Title: Here is the title for the screen
1Getting Excited about Engineering
2Why Engineering?
- Less than 2 of US high school graduates will
earn an engineering degree. - Between 1998 and 2005, the field of engineering
saw a decrease in the number of degrees granted
at the bachelors level. - Last year, 47 of Chinese students graduated with
engineering degrees. In the US, that number was
3What is Engineering?
- Dont know what engineering is
- Engineering is for people who LOVE both
- math and science
- Kids arent interested in the field, nor do they
- think it is for them
4Partners in Your Community
- Build a community committed to fostering a
positive image and understanding of engineering - Possible Partners
- Engineering associations
- Universities
- Corporations
- Schools
- Informal education groups
5 Encourages children, ages 4 to 6 years old to
get curious about math, science and
6At home
- Increase parents awareness of the importance of
early science engineering experiences
7In or out of school
- 3 thematic units age-appropriate
engineering, math, and science - Recommendations of non-fiction/fiction books
Curious George episodes - Activities correlated to standards
- Available online at pbskids.org/curiousgeorge
8(No Transcript)
- FETCH! Activity Guide
- FETCH! Challenge Pack
- FETCH! Labs
10Evaluation Results
Kids like FETCH! They learn science
engineering concepts Kids recognize the use of
the scientific process Kids show significant
gains in knowledge of STEM concepts procedures
11- Click to edit Master text styles
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
- Fifth level
Getting kids excited about engineering
Educators Guide 4 Units, 10 Activities Cars,
Cars, Cars Its Electric Kick Start
Blowing in the Wind Event Guide 5
Activities Rubber Band Car Kinetic
Sculpture Pop Fly Hidden Alarm Four Corners
Activity Guide 5 New Activities Watercraft
Zip Line Paddle Power Helping
Hand Paper Table
Houston, TX Houston Childrens Museum Feb.
10 11, 2007 Washington, DC The Building
Museum Feb. 17, 2007 San Jose, CA Tech
Museum Feb. 24, 2007 Boston, MA Museum of
Science March 10, 2007
Portland, OR Intel April, 2007
- Click to edit Master text styles
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
- Fifth level
- Design Squad and our partners hosted 135 events,
trainings, and workshops - Reaching 53,390 kids, engineers and
- educators
- Training 1,377 engineers and educators
- Click to edit Master text styles
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
- Fifth level
14Talking to High School Girls about Engineering
- Click to edit Master text styles
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
- Fifth level
Photo Credit Tom Coughlin, Nicaragua Summer
Exchange 2007
15Project Resources
- www.engineeryourlife.org
- Helps high school girls, parents, counselors
- Understand the various fields of engineering
- Learn what an engineer does
- Find out why engineering is a great career
- Advise kids about engineering
- Click to edit Master text styles
- Second level
- Third level
- Fourth level
- Fifth level
- Brochures, posters, and postcards
- EYL tables at college fairs
- Training for counselors and engineers
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19Getting Excited about Engineering