JLCNLC Baseline Design and TRC Report - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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JLCNLC Baseline Design and TRC Report


NLC - The Next Linear Collider Project. JLC/NLC Baseline Design and ... Winnie Decking, DESY. Jacques Gareyte, CERN. Witold Kozanecki, Saclay. Kiyoshi Kubo, KEK ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: JLCNLC Baseline Design and TRC Report

JLC/NLC Baseline Design and TRC Report
  • Tor Raubenheimer Kaoru Yokoya
  • ISG9
  • KEK, December 10th, 2002

X-band Linear Collider Goals
  • Stage 1 Initial operation (length 18 km)
  • 500 GeV cms (650 GeV at lower luminosity)
  • L 25 20x1033 in JLC and NLC
  • Stage 2 Add additional X-band rf components
    (length 32 km)
  • 1 TeV cms (1.3 TeV at lower luminosity)
  • L 25 30x1033 in JLC and NLC
  • Higher Energy Upgrades
  • 1.5 TeV with upgrade of linac rf system or length
  • NLC injector and beam delivery built for gt1.5 TeV
  • 3 TeV with advanced rf system and upgraded
  • See CLIC parameters A 3-TeV ee- Linear
    Collider Based on CLIC Technology, CERN-2000-008
  • Beam delivery sized for 3 to 5 TeV collisions

Beam Parameters
  • Parameters also exist for operation at the
    Z, W, low-mass Higgs, and top
  • Stage 2 has 5x1033 at 1.3 TeV

Trade cms energyfor beam current
Change to Baseline Design
  • Initial NLC design presented to the TRC was too
    difficult(3.2 ms klystrons and 8x DLDS pulse
  • 3.2 ms klystrons were not on the horizon
  • DLDS demonstration was years away
  • TESLA has been making rapid progress both
    technically and politically
  • However with progress on the structure gradient,
    the potential for X-band was clearer than it had
    been for years!
  • Needed an rf configuration that could be
    conclusively demonstrated in 1 year timescale to
    compete with TESLA
  • 1.6 ms klystrons were making great progress at
  • SLED-II only requires 2 klystrons rather than 8
    klystrons for DLDS
  • Concept was already demonstrated with NLCTA
  • At 4x pulse compression, compression efficiency
    is still quite good

Stolen from Nobu Toge!
JLC/NLC RF System Tests
SLED-II Demonstration Spring 2003
JLC/NLC SLED-II Rf System Layout
Delay line in tunnel or gallery
500 MW in 400 ns
Desired Energy Range
  • Would like to cover the Z-pole and W-production
    and then have continuous energy coverage at
    energies above LEP (gt220 GeV)
  • Upper energy reach needs are not known
  • Opinions vary around the world (HEPAP and ACFA
    specify 1 1.5 TeV while ECFA calls for 400
    800 GeV)
  • Lower energy operation is limited by e
    production schemes
  • Current TESLA scheme does not work between cms
    200 300 GeV
  • Highest energy reach can be attained by trading
    beam loading for energy
  • TESLA has 50 loading ? 50 greater energy reach
    (providing cavity limits are not exceeded)
  • NLC has 30 beam loading cavities are qualified
    at unloaded gradients

Energy Reach
Both designs can trade luminosityfor energy in
Stage I TESLA reaches 750 GeV NLC reaches
650 GeV NLC can do the same in Stage II to reach
1.3 TeV
NLC Stage 2
25 Bunches
NLC trades tighter tolerances for a greater
energy reach
Trade cms energyfor beam current
192 Bunches
Luminosity (1034)
Upgrade Routes and Costs
  • NLC and TESLA costs are similar in value for 500
  • FNAL review of TESLA costing methods estimated
    6.1 B with US accounting and 20 contingency
  • NLC (and JLC?) costs are estimated at 7 B with
    30 contingency
  • The error on the costs is much greater than any
  • JLC/NLC upgrade requires adding structures,
    klystrons, etc. in the 2nd half of the linac
  • Cost to upgrade to 1 TeV is roughly 30 of
    initial TPC
  • TESLA upgrade route install 35 MV/m cavities at
    onset, double rf system, upgrade cryo-plant
  • Assuming initial installation of 35 MV/m
    cavities, cost to upgrade to 800 GeV cms is 20
    of initial project cost
  • Upgrade from 800 GeV to 1 TeV is another 25 for
    a total of 45 of the initial project cost

SLED-II Implications
  • Changing the baseline rf system to SLED-II
  • Faster demonstration of both power source and
    later a full rf sub-unit, i.e. 1, 2, or 4
    klystron pairs powering structures
  • Depends on final modulator configuration
  • Doubled number of klystrons, modulators, and PC
    systems and increased the linac length by 8
  • Obvious cost impact perhaps some advantage in
  • Decreased unloaded gradient by 7
  • Reduced breakdown rate
  • Very small effect on tolerances and emittance
  • Tolerances scale with the square root of the
  • Makes 8-pack failure slightly more invasive to
    beam operation
  • With DLDS 8-pack failure probably did not have to
    scale quadrupole lattice (LEM) with SLED-II
    almost certainly will

Why X-Band?
  • Why X-band instead of superconducting?
  • Superconducting has loose tolerances and
    stability however these are not necessary nor are
    they necessarily easier to achieve in cryostats
  • Entering new regime with massive superconducting
    facilitywill limiting effects be found that
    cannot be seen in TTF?
  • Many sub-systems are very different from anything
  • Particularly true for damping ring complex
  • Are the cost of TESLA and NLC similar for
    comparable energy reach?
  • Why X-band instead of lower rf frequencies?
  • Support higher gradients 70 ? 100 MV/m for
    cheaper collider
  • The technology exists and the tolerances are
  • Present prototypes are better than tolerances
  • Directly use knowledge from SLC Its the
    diagnostics, stupid!
  • X-band provides essential knowledge-base for
    continued progress in e/e- colliders at higher
    gradients and possibly higher rf frequencies

Why X-Band? (2)
  • Why not higher rf frequencies?
  • Power sources are not available for component
  • X-band klystron sources took 10 years to develop
    and can now reliably deliver 500 MW in 150ns
  • CLIC just recently delivered 200 MW in 40ns at 30
    GHz in CTF-II but lots of jitter and breakdown
    even with 40 MW
  • This will change with time, making higher f more
    attractive however it will take years to develop
    the suite of rf components
  • Pulsed heating becomes a severe limitation
  • 900C pulsed rise calculated in CLIC heavily
    damped structure
  • Cracking in copper observed with 80C rise
  • Do not understand breakdown limits well enough
    but cannot expect a linear gradient rise with f

Why X-Band? (2)
  • Why klystrons instead of Two-Beam Accelerator at
  • Experience building reliable repeatable
    klystronsTBA drive beam is quite difficult
  • Beam must be steered but beam halo makes
    diagnostics difficult
  • Drive beam is basically unstable with BBU and
    large energy spread
  • Operational issues associated with TBA are very
  • TBA is years from being tested as a system
  • CTF-II is demonstration of concept but not
  • Cost is not significantly different at 1 TeV
    higher initial value for drive beam complex but
    lower slope with increasing energy
  • However, higher frequency normal conducting is
    probably the only route to higher energy
  • X-band provides essential knowledge base for
    continued progress in e/e- colliders

LC Technical Review Committee
Two working groups (plus reliability)
Energy Technology Daniel Boussard
(Chair) Chris Adolphsen, SLACHans Braun,
CERN Yong-Ho Chin, KEK Helen Edwards, FNALKurt
Hubner, CERNLutz Lilje, DESY(Pavel Logatchov,
BINP)Ralph Pasquinelli, FNALMarc Ross,
SLAC(Tsumoru Shintake, KEK)Nobu Toge, KEKHans
Weise, DESYPerry Wilson, SLAC
Luminosity Gerald Dugan (Chair) Ralph Assmann,
CERNWinnie Decking, DESY Jacques Gareyte,
CERNWitold Kozanecki, SaclayKiyoshi Kubo,
KEKNan Phinney, SLACJoe Rogers, CornellDaniel
Schulte, CERNAndrei Seryi, SLACRon Settles,
MPIPeter Tenenbaum, SLACNick Walker, DESY Andy
Wolski, LBNL
LC Technical Review Committee
  • The Technical Review Committee (TRC) has led to
    extensive review of many JLC/NLC and TESLA
  • Many JLC/NLC people are involved directly or
  • Energy/technology Group present status is being
    studied (compared)
  • Luminosity Group breaking new ground
    (collaborative effort)
  • Mainly damping ring studies and DR ? IP
    luminosity studies
  • Benchmarking simulation codes against each other
  • Pushing to include all relevant effects
  • Static alignment procedures
  • Vibration and stability effects with feedback
  • Beam-beam effects at IP
  • Integrated luminosity performance very difficult
    to evaluate
  • Reliability Group pushing everybody to arrive at
    realistic reliability goals with necessary
    changes to designs
  • Leading to improvements in all designs TESLA and

TRC Conclusions
  • Greg Loew reported at ICFA Seminar
  • Four levels of RD priority R1 feasibility R2
    required for design R3 before final
    engineering R4 optimization.
  • Energy and technology issues were not unexpected
  • Lots of work on luminosity issues
  • Conclusions not very sharp
  • Two unexpected items found in JLC/NLC design
  • Importance of collimator wakefields
  • Jitter amplification of parasitic crossings
  • Many unexpected items found in TESLA
  • 10x better vacuum and BPM resolution required in
  • Wigglers severely limit dynamic aperture in TESLA
  • 100 150 emittance growth in TESLA linac versus
    3 in TDR
  • Large difficulties with head-on collisions
  • Also learned of things that work in TESLA design
    ? apply to NLC?

TRC Energy Technology Conclusions
  • Test of complete accelerator structure at design
    gradient with detuning and damping, including
    study of breakdown and dark current
  • Demonstration of SLED II pulse compression system
    at design power level
  • Test of a complete main linac RF sub-unit (as
    identified in machine description) with beam
  • Full test of KEK 75 MW, 1.6 µs PPM klystron at
    150 or 120 Hz
  • Full test of SLAC induction mod.
  • Building and testing of a cryomodule at 35 MV/m
    and measurement of dark current
  • Test of a complete main linac RF sub-unit (as
    identified in machine description) with beam
  • Testing of several cryomodules at nominal field
    (23.4 MV/m) over long enough periods to verify
    breakdown and quench rates, and measure dark
  • Test of RF components at higher powers for 800
    GeV operation

TRC Luminosity Conclusions
Common (JLC/NLC and TESLA)
  • Electron cloud and ion instabilities need study
  • Additional simulations and experiments on e
    correction are needed for damping rings
  • Demonstrate extraction kicker with better than
    0.1 stability
  • Complete static DR?IP tuning simulations with
    dynamic effects
  • Develop most critical beam instrumentation,
    including intra-train diagnostics
  • Develop sufficiently detailed prototype of linac
    girder/cryostat to provide information on
  • Further optimization of damping ring dynamic
  • Study tighter alignment and electron cloud and
    ion instability requirements for 800 GeV upgrade
  • Development of TESLA DR kicker
  • Review trade-offs between head-on and
    crossing-angle collisions
  • Detailed analysis of the tradeoffs between one
    and two-tunnel layouts
  • Detailed evaluation of critical sub-system

Luminosity Issues Only few x 10,000 larger than
  • Increased beam power from long bunch trains
  • SLC 120 Hz x 1 bunch _at_ 3.5x1010
  • NLC 120 Hz x 192 bunches _at_ 0.75x1010 ? 200x
  • Generation of uniform multi-bunch trains sets
    source requirements
  • Control of long-range wakefields is essential to
    prevent BBU
  • Larger beam cross-sectional densities N / (sx
  • SLC 3.5x1010 x 1.6 mm x 0.7 mm (FFTB 0.6x1010
    x 1.7 mm x 0.06 mm)
  • NLC 0.75x1010 x 250 nm x 3.0 nm ? 330x SLC
  • Factor of 5 from energy (adiabatic damping) and
    factor of 4 from stronger focusing (similar to
    Final Focus Test Beam)
  • Factor of 15 30 from decrease in beam
    normalized emittances at IP

Luminosity Issues for FY03
  • Concentrate on improving source designs
  • Evaluate undulator-based e source
  • Improve energy spectrum at damping ring injection
    and review multi-bunch limitations
  • Improve damping ring designs
  • Evaluate e-cloud and ion instabilities and
    improve wiggler models
  • Consider alternate ring designs for better
  • Improve linac (LET) emittance preservation
  • Aim towards evaluating integrated luminosity
  • Must understand reliability issues
  • Experiments?
  • Continue BDS optimization
  • More inclusive background/collimation studies
  • Stabilization studies

Polarized Electron Sources
  • JLC/NLC e- source based on successful SLC
    injector design
  • Emittance estimates reasonable from SLC operation
  • Charge Limit limited current from SLC polarized
  • Demonstrated charge and polarization during E158

20 mm spotin 100 ns
  • NLC requires 100 nC per 100 ns
  • Greatly exceeded in E-158 tests
  • Polarization was 85

14 mm spot in 100ns
NLC Req.
SLC photocathodein 300 ns
Positron Source Targets
  • SLC e target failed after 5 years at stress
    levels 2x lower than previously measured and
    predicted for WRe targets
  • Radiation damage problem may be worse in Ti
    targets ? starting RD program to investigate

SLC e target
Beam direction
  • SLC target studied at LANL and modeled at
  • Problem due to embrittlement from
    radiation damage

Positron Source Concepts
  • Baseline design uses abrute force solution toe
    target limitations
  • Need to investigateother conventional concepts
  • Studying a variation of TESLA undulator source
    for polarized positron production
  • Studies of e yield as well as helical undulator
    and targets
  • 150 GeV location eases operational limitations
  • Possible test in FFTB line at SLAC

Damping Ring Issues
  • Beam is stored for a relatively long time in the
    rings (ms)
  • More accelerator physics in the rings than
    elsewhere in LC
  • Stability is essential for collider performance
  • JLC/NLC rings are similar to the ATF and the 3rd
    generation SRS
  • Damping rings have beam currents and bunch trains
    similar to the high operating luminosity
  • However they have much smaller beam sizes (higher
    densities) and are much more sensitive to weak
  • Tougher dynamic aperture and stability
  • They also require much better alignment to get
    flat beams 40 um
  • High beam density pushes frontier in electron
  • Space charge tune depression and microwave
  • Ion trapping and electron cloud effects
  • Intrabeam scattering and short Touschek lifetime

Operating Ring Comparisons
  • Compare random alignment and jitter tolerances
  • Uncorrelated misalignments or jitter that would
    lead to equilibrium emittance, jitter equal to
    the beam size, or Dn 0.001
  • These are not specs. on alignment but they are
    measures of the sensitivity
  • Looking for significantly better alignment and
    stability than has been previously attained

Dynamic Aperture Studies
  • Dynamic aperture in rings is difficult for three
  • Strong focusing for small emittance
  • Long wigglers for damping time
  • Large injected beam size from high-power injector
    (60 kW)
  • Current calculations look good but have narrow
    energy acceptance
  • Want to improve model of incoming beam and
    reduce sDE
  • Need to improve wiggler model and add field
  • Recent work by Marco Venturini looks like a good

Impedance Issues
  • Calculated chamber impedance model using MAFIA
    and Omega3P in 1995 and again in 1998
  • Ring layout and components have not changed much
  • Used Oide-san Vlasov code to calculate thresholds
  • Close to weak threshold and factor of 3 or below
  • Very similar results in 1996 ZDR
  • Recently started calculating CSR impedance from
    bends and wigglers (Juhao Wu)
  • Thresholds look similar to that of chamber
  • Need to combine all sources of impedance and
    update threshold calculations
  • Also need to consider methods of increasing ap
  • Increases bunch length and increases threshold

Electron Cloud and Ion Instabilities
  • Electron cloud and ion instabilities are
    important concerns
  • Designed ring for 1 nTorr vacuum pressure to
    reduce ion instability growth times
  • Analytic estimates still give 100 us
  • Will need to reduce SEY to handle electron cloud
  • Experiments planned at LBNL to study methods of
    reducing SEY
  • Need to understand e- lifetime
  • Need full simulations ions are easy electron
    cloud more difficult.

Calculation by Mauro Pivi
Linac Emittance Preservation
  • Improved optics to avoid known SLC problems
  • BBU from short- and long-range wakefields must be
  • Measurements at ASSET verify wakefield reduction
  • Tight alignment tolerances
  • NLC alignment and jitter tolerances are 10x and
    100x tighter than SLC TESLA alignment and jitter
    tolerances are 1x and 10x tighter than SLC
  • Sets tight requirements on diagnostics and
  • NLC design includes more controls and diagnostics
    than FFTBTESLA design include less control and
    diagnostics than SLC
  • Demonstrated NLC-level alignment at FFTB
  • Demonstrated emittance tuning and BNS damping at
  • Will require excellent stability (both vibration
    and drift)
  • Need to understand limitations
  • Requires improved simulation tools ? integrated

Coolant Vibration Studies
  • Vibration of accelerating structure caused by
    turbulent water flow
  • Measured 300 nm on structure ltlt tolerance
  • Coupling to quadrupole was measured at about 3
    nm tolerance is 10 nm!
  • Direct coolant induced quad vibration 2 nm
  • Direct effect from rf pulse is negligible!
  • Next step model complete girder with quad

300 nm at nominalflow
Stabilization Studies
Inertial Stabilization Test Block
  • Final doublet tol. 1nm
  • Inertial system with 6 d.o.f. tested at SLAC
  • Limitation due to sensors
  • Reduced vibration gt10x
  • Other inertial studies atCERN
  • Optical anchor systemstudied at UBC
  • Developing new non-magnetic sensorwith better
    noise characteristics
  • Working on details before considering a real

FONT Feedback On ns Timescales
Magnet assembly and X-band BPM installed onto
NLCTA latency of 40 ns cable delay Measured
10x reduction of beam motion
Beam direction
Feedback loop
  • SLED-II demonstration and Gradient RD are 1st
  • Luminosity RD has been very broad and addressed
    most issues
  • This is a real strength of the JLC/NLC design
  • Many test facilities, RD, and simulation studies
  • Most sub-systems and diagnostics are modest
    extrapolations from operating accelerators or
    demonstrations at test facilities
  • Collider is designed with an energy reach from 92
    GeV to 1.3 TeV
  • Continue to develop models to evaluate
    reliability and integrated luminosity
  • Think about next-generation simulation tools
  • Work on multi-bunch issues in source studies
  • Improve damping ring designs and beam injection
  • Continue to work on stability issues and BDS

WG1 (Luminosity Issues) Schedule
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