Health Care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health Care


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Senate Republicans. Senate President Pro Tempore Don Perata ... Governor Schwarzenegger: Regulatory reform, pilot to combine ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Health Care

Health Care Insurance Legislation 2007
  • Ventura County Association of Health Underwriters
  • February 23, 2007

Alan Katz, RHU CAHU Vice President, Public
Health Care Legislation 2007
  • Health Care Reform
  • Everything Else
  • Today well focus on health care reform

What Were Up To Today
  1. Why Health Care Reform
  2. The Reform Proposals
  3. Agents Focus
  4. CAHUs Healthy Solution (Draft)
  5. Taking Action
  6. Conclusion / QA

Why Now.
  • Reason is found in the key messages proclaimed by
    the four leading advocates of reform
  • Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Senate Republicans
  • Senate President Pro Tempore Don Perata
  • Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez

Governors Key Messages
  • Current System is Broken
  • Been a problem for a long time
  • Sacramento hasnt addressed it
  • The Hidden Tax of the Uninsured
  • Need to eliminate the tax if were gong to keep
    the states economy strong
  • Everyone is responsible for the solution and
    everyone has something to gain
  • The gain outweighs the pain for everyone

Senate Republicans Key Messages
  • Current System Needs Strengthening
  • Provide Californians with Access and Choice
  • Make the Health Care System More Reliable
  • Introduce No New Taxes
  • Or fees or whatever you want to call them

Senator Peratas Key Messages
  • Current System is Broken
  • Share Responsibility No More Free Riders
  • Focus is on 4.2 million uninsured in working
  • Employers and employees share cost
  • Focus Competition on Price and Quality Not
  • Through current plans or MRMIB-run Connector
  • Connector is optional for businesses and

Speaker Nunezs Key Messages
  • Current System is Broken
  • Build on Existing Employer-based System
  • Single Payer not politically practical
  • The Insurance Marketplace Needs Reforming
  • Insist on Affordability for Working Families
  • Through public and private programs

Why This Matters Three Political Laws
  • The Law of Political RealityPolitical Reality
    trumps Real Reality for all parties at all times
  • The Law of Political ActivityPoliticians are
    paid to address perceptions and thats what they
  • The Law of Political ReportingThe media is paid
    to report on what politicians do and thats what
    they do

The Three Laws and the Uninsured
  • Media Reports an Increase in Uninsured
  • Politicians Repeat the Story Deploring the
    Increase in the Number of Uninsured
  • Media Reports the Politicians Repeating the Media
    Story and Deploring the Increase in the Number of

Comparison of Proposals
  • Individuals Covered
  • Governor Schwarzenegger All Californians
  • Senate GOP Improves access
  • Senator Perata Working families and all children
  • Speaker Nunez Working Californians and all
    children. Unemployed adults by 2012
  • Individual Mandate
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Yes
  • Senate GOP No
  • Senator Perata Only for working families
  • Speaker Nunez None

Comparison of Proposals
  • Employer Mandate
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Pay or Play (4)
  • Senate GOP None
  • Senator Perata Pay or Play (sliding percentage
    of payroll)
  • Speaker Nunez Pay or Play
  • Purchasing Pool
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Yes
  • Senate GOP No
  • Senator Perata Yes
  • Speaker Nunez Yes

Comparison of Proposals
  • Guarantee Issue
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Yes
  • Senate GOP No
  • Senator Perata Yes and community rating
  • Speaker Nunez Prohibits exclusions for
    pre-existing conditions
  • Cap on Administrative Costs
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Yes
  • Senate GOP No
  • Senator Perata No
  • Speaker Nunez No

Comparison of Proposals
  • Other Insurance Market Reforms
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Rates based on age and
    geographic area in individual market
  • Senate GOP Conformity with Federal HSAs, permit
    limited benefit plans, permit greater flexibility
    for coverage rates in Small Group Market to
    reflect lifestyle behavior
  • Senator Perata Community rating
  • Speaker Nunez Requires uniform benefit designs
    inside and outside of purchasing pool

Comparison of Proposals
  • Improve Access to Medical Services
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Removes barriers to
    expansion of lower cost health models (retail
    based medical clinics)
  • Senate GOP Allows hospitals to refer uninsured
    to clinics encourage RN-run clinics financial
    encouragement of clinics
  • Senator Perata None
  • Speaker Nunez None

Comparison of Proposals
  • Cost Containment
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Regulatory reform, pilot
    to combine workers comp with traditioal coverage,
    reward healthy behavior, data reporting, etc.
  • Senate GOP Expansion of clinics, pricing
    transparency, etc
  • Senator Perata Purchasing pool, evidenced-based
  • Speaker Nunez Disease management, technology,
    simplify benefit designs, promote healthy
    lifestyles, etc.

Comparison of Proposals
  • Financing
  • Governor Schwarzenegger Federal Government (5.5
    billion), reallocates current state spending,
    employer contributions, employee contributions,
    fees on hospitals and phusician contributions
  • Senate GOP Federal Government (2.2 billion),
    Smoking fees to fund MRMIP, reallocates current
    state spending
  • Senator Perata Federal Government
    (Medicaid/Healthy Families)
  • Speaker Nunez Federal Government
    (Medicaid/Health Families)

Agents A Need for Focus
  • Lots of Hot Button issues
  • Lots of interest groups focused on each element
    of the plan
  • For Agents, two key questions
  • If the provision becomes law will it harm our
    profession or our clients?
  • Is changing the provision an absolute necessity
    for other stakeholders?
  • Applying this means agents should focus on .

Agents Focus Issue 1
  • Carrier Administrative Expense Cap
  • Governor would require carriers to spend 85 of
    premium dollars on medical claims
  • Result Little or no funds left for distribution
  • Concern
  • Limits funds available for distribution
  • Likely to deter new entrants into the market
  • Doesnt guarantee lower costs, just eliminates
    agents and reduces customer service levels

Agents Focus Issue 2
  • Purchasing Pool
  • Availability varies by proposal, but all require
    some insureds to purchase through a state pool
  • Concern
  • Un-level playing field
  • Even when not required for all (Governor) the
    anti-crowd out provisions are weak

Agents Focus Issue 3
  • Mandate to Issue
  • Guarantee Issue in the individual market
  • Consumers can buy coverage at any time time
  • Assumption Enforcement will work
  • Concern
  • Failure to enforce mandate to purchase will
    result in dramatic premium increases and
    commission reductions or eliminations
  • Current requirement for auto insurance is only
    75 effective

Whats Required Get Involved
  • Join Health Underwriters Today!
  • Contribute to CAHU PAC Today!
  • Be a communicator
  • Inform clients of whats at stake
  • Respond to articles in your local paper
  • Volunteer to speak in your community
  • Attend town hall meetings
  • Get involved in local campaigns
  • Meet with legislators in their districts

CAHUs Healthy Solutions
  • Will serve several purposes
  • Moves us from opposing everything to supporting
  • Creates a context in which our key issues can be
  • The Cap
  • The Pool
  • The Mandate
  • Provides a yardstick against which all proposals
    can be measured
  • Still being finalized. Discussing a Draft.

CAHUs Key Messages
  • All Californians deserve a health care system
  • delivers both world class care and financial
  • is accessible, affordable and fair
  • boosts the states economy, attracts news
    businesses and strengthens existing enterprises
  • is realistic about what one state can do

Requirements of Reform
  • CAHU believes a Healthy Solution is one which
  • neither bankrupts families nor busts the states
  • assures all Californians have at least basic
    health care coverage.
  • provides the states diverse population with
    diverse choices.
  • promotes ongoing and long-term innovation and
    experimentation to enable the states health care
    system to adapt over time to evolving needs.
  • assures consumers access to meaningful
    information and expert advice and counseling.

The Yardstick
  • Affordability
  • Can the state afford the plan?
  • Can the states citizens afford the plan?
  • Universal Participation
  • Does it assure every Californian has basic health
    care coverage?
  • Cost Containment
  • Does it constrain rapidly rising medical costs?

The Yardstick
  • Consumer Choice
  • Does it empower Californians to find and choose
    the health care coverage which best fits their
    unique needs?
  • Evolving Needs
  • Does it enable health care coverage to evolve
    with changes to the states population, their
    needs and expectations?

Key Provisions Access for All
  • Low Income Expanded state programs and subsidies
  • At launch help lowest income levels and expand
    only as state budget can support
  • Encourage personal responsibility by assuring all
    households above 100 of FPL pay a portion of the
  • Subsidies are targeted to average cost of basic
    coverage and are to be used in the traditional
    marketplace no purchasing pool

Key Provisions Access for All
  • Above 400 of FPL Mandate to Buy.
  • All Californians not eligible for state sponsored
    programs must purchase basic coverage
  • Two versions Catastrophic and Core
  • Enforcement through tax code, drivers license and
    other state-controlled privileges, and reduced
    benefits for those who delay

Key Provisions Access for All
  • Carrier Mandate to Sell
  • Once 90 of Californians are covered, carriers
    will be required to sell on a guarantee issue
  • Until 90 coverage is achieved, expand MRMIP to
    be a true insurer of last resort
  • Even under guarantee issue, pre-existing
    condition exclusions and rate-ups may be applied
  • Length of exclusion and rate-up tied to duration
    previously uninsured

Key Provisions Financing
  • Individuals above 100 of FPL contribute to cost,
    even in government programs
  • a new health plan fee based on a carriers
    overall market share in the state
  • Increase on health related sin taxes
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol beverages
  • Guns and Ammunition
  • a new tax on hospital operating revenues and
    physician gross revenues or some other mechanism
    for capturing support from self-insured plans

Key Provisions Constraining Costs
  • Pay for performance
  • Electronic Health Records
  • Electronic Rx
  • Evidence based medicine
  • Hospital error reduction programs

CAHU Healthy Solutions A Reminder
  • The package frees CAHU to focus on whats
  • Caps
  • Pools
  • Mandates

Dealing with Reality
  • Theres tremendous momentum for health care
  • The drive comes from all sides and both parties
  • Something is likely to happen
  • 2007 Education Phase
  • 2008 Action Phase

Ingredients for Negative Change
  • Political Perception of a Need for Change
  • An Overwhelming Desire to Be Perceived as Doing
  • Disaster

Ingredients for Positive Change
  • Political Perception of a Need for Change
  • A Market in Need of Agents
  • Opportunity

Keeping Things in Perspective
  • Weve faced challenges like this before
  • 1990-1993 AB 1672
  • 1993-1994 ClintonCare
  • 1996 Single Payor Initiative
  • We have time to marshal our resources
  • Debate is underway, but still in the education
  • The battle phase is months away
  • We can catch up and quickly

Whats Required Stay Informed
  • Helpful publications
  • Health Underwriter newsletters and magazines
  • California Broker
  • Helpful web sites
  • Health Underwriters
  • The Governors Site
  • My Blog (a shameless plug)

Health Care Reform An Opportunity
  • Agents have tremendous power
  • Subject matter expertise
  • Clients that are constituents
  • Presence in every community
  • If we work together
  • If we stay focused
  • We can make health care reforma change for the
    better for our clients and our profession

Health Care Insurance Legislation 2007
  • Alan Katz, RHU
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