Title: Daniel Sarewitz
1RTTA 3 Scenario Development
August 24, 2006
Daniel Sarewitz CNS Associate Director RTTA 3
Team Leader
2RTTA 3 Scenario Development
- Daniel Sarewitz
- Cynthia Selin
- Ira Bennett
- Brian Young
Team Members
3- To develop multiple, plausible visions of
nanotechnology enabled futures, elucidate public
preferences for various alternatives and using
such preferences, help further refine future
visions and enhance contextual awareness.
RTTA 3 Scenario Development
RTTA 3 Goals
4RTTA 3 Scenario Development
5RTTA 3 Scenario Development
- Themes
- Freedom, Privacy and Security
- Human Identity, Enhancement
- and Biology
Implantable chips to relay stored or beamed
information directly into the brain.
6RTTA 3 Scenario Development
Theme Human Identity, Enhancement and Biology
Computer processors built of neurons that are
wired with nano-scale transistors.
7RTTA 3 Scenario Development
Theme Freedom, Privacy and Security
Bar-less prisons that use nano-scale drug
distribution systems, set in prisoners bodies
and triggered by radio frequencies, to
incapacitate potential escapees.
8RTTA 3 Scenario Development
Theme Freedom, Privacy and Security
Nano-scale tagents to stick to, label, and
track anything and any exposure situation.
9Oxford Collaboration
RTTA 3 Scenario Development
How do the Scenarios connect to other programs in
RTTA 3 Wikis
RTTA 3 InnovationSpace
RTTA 3 National Citizens Technology Forum
10RTTA 3 Scenario Development
Experts Wiki
Public Wiki
Selected Audiences e.g. Spanish Language Wiki
Scenario Wikis
Policy-elite Wiki
Vision and technical Database