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TAKS Flash Cards


Between May 25th and September 17th of this year, ... Instead they drafted, debated, compromised, and finally approved for ... Bessemer. Steel. Process ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: TAKS Flash Cards

TAKS Flash Cards
  • 1607
  • In this year, representatives of the Virginia
    Company of London established the first permanent
    English settlement in North America. The
    settlement was called Jamestown in honor of King
    James I of England.

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  • 1776
  • On July 4th of this year, fifty-six
    representatives from the 13 colonies unanimously
    approved the Declaration of Independence.

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  • 1787
  • Between May 25th and September 17th of this year,
    delegates gathered in Philadelphia to revise the
    Articles of Confederation. Instead they drafted,
    debated, compromised, and finally approved for
    ratification the Constitution of the United

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  • 1803
  • The United States under the leadership of Thomas
    Jefferson, acquired the Louisiana Territory from
    France during this year. The purchase more than
    doubled the AREA of the United States.

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  • 1861-1865
  • The American Civil War was fought during these
    years. It began with the firing on Fort Sumter
    and ended with the Confederate surrender at
    Appomattox Court House almost four years later.

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  • Articles
  • of
  • Confederation
  • This document, the nations first Constitution,
    was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in
    1781 during the Revolution. The document was
    limited because States held most of the power,
    and Congress lacked the power to tax, regulate
    trade, or control coinage.

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  • Bill
  • of
  • Rights
  • The first ten amendments to the Constitution.
  • (ratified in 1791)

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  • Civic
  • Virtue
  • People who exemplify this quality go beyond their
    obligations by taking an active role in improving
    the community and the experiences of other
    members of the community.

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  • Declaration
  • of
  • Independence
  • This document was adopted by the Second
    Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. It
    established the 13 colonies as independent
    states, free from rule by Great Britain. Thomas
    Jefferson wrote the majority of this document.

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  • Quote from
  • Declaration
  • of
  • Independence
  • We hold these truths to be self-evident, that
    all men are created equal, that they are endowed
    by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
    that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
    Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure the rights,
    Governments are instituted among men, deriving
    their just power from the consent of the
    governed. That whenever any form of Government
    becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
    right of the people to alter or abolish it, and
    to institute new government

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  • English Bill
  • of Rights
  • King William and Queen Mary accepted this
    document in 1689. It guaranteed certain rights
    to English citizens and declared that elections
    for Parliament would happen frequently. By
    accepting this document, they supported a limited
    monarchy, a system in which they shared their
    power with Parliament and the people.

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  • Federalism
  • The distribution of power between a federal
    government and the states within a union.

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  • Federalist
  • Papers
  • A series of essays written by three leading
    Federalists -- James Madison, Alexander Hamilton,
    and John Jay.
  • (they supported a form of government that divided
    power between a strong central government and the

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  • Federalist
  • Those favoring ratification of the constitution
    and the federalist form of government.

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  • French and
  • Indian War
  • This struggle between the British and the French
    in the colonies of North America was part of a
    worldwide war known as the Seven Years War.

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  • Fundamental
  • Orders of
  • Connecticut
  • This document was the first written constitution
    in the American Colonies. It was prepared as the
    covenant for the new Puritan community in
    Connecticut, established in the 1630s. This
    document described a system for the new community.

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  • Anti-Federalists
  • Those opposed to the Constitution because they
    feared the power of the national government in
    the new federal system.

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  • Founding
  • Fathers
  • This term applies to those individuals who played
    a major role in declaring U. S. independence,
    fighting the Revolutionary War, or writing and
    adopting the U. S. Constitution. They include
    Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and James

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  • Dred Scott
  • v.
  • Sandford
  • A landmark Supreme Court decision which confirmed
    that status of slaves as property rather than

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  • Free Enterprise
  • System
  • An economic system in which individuals depend on
    supply and demand and the profit margin to
    determine what to produce, how to produce, how
    much to produce, and for whom to produce. The
    quest for improvement financially and materially
    motivates consumers and producers.

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  • Separation
  • of
  • Powers
  • This division of a central government into two or
    more branches, each having its own
    responsibilities and authorities.

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  • Unalienable
  • Rights
  • These rights are fundamental or natural rights
    guaranteed to people naturally instead of by law.
    They include life, liberty, and the pursuit of

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  • Representative
  • Government
  • Power is held by the people and exercised through
    the efforts of representatives elected by the

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  • Republicanism
  • A philosophy of limited government with elected
    representatives serving at the will of the
    people. Government is based on consent of the

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  • Protective
  • Tariff
  • A tax on an imported product instituted to
    protect local industries.

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  • Reform
  • Movement
  • Work to change society for the better. Focused
    on improving conditions for the poor, enslaved,
    imprisoned, women, and disabled.

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  • Plantation
  • System
  • A system of agricultural production on
    large-scale land ownership and the exploitation
    of labor and the environment. This system
    focused on the production of cash crops and
    utilized slave labor.

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  • Popular
  • Sovereignty
  • The concept that political power rests with the
    people who can create, alter, and abolish
    government. People express themselves through
    voting and free participation in government.

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  • Emancipation
  • Proclamation
  • Issued by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862,
    it declared that all slaves in the rebellious
    Confederate States be free.

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  • Nullification
  • Crisis
  • Southerners favored freedom of trade and believed
    in the authority of states over the federal
    government. Southerners declared federal
    protective tariffs null and void.

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  • Judicial
  • Review
  • Provides for the judicial branch of the
    government to determine if laws are

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  • Mercantilism
  • A set of economic principles based on policies
    which stress government regulation of economic
    activities to benefit the home country.

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  • Gibbons
  • v.
  • Ogden
  • Supreme Court decision that ruled that the
    Constitution gave control of interstate commerce
    to the U. S. Congress, not the individual states
    through which a route passed.

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  • Individual
  • Rights
  • These are protected by the Bill of Rights and
    include economic rights related to property,
    political rights related to freedom of speech and
    press, and personal rights related to bearing
    arms and maintaining private residence.

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  • Civil
  • Disobedience
  • Henry David Thoreau advocated this process of
    defying codes of conduct within a community or
    ignoring the policies and government of a state
    or nation when the civil laws are unjust.

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  • Gettysburg
  • Address
  • Speech given by Abraham Lincoln which captured
    the spirit of liberty and morality ideally held
    by citizens of a democracy. That ideal was
    threatened by the Civil War.

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  • Bessemer
  • Steel
  • Process
  • The process of removing impurities from iron to
    make steel by blasting the melted iron with hot

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  • Checks
  • and
  • Balances
  • A system that allows each branch of the
    government to limit the powers of the other
    branches in order to prevent abuse of power.

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  • 14th
  • Amendment
  • This amendment declared that all persons born or
    naturalized in the United States were entitled
    equal rights regardless of their race, and that
    their rights were protected at both the state and
    national levels.

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  • Abolitionist
  • Movement
  • The movement concentrated on ending Slavery in
    the United States.

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  • 15th
  • Amendment
  • This amendment granted black men the right to

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  • 13th
  • Amendment
  • This amendment freed all Slaves without
    compensation to slave-owners. It legally forbade
    slavery in the United States.

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  • Northwest
  • Ordinance
  • Enacted in 1787, it is considered one of the most
    significant achievement of the Articles of
    Confederation. It established a system for
    setting up governments in the western territories
    so they could eventually join the Union on an
    equal footing with the original 13 states.

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  • Philadelphia
  • Convention
  • of 1787
  • This meeting was held for the sole and express
    purpose of revising the Articles of
    Confederation. Instead the attendees decided to
    scrap the Articles of Confederation and create a
    new plan for government. Of the 55 delegates who
    attended, 39 signed the document they created
    --the U. S. Constitution.

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  • Marbury
  • v.
  • Madison
  • This was the first judgement by the Supreme Court
    which supported the federal system of government.
    In 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall, a
    Federalists, upheld and strengthened the
    authority of the federal judiciary. He
    established the principle of judicial review, the
    power of the judiciary to determine that a law
    can be declared unconstitutional.

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  • Monroe
  • Doctrine
  • A statement of foreign policy which proclaimed
    that Europe should not interfere in affairs
    within the United States or in the development of
    other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

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  • Mayflower
  • Compact
  • This document was drafted in 1620 prior to
    settlement by the Pilgrims of Plymouth Bay in
    Massachusetts. It declared that 41 males who
    signed it agreed to accept majority rule and
    participate in a government in the best interest
    of all members of the colony. This agreement set
    the precedent for later documents outlining
    commonwealth rule.

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  • McCulloch
  • v.
  • Maryland
  • In 1819, Chief Justice John Marshall continued to
    define the limits of the U. S. Constitution and
    the authority of the federal governments and
    state governments. One side in the case was
    opposed to the establishment of a national bank
    and challenged the authority of the federal
    government to establish one. The Supreme Court
    ruled that the power of the Federal government
    was supreme over that of the states and the
    states could not interfere.

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  • Magna
  • Carta
  • This document, signed by King John of England in
    1215, is the cornerstone of English justice and
    law. It declared that the king and government
    were bound by the laws as other citizens of
    England. It contained the antecedents of the
    ideas of due process and the right to a fair and
    speedy trial that are included in the protection
    offered by the U. S. Bill of Rights.

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  • Manifest
  • Destiny
  • This expression was popular in the 1840s. Many
    people belived that the United States was
    destined to secure territory from sea to sea,
    from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This
    rationale drove the acquisition of territory.

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  • Industrial
  • Revolution
  • During this rapid period of industrial growth
    more and more countries adopted mass production.
    Handmade goods were quickly replaced by
    machine-made goods. Factory laborers replaced
    craftsmen and home production.

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  • Limited
  • Government
  • In this type of government everyone, including
    all authority figures, must obey laws.
    Constitution, statements of rights, or other laws
    define the limits of those in power so they
    cannot take advantage of the elected, appointed,
    or inherited positions.

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  • House
  • of
  • Burgesses
  • First representative government in North America

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  • Primary
  • Source
  • First hand information-evidence produced by
    someone who participated in an event or lived
    during the time being studied (letters, diaries,
    even drawings)

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  • Secondary
  • Source
  • Second hand information-descriptions or
    interpretations prepared by people who were not
    involved in the events described.

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  • The Great
  • Awakening
  • An emotional religious movement that swept
    through the colonies in the 1700s.

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  • The
  • Enlightenment
  • A European and American intellectual
    revolution-that emphasized science and reason
    instead of fear and superstition.
  • Also know as
  • Age of Reason

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  • The New
  • England
  • Colonies
  • Fishing, whaling, subsistence farming.
  • Massachusetts Pilgrim (Plymouth) Puritans,
    Massachusetts Bay, Salem Witch Trials
  • Connecticut Thomas Hooker, Fundamental orders of
  • Rhode Island Roger Williams, Separation of
    church and state.
  • New Hampshire

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  • Middle
  • Colonies
  • Bread Basket Colonies-staple crops, diverse
    populations, indentured servants
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania Quackers
  • New Jersey
  • Delaware

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  • The
  • Southern
  • Colonies
  • Cash crops (tobacco, rice, indigo, and later
  • Maryland Catholics
  • Virginia Jamestown
  • North and South Carolina Split into two
  • Georgia James Ogelthorpe, criminals and debtors.

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  • Triangular
  • Trade
  • Trade routes between the American Colonies,
    England, and the West Indies.

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  • Middle
  • Passage
  • Horrific voyage that brought Slaves from Africa
    across the Atlantic Ocean to North America.

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  • John Peter
  • Zenger
  • Colonist famous for fighting for freedom of the

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  • Proclamation
  • of 1763
  • British laws passed after the French and Indian
    War that forbade colonists from moving west of
    the Appalachian Mountains due to Indian problems.

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  • No Taxation
  • Without
  • Representation
  • Colonists were angered at British attempts to tax
    them since colonists were not allowed to elect
    any representatives to Parliament.
  • Colonists Boycotted

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  • Committees
  • of
  • Correspondence
  • Committees formed by colonists (Sam Adams, Paul
    Revere, John Hancock etc) to spread information
    about resisting new British laws and taxes also
    helped to unify the colonists.

TAKS Flash Cards
  • The
  • Boston
  • Massacre
  • Incident in which British soldiers fired into a
    mob of angry unarmed colonists, killing 5 of
    them. Colonists called it a massacre for
    propaganda purposes.

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  • The Boston
  • Tea Party
  • Colonial protest against the Tea Act when
    colonists boarded British ships and dumped 340
    chests of valuable tea into the Boston Harbor.
    Colonists believed the Tea Act was a trick to get
    them to pay a tax without representation in

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  • The
  • Intolerable
  • Acts
  • Set of laws passed by Parliament to punish
    colonists for the Boston Tea Party and to gain
    tighter control of the colonies. This only
    united the colonies even more against Britain.
  • (aka Coercive Acts)

TAKS Flash Cards
  • Battles of
  • Lexington
  • and
  • Concord
  • Considered the first shot of the American
    Revolution (shot heard around the world). One
    year of fighting led to Thomas Paines Common
    Sense and the Declaration of Independence.

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  • Common
  • Sense
  • Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that criticized
    monarchies and convinced many American Colonists
    of the need to break away from Britain. (1776)

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  • Battle of
  • Trenton
  • Revolutionary War battle in New Jersey in which
    Patriot forces captured more than 900 Hessian
    troops. (1776)

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  • Battle of
  • Saratoga
  • Considered the turning point of the Revolution
    because it convinced the French to enter the was
    as American allies.

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  • Battle of
  • Yorktown
  • American victory that led to the signing of the
    treaty of Paris -- established American
    independence from England.

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  • Shays
  • Rebellion
  • Uprising of farmers, in Massachusetts, angry over
    high taxes. Showed the weaknesses of the
    Articles of Confederation.

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  • The Great
  • Compromise
  • Agreement worked out at the Constitutional
    Convention establishing that a states population
    would determine representation in the lower house
    of the legislature, while each state should have
    equal representation in the upper house of the
    legislature. (1787)

TAKS Flash Cards
  • The
  • Three-Fifths
  • Compromise
  • Agreement worked out at the Constitutional
    Convention stating that3/5 of the slaves in each
    state should be counted as part of the states
    population for determining representation in the
    lower house of Congress.

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  • Strict
  • Construction
  • Way of interpreting the Constitution that allows
    the federal government to take only those actions
    the Constitution specifically says it can take.

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  • Loose
  • Construction
  • Way of interpreting the Constitution that allows
    the federal government to take actions that the
    Constitution does not specifically forbid it from

TAKS Flash Cards
  • The
  • North
  • President Abraham Lincoln
  • Name Union--Blue
  • Nickname Yanks
  • Generals Ulysses S. Grant

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  • The
  • South
  • President Jefferson Davis
  • Name Confederacy-Gray
  • Nickname Rebels
  • Generals Robert E. Lee

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  • Dorothea
  • Dix
  • Prison Reform
  • Better treatment for criminals, orphans and
    people with mental illnesses.
  • More than 100 hospitals built, reform schools for
    young people, better prison conditions.

TAKS Flash Cards
  • Horace
  • Mann
  • Education reform.
  • Common schools for all kids colleges for women
    schools for African Americans and the disabled.
  • In Mass- doubled school budget, raised teacher
    salaries, made school year longer, ideas spread
    thru out the U.S.

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  • Womens
  • Rights
  • Sojourner Truth
  • Lucretia Mott
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Susan B. Anthony

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  • Sojourner
  • Truth
  • Abolitionists and Womens Rights
  • End slavery and more rights for women
  • Gave speeches throughout New England

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  • Elizabeth Cady
  • Stanton
  • Womens Rights
  • Property rights, voting, education, etc.
  • Co-organizer of Seneca Falls Convention where the
    Declaration of Sentiments was written.

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  • Lucretia
  • Mott
  • Womens Rights.
  • Property rights, voting, education.
  • Co-organizer of Seneca Falls Convention where the
    Declaration of Sentiments was written.

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  • Susan B.
  • Anthony
  • Womens Rights.
  • Property rights, voting, education rights.
  • Helped turn the Womens Rights movement into a
    political movement.

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  • Temperance
  • Movement
  • People wanted to stop drinking of hard liquor and
    limit beer and wine.
  • Some states passed laws banning alcohol.

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  • Abolitionists
  • Movement
  • American Colonization Society
  • William L. Garrison
  • Fredrick Douglas
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Sojourner Truth

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  • American
  • Colonization
  • Society
  • Abolitionists
  • Wanted to establish a colony in Africa for freed
    African American slaves.
  • Established Liberia where 12,000 African
    Americans settled.

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  • William L.
  • Garrison
  • Abolitionists
  • Wanted to end slavery and wanted equal rights for
    the races.
  • Published The Liberator President of American
    Anti-Slavery Society.

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  • Fredrick
  • Douglas
  • Abolitionists
  • Wanted to end slavery.
  • Published The North Star-one of the most famous
    Black abolitionists.

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  • Harriet
  • Tubman
  • Abolitionists
  • Wanted to end slavery,
  • Famous conductor of the Underground Railroad
    helped over 300 slaves escape.

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  • Sojourner
  • Truth
  • Abolitionists/ Womens Rights
  • End slavery and more rights for women.
  • Gave speeches throughout New England.

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  • First
  • Political
  • Parties
  • Democratic-Republicans
  • (Thomas Jefferson) Weak Central Government,
    Agricultural Economy
  • Federalists (Alexander Hamilton) Strong Federal
    Government, loose interpretation of the
    Constitution, Industrial Economy

TAKS Flash Cards
  • Washingtons
  • Farewell
  • Address
  • Decided not to run for 3rd term. Warned the
    nation of THREE dangers
  • 1. Political parties- He worried they might
    divide the nation (sectionalism)
  • 2. Debt the government should work to pay its
  • 3. Foreign wars that we should not get
    involved in foreign problems

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  • War of 1812
  • War with Great Britain caused by the British
    interfering with American ships and impressing
    U.S. sailors Francis Scott Key wrote the Star
    Spangled Banner the British blockade of U.S. to
    start manufacturing its own goods.

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  • Andrew
  • Jackson
  • First Democratic President. Known as Old
    Hickory. Hero of the common man. Supported
    the Indian Removal Act (Trail of Tears). Upheld
    power of the Federal Government in the
    Nullification crisis (over the tariff)

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  • Indian
  • Removal
  • Act
  • Indians moved to Indian Territory (Oklahoma).
    Whites wanted fertile Indian lands. Forced march
    known as the Trail of Tears.

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  • Eli Whitney
  • Developed the concept of interchangeable parts
    which enabled mass production of factory goods.
    Also invented the cotton gin.

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  • Seneca Falls
  • Convention
  • Meeting of Womens Rights supporters in Seneca
    Falls, NY. The Declaration of Sentiments was
    written, listing demands and grievances of women.

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  • Lincolns
  • 1st and 2nd
  • Inauguration
  • Speeches
  • 1st Lincoln tried to reassure Southern states
    that he had no power to end slavery and that he
    did not want Civil War. We are not enemies but
  • 2nd called for a time of healing to bind up
    the nations wounds and achieve a lasting peace.

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  • Civil War
  • Battles
  • Ft. Sumter April 1861. The opening shots was
    a federal fort that was seized by the
  • Gettysburg Vicksburg July 1863. These Union
    victories were considered the turning point of
    the war.
  • Appamatox Courthouse where Lee surrendered to

TAKS Flash Cards
  • The End
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