Title: Project Overview
1Project Overview
- Dirt BOT
- Team Members Jeff Chalmers
- Jason Jellin
- Edward Aluede
- Review of high-level schedule milestones
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Go to http//home.att.net/turbo.jeff/robot/timel
3Schedule (cont.)
- Phase 1
- Rough-sketch idea of project
- Develop engineering specifications
- Understanding of what controls, actuators,
sensors, etc. will be used - Acquire and assemble documentation
4Schedule (cont.)
- Phase 2
- Design hardware and software
- Acquire and assemble documentation
6Design (cont.)
7Design (cont.)
- Dirt BOT (Isometric View)
8Design (cont.)
- Dirt BOT (Isometric View)
- Basic Stamp and Interface Board
10Hardware (cont.)
SpecificationsIR Receiver and Transmitter
IR Receiver
IR Transmitter
11Hardware (cont.)
- Devantech SRF04 UltraSonic Ranger
UltraSonic Ranger
Beam Pattern (45 Degrees)
Distance Range 1 inch to 9 feet Limitation
Planar senses in 2-D
12Hardware (cont.)
- Servo Motor Size/Torque To Be Determined
Servo Motor Schematic
Servo Motor
13Hardware (cont.)
15Software (cont.)
16Software (cont.)
' Stamp bs2 '---Declarations--- pulse_count va
r byte left_IR_det var bit right_IR_det var bit wD
ist var word left_motor var word right_motor var w
ord pause_motor var word INIT con 0 ECHO con 1 '--
-Initialization--- output 2 'Right IR output
7 'Left IR output 4 'Speaker freqout 4, 2000,
3000 Send Beep low 12 low 13
' Sonar Module ' CONVERSION FACTORS ' 'The
PULSIN command returns the rount-trip 'echo time
in 2us units which is equivalent to 'the one-way
trip time in 1us units. 'distance (echo
time)/(conversion factor) 'use 74 for inches
(73.746us per 1 in) 'use 29 for cm (29.003us per
1 cm) convfac con 74 'use
inches main gosub sr_sonar gosub
forward pulsout 12, left_motor pulsout 13,
right_motor 'pause 20 goto main sr_sonar
pulsout INIT, 5 '10us init pulse pulsin
ECHO,1,wDist 'measure echo time wDist
wDist/convfac 'convert to inches pause
10 'debug dec wDist, cr if (wDist
IR_Check 'If object distance less than or
equal to 1 run IR_Check if (wDist 1 and wDist
500 right_motor 1000 return
17Software (cont.)
next goto main u_turn ' ngosub
backward for pulse_count 0 to 75 pulsout
12, 1000 pulsout 13, 1000 pause
20 next goto main '---Navigation
Subroutine--- backward for pulse_count 0 to
7 pulsout 12, 1000 pulsout 13, 500 pause
20 next return
Slow_Prop left_motor 500 right_motor
1000 pause 50 return IR_Check 'debug
"STOP!!!" freqout 4, 200, 3000 freqout 4,
200, 3000 freqout 7, 1, 38500 left_IR_det
in8 debug dec left_IR_det, cr freqout 2, 1,
38500 right_IR_det in3 debug dec
right_IR_det, cr
if left_IR_det 0 and right_IR_det 0 then
u_turn if left_IR_det 0 then left_turn if
right_IR_det 0 then right_turn return '---Nav
igation Routines--- left_turn 'gosub
backward for pulse_count 0 to 35 pulsout
12, 500 pulsout 13, 500 pause
20 next goto main right_turn 'gosub
backward for pulse_count 0 to 35 pulsout
12, 1000 pulsout 13, 1000 pause 20
- Completed
- Integrated UltraSonic Sensor with IR Sensors
- Formal 3-D Design Initiated
- Issues/Problems
- UltraSonic Sensors see planar only (2-D)
- Potential Limit of I/O Pins (9 of 16 currently
19Whats Next
- Sensors
- Dead Reckoning Positioning Sensors
- Wheel Encoder (Distance)
- Compass/Gyroscope (Theta)
- Testing of UltraSonic and IR Sensors
- Software
- Test and Begin Bug Search
- Optimize and Add Programs
- Design
- Motor Sizing
- Battery Selection
- More 3-D Modeling