Title: Strong Schools Strong Communities
1Strong Schools
Strong Communities
2008 District 742 Operation Levy For Excellence
and Accountability
- A strength of our communities rests on the
foundation of excellent and accountable schools
3Excellent and Accountable Schools Are Essential
- A well-educated community workforce
- Strong per capita income
- Sustained local economic growth
- Community attractiveness, prosperity and property
value - A legacy for our children
- A democratic society
- Center for International Competitiveness Robert
Huggins Associates - State Competitiveness Report Beacon Hill
4 Indicators of Excellence in 742 Creating
Our Future Citizens and Workforce
- Advanced Placement Test Scores 70 of students
who tested receive college credit (earned a 3 or
better on a scale of 5). State average 65.
2006-2007 - ACT Scores Average student score was higher than
the State average 06-07 (Mn remains first in the
nation for ACT scores)
5Indicators of Excellencein 742Creating Our
Future Citizens and Workforce
- PSAT Test (the most academically challenging high
school test) scores were substantially higher
than state and national scores 2006-2007 -
- Area District State Nation
- Math 58 52 49
- Critical Reading 54 51 48
- Writing 51 48 46
- Graduation Rates Met or exceeded State target
rates including an outstanding 97.76 of student
living in poverty (2006 data)
6Indicators of Excellent and AccountableManagement
in 742
- District and school administration only 3.9 of
total expenditure budget average cost per
student is 21 lower than state average - Avoidance of 1.2 million in energy costs since
2004 implemented Schools for Energy Efficiency - External efficiency studies in Special Ed,
Business Services and Human Resources resulted
in more efficient and cost saving operations
7Indicators of Excellent and Accountable
Management in 742
- Re-organization of Transportation Services
estimated savings of 495,000-540,000 - Revenue enhancements through grants received
Improving Access for All 2.2 million/two years
Integration Plan for Equity Services 1.2
million/year - Accountability and transparency for 2003 Levy
(fund balance, 35 teachers, transportation,
student activities/fine arts)
8Economic Realities Straight Talk
- Underfunded State and Federal mandates i.e.
Special Education estimated 625/student for
2008-09 - 88 (306 out of 340) of districts to levy
additional property taxes at a State average of
696/student (2008-2009) - 2003 expired levy and 1998 levy set to expire at
a loss of 551/student to 742 resulting in
decreased revenues for our students
9Demographic Realities Straight Talk
- Centralization of high needs students in regional
centers like St. Cloud - English Language Learners (10)
- 41 Languages. (State 8)
- Special Education (18 )
- (State 13)
- Free/Reduced Lunch (41)
- (State 32)
- Some students factor in more than one category
10Comparison District Demographics
11Realities Inequities in levy funding to
traditional comparison districts/by
size and state average 2008-2009
Districts Shown are Commonly Used for Comparison
with ISD 742 Based on Enrollment, Budget and
Other Factors
- Compared to similar sized districts, 742 is
- 9th out of 10 in regular instruction
expenditures - 7th out of 10 in student activities/athletic
expenditures - 9th out of 10 in expenditures for District
Administrators -
- 7th out of 10 in expenditures for School Level
Administrators - 9th out of 10 in operations/maintenance
13Regional Demographics
14Realities (regional graph)
- Compared to regional districts, 742 is
- 7th (tied) out of 9 in regular instruction
- expenditures
- 8th out of 9 in student activities/athletic
- expenditures
- 7th out of 9 in expenditures for district
- administration
- 7th out of 9 in expenditures for school
- administration
- 9th out of 9 in operations/maintenance
- expenditures
16 Impact to School and Community
- 2002-2004 10.8 million in cuts
- Increase in class ratios
- Cuts in activities
- Cuts in programs, services, and district
infrastructure including -
- gifted talented, student
assistance, instructional - materials, curriculum development, staff
training, special education,
teacher leaders, district planning,
assessment, media specialists,
transportation, custodians, food
service, clerical personnel. - Cuts in administration
- Cuts in parent involvement/ community relations
- Increased fees
17 Impact to School and Community
- 2005 2008 7.9 Million in cuts
- Cuts in assessment, gifted programming,
- curriculum and instruction
- Cuts in parent communication
- Cuts in alternative programming for
troubled students - Cuts in physical education (pools)
- Cuts in transportation, safety, and security
- Positions
- Cuts in activities administration
- Cuts in regular education administration
- Cuts in business services personnel
- Cuts in special education
18 Impact to School and Community
- 2008-2009
- 1.5 million in cuts because of failure to renew
expired 2003 levy - Curriculum/instruction
- Transportation to 2 miles
- Extra-curricular activities
- Business Services and Special
- Education
- Media
- Increase in rental fees
- 2.2 million spent from the districts fund
balance - as a one-time expenditure due to the failure
to - renew the expired 2003 levy
19Impact to School and Community
- 2009 2010 Failed levy will result
in - 4.3 Million in additional cuts
- Potential Reductions
- Close two buildings
- Cut up to 55 teachers
- Cut junior high activities
- Cut clerical staff and paraprofessionals
- Cut administration
- Cut special education
- Cut secondary supervisors/monitors
20Excellent and Accountable Schools Commit To
- 1. Provide high quality teaching for all
students and set - measurable improvement standards to challenge
each student to excellence - 2. Measure student progress regularly to guide
teaching and report to parents and
community - 3. Provide high quality programs, instructional
materials and activities to increase
student participation and success for
graduation - 4. Expect students to come prepared to school
and hold families and the community
accountable to support students -
- 5.Continue to improve financial efficiencies and
transparency -
21Question 1 Approval of Revenue Increase for
Teachers, Activities, Transportation and
- This will avoid 4.3 million in cuts in 2008-09
and allow the district to - Maintain class size
- Increase the fund balance
- Maintain operations (energy, fuel, supplies,
safety security, and general operating
expenses) - Maintain extra-curricular activities
- Restore 1 mile transportation limit
- 555/student for 6 years.
22Question 2 Approval of Revenue Increase for
Funding Equal to Minnesota Average
- Increase music in the curriculum
- Enhance extra-curricular activities
- Maintain elementary counselors
- Expand early childhood education opportunities
- Provide gifted and talented instruction
- 160/student for 6 years
23Question 3 Approval of Revenue Increase for
Additional Student Curriculum and Services
- Provide All Day Every Day Kindergarten for all 5
year olds - Provide full-time library/media specialist in
every school - Provide instructional materials
- Upgrade science and math programs for elementary
students - 255/student for 6 years
24The Cost Of Excellence
- Question 1 555/student
- Home Value Increased Cost
Year Month Day - 100,000 73.03 6.08 .20
- 182,326 133.16 11.09 .36
- 250,000 182.59 15.21 .50
(2008 Market Value)
(average in St. Cloud area)
25The Cost Of Excellence
- Question 2 160 per student
- Home Value Increased Cost
Year Month Day - 100,000 25.73 2.14 .07
- 182,326 46.92 3.91 .12
- 250,000 64.33 5.36 .17
(2008 Market Value)
(average in St. Cloud area)
26The Cost Of Excellence
- Question 3 255 per student
- Home Value Increased Cost
Year Month Day - 100,000 41.01 3.41 .11
- 182,326 74.77 6.23 .20
- 250,000 102.53 8.54 .28
(2008 Market Value)
(average in St. Cloud area)
27The Cost Of Excellence
- All questions 970/student
- Home Value Increased Cost
Year Month Day - 100,000 139.77 11.64 .38
- 182,326 254.85 21.23
.69 - 250,000 349.45 29.12
(2008 Market Value)
(average in St. Cloud area)
28- Respond on the Districts web site
www.isd742.org - You 2 Discuss the referendum with two other
people - Vote on November 4