Title: Go Bags
1Go Bags The Sequel KCØNRK St. Louis
County ARES April 13, 2009
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7Bug out? Bug in? Get home from work? Deploy as
9Photo by KB0H
10ARES Field Resources Manual Basic Deployment
Equipment Checklist
- 2-meter hand-held
- 2-meter mag-mount antenna and coax
- Earphone
- Paper and pencil
- ARES ID card
- Extra batteries
- Appropriate clothing
- Food and water
11ARES Field Resources Manual Extended Deployment
(72 hour) Equipment Checklist
- 3 day change of clothes
- Foul weather gear
- Toilet articles
- Shelter (tent and sleeping bag)
- Portable stove mess kit with cleaning kit
- Waterproof matches
- Flashlight
- Candles
- Alarm clock
- 3 day supply of water (3 gallons!) and food
- Snacks
- Liquid refreshments
- First aid kit
- Throat lozenges
- Prescriptions
- Aspirin or other pain reliever
- Additional radios, packet gear
- Power supplies, chargers
- Microphones
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16Anderson Powerpole connectors for 12V
AA for everything else
17- Forms
- Radiogram
- Red Cross Disaster Welfare Message
- FEMA ICS-213
- Message Handling Log
- Instructions for making antennas
- Contact numbers / phone tree
- Frequencies for Simplex, Repeaters
- Instruction manuals for radios
- FEMA Are You Ready? book
- Maps
- Digipan, other ham software
But don't count on having a working computer!
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20Esbit Solid Fuel Stove
21St. Louis County ARES Responder Coffee Mix ½
cup instant coffee ¼ teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon
ground cinnamon - and - ½ cup unsweetened cocoa
powder ½ cup Coffee-mate powder (original
flavor) ½ cup sugar - or - 3 single serving
packets of instant hot cocoa mix At
home Combine all of the ingredients together in a
quart-sized bag, shake well. Makes about 10
servings. Store in a ziplock bag with a
spoon. At disaster Add 3 tablespoons (to taste)
of mix to 1 cup boiling water. Stir well and
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- Contents
- Know what you have available
- What needs to be restocked afterward
- Expiration dates
- What needs to be replaced (food, batteries)
- Seasonal
- What to switch out for Summer and Winter
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