The Game of Billiards - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Game of Billiards


The gas of hard balls is a classical model in statistical physics. ... In 1987 Sinai and Chernov proved it for higher dimensions (2 balls on d torus) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Game of Billiards

The Game of Billiards
  • By Anna Rapoport (from my proposal)

Boltzmanns Hypothesis a Conjecture for
  • The gas of hard balls is a classical model in
    statistical physics.
  • Boltzmanns Ergodic Hypothesis (1870) For large
    systems of interacting particles in equilibrium
    time averages are close to the ensemble, or
    equilibrium average.
  • Let ? is a measurement, a function on a phase
    space, equilibrium measure µ, and let f be a
    time evolution of a phase space point.
  • One should define in which sense it converges.
  • It took time until the mathematical object of the
    EH was found.

The First Mean Ergodic Theorem
  • In 1932 von Neumann proved the first ergodic
  • Let M be an abstract space (the phase space) with
    a probability measure µ, f M ? M is a measure
    preserving transformation (?(f -1(A) ) ?(A) for
    any measurable A), ? ? L2(?),as n ? 8
  • Birkhoff proved that this convergence is a.e.
  • Remind the system is ergodic if for every A,
    ?(A) 0 or 1.

From Neumann to Sinai (1931-1970)
  • 1938-39, Hedlung and Hopf found a method for
    demonstrating the ergodicity of geodesic flows on
    compact manifolds of negative curvature. They
    have shown that here hyperbolicity implies
  • 1942, Krylov discovered that the system of hard
    balls show the similar instability.
  • 1963, The Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis The
    system of N hard balls given on T2 or T3 is
    ergodic for any N? 2.
  • No large N is assumed!
  • 1970, Sinai verified this conjecture for N2 on

Boltzmann problem N balls in some reservoir
Billiard problem 1 ball in higher dimensional
phase space
Mechanical Model
Constants of motion
  • Note that the kinetic energy is constant (set
  • If the reservoir is a torus T3 (no collisions
    with a boundary) then also the total momentum is
    conserved (set P0)
  • Also assume B0

  • Billiard is a dynamical system describing the
    motion of a point particle in a connected,
    compact domain Q ? Rd or Td, with a piecewise
    Ck-smooth (k2) boundary with elastic collisions
    from it (def from Szácz).

More Formally
  • D ? Rd or Td (d 2) is a compact domain
    configuration space
  • S is a boundary, consists of Ck (d-1)-dim
  • Singular set
  • Particle has coordinate q(q1,,qd)? D and
    velocity v(v1,,vd)? Rd

Inside D
  • The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
    reflection elastic collision.
  • The incidence angle ???-?/2?/2
  • ?? ??/2?corresponds to tangent trajectories

Phase Space
  • H is preserved ? p1
  • PD?Sd-1 is a phase space
  • ? tP ? P is a billiard flow
  • By natural cross-sections reduce flow to map
  • Cross-section hypersurface transversal to a
  • dim P (2d-2) and P? P (It consists of all
    possible outgoing velocity vectors resulting from
    reflections at S. Clearly, any trajectory of the
    flow crosses the surface P every time it
  • This defines the Poincaré return map

T - billiard map
Singularities of Billiard Map
Statistical Properties
  • Invariant measure under the billiard flow
  • CLT
  • Decay of correlation
    (?(n)e-?n, ?(n)n-?)

A little bit of History
  • For Anosov diffeomorfisms Sinai, Ruelle and Bowen
    proved the CLT in 70th, at the same time the exp.
    decay of correlation was established.
  • 80th Bunimovich, Sinai, Chernov proved CLT for
    chaotic billiards recently Young, Chernov showed
    that the correlation decay is exponential.
  • It finally becomes clear that for the purpose of
    physical applications, chaotic billiards behave
    just like Anosov diffeomorphisms.

Lyapunov exponents indicator of chaos in the
  • If the curvature of every boundary component is
    bounded, then Oseledec theorem guarantees the
    existence of 2d-2 Lyapunov exponents at a.e.
    point of P.
  • Moreover their sum vanishes

  • Classical LiouvilleTheorem (mid 19C) in
    Hamiltonian dynamics of finite N d.o.f.
    generalized coordinates conjugate momenta
    Poisson brackets If
    conserved quantities Kj as many d.o.f.N are
    found system can be reduced
    to action-angle variables by quadrature only.

Integrable billiards
  • Ellipse, circle.
  • Any classical ellipsoidal billiard is integrable
  • Conjecture (Birkhoff-Poritski) Any 2-dimensional
    integrable smooth, convex billiard is an ellipse.
  • Veselov (91) generalized this conjecture to
  • Delshams et el showed that the Conjecture is
    locally true (under symmetric entire perturbation
    the ellipsoidal billiard becomes non-integrable).

Convex billiards
  • In 1973 Lazutkin proved if D is a strictly
    convex domain (the curvature of the boundary
    never vanishes) with sufficiently smooth
    boundary, then there exists a positive measure
    set N?P that is foliated by invariant curves (he
    demanded 553 deriv., Douady proved for 6(conj.
  • The billiard cannot be ergodic since N has a
    positive measure. The Lyapunov exponents for
    points x?N are zero. Away from N the dynamics
    might be quite different.
  • Smoothness!!! The first convex billiard, which is
    ergodic and hyperbolic (its boundary C1 not C2)
    is a Bunimovich stadium.

Stadium-like billiards
  • A closed domain Q with the boundary consisting
    of two focusing curves.
  • Mechanism of chaos after reflection the narrow
    beam of trajectories is defocused before the next
    reflection (defocusing mechanism, proved also in
  • Billiard dynamics determined by the parameter b
  • b
  • b a/2 -- ergodic

Dispersing Billiards
  • If all the components of the boundary are
    dispersing, the billiard is said to be
    dispersing. If there are dispersing and neutral
    components, the billiard is said to be
  • Sinai introduced them in 1970, proved (2 disks on
    2 torus) that 2-d dispersing billiards are
    ergodic. In 1987 Sinai and Chernov proved it for
    higher dimensions (2 balls on d torus).
  • The motion of more than 2 balls on Td is already
    semi-dispersing. 1999 Simáni and Szász showed
    that N balls on Td system is completely
    hyperbolic, countable number of ergodic
    components, they are of positive measure and
  • 2003 they showed that the system is B-mixing.

Try to play
Generic Hamiltonian
  • Theorem (Markus, Meyer 1974) In the space of
    smooth Hamiltonians
  • The nonergodic ones form a dense subset
  • The nonintegrable ones form a dense subset.

The Generic Hamiltonian possesses a mixed phase
space. The islands of stability (KAM islands) are
situated in chaotic sea. Examples cardioid,
non-elliptic convex billiards, mushroom.
Billiards with a mixed PS
  • The mushroom billiard was suggested by
    Bunimovich. It provides continuous transition
    from chaotic stadium billiard to completely
    integrable circle billiard. The system also
    exhibit easily localized chaotic sea and island
    of stability.

Mechanisms of Chaos
Integrabiliy (Ellipse) - divergence and
convergence of neighboring orbits are balanced
Defocusing (Stadium) - divergence of neighboring
orbits (in average) prevails over convergence
Dispersing (Sinai billiards) - neighboring orbits
Adding Smooth Potential
  • High pressure and low temperature the hard
    sphere model is a poor predictor of gas
  • Elastic collisions could be replaced by
    interaction via smooth potential.
  • Donnay examined the case of two particles with a
    finite range potential on a T2 and obtained
    stable elliptic periodic orbit non-ergodic.
  • V.Rom-Kedar and Turaev considered the effect of
    smoothing of potential of dispersing billiards.
    In 2-dim it can give rise to elliptic islands.

Current Results
  • Generalization of billiard-like potential to
  • Conditions for smooth convergence of a smooth
    Hamiltonian flow to a singular billiard flow.
  • Convergence Theorem is proved.

Research Plan
  • Consider one of the 3-dim billiards built by Nir
    Davidsons group. Investigate its ergodic
    properties, study phase space.
  • Find a mechanism which gives an elliptic
    point of a Poincaré map of a smooth
    Hamiltonian system (d-dim) (multiple
    tangency, corner going trajectories)
  • Find whether the return map is non-linearly
    stable, so that KAM applies.
  • The resonances will naturally arise.
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