  • Notice that the theoretical value of Ug is
    always negative.
  • This formula always works!

Sample Problem
  • What is the gravitational potential energy of a
    satellite that is in orbit about the Earth at an
    altitude equal to the earths radius? Assume the
    satellite has a mass of 10,000 kg.

  • Ug -GMm/r
  • Ug -6.67E-115.97E2410,000/(26.37E6)
  • Ug -3.13E11 J

Escape Velocity
  • Calculation of miniumum escape velocity from a
    planets surface can be done by using energy
  • Assume the object gains potential energy and
    loses kinetic energy, and assume the final
    potential energy and final kinetic energy are
    both zero.
  • U1 K1 U2 K2
  • -GMm/r ½mv2 0
  • v (2GM/r)1/2

Sample Problem
  • What is the velocity necessary for a rocket to
    escape the gravitational field of the earth?
    Assume the rocket is near the earths surface.

  • U1 K1 U2 K2
  • -GmM/R ½ mv2 0
  • ½ mv2 GmM/R
  • v (2GM/R)½
  • v ?(26.67E-115.97E24 / 6.37E6)
  • v 11,200 m/s

Sample Problem
  • Suppose a 2500-kg space probe accelerates on
    blast-off until it reaches a speed of 15,000 m/s.
    What is the rockets kinetic energy when it has
    effectively escaped the earths gravitational

Sample Problem
  • Suppose a 2500-kg space probe accelerates on
    blast-off until it reaches a speed of 15,000 m/s.
    What is the rockets kinetic energy when it has
    effectively escaped the earths gravitational

Acceleration due to gravity
  • Remember g 9.8 m/s2?
  • This works find when we are near the surface of
    the earth.
  • For space travel, we need a better formula!

Acceleration due to gravity
  • g GM/r2
  • This formula lets you calculate g anywhere if you
    know the distance a body is from the center of a
  • We can calculate the acceleration due to gravity

Sample Problem
  • What is the acceleration due to gravity at an
    altitude equal to the earths radius? What about
    an altitude equal to twice the earths radius?

  • g GM/r2 (and we know its 9.8 m/s2 at surface)
  • g GM/(1r)2 9.8/1 at surface
  • g GM/(2r)2 9.8/4 at altitude of r
  • g GM/(3r)2 9.8/9 at altitude of 2r

Acceleration and distance
Surface gravitational acceleration depends on
mass and radius.

Sample Problem
  • What is the acceleration due to gravity at the
    surface of the moon?

Orbital speed
  • At the earths surface, if an object moves 8000
    meters horizontally, the surface of the earth
    will drop by 5 meters vertically.
  • That is how far the object will fall vertically
    in one second (use the 1st kinematic equation to
    show this).
  • Therefore, an object moving at 8000 m/s will
    never reach the earths surface.
  • At any given altitude, there is only one speed
    for a stable circular orbit.
  • From geometry, we can calculate what this orbital
    speed must be.

Some orbits are nearly circular.
Some orbits are highly elliptical.
Announcements 12/6/2005
  • Lunch bunch HW due today.
  • Regular class HW due tomorrow.
  • Momentum exam corrections for makeup exam due
  • Toy Day project due tomorrow.
  • Get out your clickers.

Centripetal force and gravity
  • The orbits we analyze mathematically will be
    nearly circular.
  • Fg Fc
  • (centripetal force is provided by gravity)
  • GMm/r2 mv2/r
  • The mass of the orbiting body cancels out in the
    expression above.
  • One of the rs cancels as well
  • GM/r v2

Earth satellites
  • Satellites that orbit the earth can have circular
    or elliptical orbits, and they can be at
    different altitudes.
  • A simulation is available at http//surendranath.t

Sample Problem
  • What velocity does a satellite in orbit about the
    earth at an altitude of 25,000 km have?
  • What is the period of this satellite?

Sample Problem
  • A geosynchronous satellite is one which remains
    above the same point on the earth. Such a
    satellite orbits the earth in 24 hours, thus
    matching the earth's rotation. How high must must
    a geosynchronous satellite be above the surface
    to maintain a geosynchronous orbit?
  • Mearth 5.98x1024 kg
  • Rearth 6.37 x 106 m
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