Title: UWRF Budget Cuts
1UWRF Budget Cuts Last 2 Biennia
3.7 million 20.47 positions
2 State Funding per full-time student
U.S. Average 8,061 Wisconsin 6,833 UWRF 5,06
395-96 96-97 97-98 98-99
99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03
03-04 04-05 05-06
4Falling State Support
- The UW System must compete with other priorities
for limited State dollars.
5Losing ground to other states
Personal Income is Below National Average
MN 31,913 US 29,451 WI 28,066
6Low UW System Administrative Costs Save Money
If the UW System was at the national average
for peer University Systems, we would be spending
an additional 115 million per year on
administrative costs.