Title: Mt. Ashland Overview
1Mt. Ashland Overview
2The Mt. Ashland LSR was analyzed
- Late-Successional Reserve Assessment - Mt.
Ashland Late-Successional Reserve, June 21, 1996 - Beaver Creek Ecosystem Analysis, July 1996
- Klamath National Forest Forestwide LSR
Assessment, January 1999 - Klamath National Forestwide Roads Analysis, June
3The Forestwide LSR Assessment and the Mt. Ashland
LSR Assessment identified three priority
treatment objectives for the Mt. Ashland LSR
- Promote the continued development of
late-successional and old-growth habitat. - Protect existing habitat by implementing fuels
reduction projects - Contribute to the recovery of the Northern
spotted owl.
4Based on these analyses and a comparison and
field review of several LSRs in the fall of 2003,
the Forest Service selected Mt. Ashland LSR as a
priority for restoration/protection, and
developed a long-term strategy.
5Mt. Ashland LSR Strategy
6Using this strategy, an interdisciplinary team
composed of Forest Service and United States Fish
and Wildlife Service employees was assigned the
task of developing a proposal entitled