Title: Connecting Parents to Information and Support
1Connecting Parents to Information and Support
- Edward L. Schor. MD
- Program Director
- Child Development and Preventive Care
- The Commonwealth Fund
- March 1, 2004
2Families are the most central, powerful and
enduring influence in childrens lives.
3The Process of Child Health Care
- Parents
- Knowledge
- Attitudes
- Behavior
Child Health Care
Child Health Outcomes
4Teachable Moments
- The right information for that person when they
want it.
5People believe its harder to be a parent today...
A Lot Easier Said Than Done Public Agenda, 2002
6Which do you worry about more as a parent?
A Lot Easier Said Than Done Public Agenda, 2002
7Parents confidence about caring for their child
Fuligni and Brooks-Gunn, 2002
8Parents Misconceptions
- Of parents with young children
- 62 believe babies do not take in or react to the
world around them until 2 months - 55 say a baby must be at least 3 months to sense
their parents mood - 72 believe babies cannot be depressed until 12
months or older
What Grown-Ups Understand About Child
Development, 2000
9Parents Misconceptions
- Parents of young children
- 51 expect a 15-month-old to share
- Almost 40 believe a 12-month-olds behavior can
be based on revenge - 57 believe a baby younger than 6 months can be
What Grown-Ups Understand About Child
Development, 2000
10Types of support for parents
- Advice and information
- Tangible aid
- Emotional support
- Coherence support
Gottlieb and Pancer, 1988
11Young Parents Information Sources
- Family
- Friends
- Professionals
- Individual education and counseling
- Classes
- Home visiting
- Family resource centers
- Telephone warm lines
- Media
- -- TV
- -- Print Media
- -- Internet
12Person most comfortable talking with about
Fuligni and Brooks-Gunn, 2002
13If you had to move to a new community, how likely
would you be to seek information of child-care
from the following source?
Very likely
Not at all likely
Greenberg, S.R., Lotyczewski, B.S., Hightower,
A.D. (2002). Community Report on Children
Entering School in 2000-2001. - Rochester, New
- Religious institution
- Local library
- Childcare RR
- Dept. Social Services
- Doctor, health clinic
- Neighbors/friends
- Local school
- People from work
14Receipt and Usefulness of Services
Schuster, Regalado, Duan Klein, 2002
15 - Some working models
- Help Me Grow
- 211
- Extension Services mailings
- Potential Resource
- Title V Hotlines
- Not doing as good a job raising kids as they
think they should 61 - Overwhelmed 17
- Overly Permissive 17
- Overly Bossy, Authoritarian 18
- Obtained professional help about issues regarding
their child 22
A Lot Easier Said Than Done Public Agenda, 2002
17To be a single parent has got to be the most
stressful thing in the world
A Lot Easier Said Than Done Public Agenda, 2002