Medical Biochemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medical Biochemistry


Serve as barriers to separate contents of cell from external environment or ... bilayer and hydrophilic regions protruding inside and outside of membrane ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medical Biochemistry

Medical Biochemistry
  • Membranes Bilayer Properties, Transport
  • Lecture 71

Membrane function
  • Serve as barriers to separate contents of cell
    from external environment or contents of
    organelles form remainder of the cell
  • Proteins in cell membrane have many functions
  • transport of substances across the membrane
  • enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions
  • receptors on exterior surface that bind external
    ligands (e.g., hormones, growth factors)
  • mediators that aid ligand-receptor complex in
    triggering sequence of events (second messengers
    that alter metabolism are produced inside the

Plasma membrane has selective permeabilities
  • Channels and pumps
  • for ions and substrates
  • Specific receptors
  • for signals (e.g., hormones)
  • Exchange materials with extracellular environment
  • exocytosis and endocytosis

Membranes form specialized compartments
  • Organelles with specialized functions
  • e.g., mitochondria, ER, Golgi complex
  • Localize enzymes
  • Excitation-response coupling
  • Energy Transduction
  • photosynthesis, oxidativephosphorylation

Internal Water Is Compartmentalized
  • Intracellular Fluid (2/3 of total water)
  • rich in K and Mg2, phosphate major anion
  • protein higher
  • Extracellular Fluid (1/3 of total water)
  • high Na and Ca, chloride major anion
  • glucose higher

Composition of membranes varies within and
between cells
  • Major lipids in mammalian membranes
  • Phospholipids
  • Glycosphingolipids
  • Cholesterol

  • Phospholipids - two major classes
  • 1. phosphoglycerides are more common
  • glycerol backbone
  • two fatty acids in ester linkage
  • usually even-numbered carbons (C16, C18)
  • unbranched, either saturated or unsaturated
  • C18 or 204,?5,8,11,14
  • phosphorylated alcohol
  • phosphatidic acid (1,2-diacylglycerol
    3-phosphate) is simplest -- key intermediate in
    formation of all other phospholipids

  • Phospholipids - two major classes
  • 2. sphingomyelins
  • sphingosine backbone (rather than glycerol)
  • fatty acid attached by amide linkage
  • primary hydroxyl group of sphingosine esterified
    to phosphocholine
  • prominent in myelin sheaths

  • Glycosphingolipids
  • sugar-containing lipids
  • e.g., cerebrosides and gangliosides
  • also derived from sphingosine
  • differ from sphingomyelin in group attached to
    primary hydroxyl group of sphingosine
  • sphingomyelin - phosphocholine
  • cerebroside - single hexose (glucose or
  • ganglioside - chain of 3 or more sugars (at least
    one is sialic acid)

  • Sterols
  • most common sterol ? cholesterol
  • almost exclusively in plasma membrane
  • lesser amounts in mitochondria, Golgi, nuclear
  • generally more abundant toward outside of plasma
  • intercalates among phospholipids of membrane with
    its hydroxyl group at aqueous interface and
    remainder of molecule within leaflet

Membrane lipids are amphipathic
  • Contain both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions
    (like detergents)
  • polar head group
  • nonpolar tails
  • Saturated fatty acids - straight tails
  • Unsaturated fatty acids (generally cis) - kinked

What is the effect of unsaturated fatty acids?
What is the effect of unsaturated fatty acids?
  • as more kinks added, membrane becomes less
    tightly packed, more fluid

Membrane lipids form bilayers
  • Amphipathic phospholipids have two regions with
    incompatible solubilities
  • in aqueous solvent, organize into
    thermodynamically favorable form (e.g., micelle)

Membrane lipids form bilayers
  • Bimolecular layer (bilayer) can also satisfy
    thermodynamic requirement of amphipathic molecule
  • only ends or edges of bilayer sheet exposed to
    unfavorable environment
  • can eliminate by folding sheet back upon itself
    to form enclosed vesicle with no edges.
  • Closed bilayer is essential property of membrane
  • impermeable to most water-soluble molecules

Lipid-soluble materials
  • Gases (oxygen, CO2, nitrogen)
  • little interaction with solvents, readily diffuse
    through hydrophobic regions of membrane
  • Lipid-derived molecules (e.g., steroid hormones)
  • readily transverse bilayer
  • Organic nonelectrolyte molecules
  • diffusion dependent upon oil-water partition
    coefficients (the greater lipid solubility, the
    greater its diffusion rate across membrane)

Non-lipid-soluble molecules
  • Proteins are also amphipathic molecules
  • inserted into lipid bilayer
  • form channels for movement of ions and small
  • serve as transporters for larger molecules

Non-lipid-soluble molecules
  • Side chains determine hydrophobic nature
  • 6 strongly hydrophobic side chains, few weakly
    hydrophobic, remainder hydrophilic
  • amphipathic proteins have hydrophobic region
    transversing bilayer and hydrophilic regions
    protruding inside and outside of membrane
  • protein content varies with membrane
  • enzymes, transport proteins, receptors

Membranes and components are dynamic structures
  • Lipids and proteins in membranes turn over
  • different lipids and proteins have individual
    turnover rates, may vary widely
  • membrane may turn over more rapidly than any of
    its constituents

Membranes Are Asymmetric Structures
  • Irregular distribution of proteins within
  • External location of carbohydrates attached to
    membrane proteins
  • Regional asymmetries
  • villous border of mucosal cells
  • gap junctions, tight junctions,synapses

Membranes Are Asymmetric Structures
  • Phospholipid asymmetry
  • choline-containing phospholipids located mainly
    in outer leaflet
  • phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin
  • aminophospholipids preferentially located in
    inner layer
  • phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine
  • cholesterol generally present in larger amounts
    on the outside

Membranes Are Asymmetric Structures
  • Must be limited transverse mobility (flip-flop)
  • half-life of asymmetry in synthetic bilayers is
    several weeks
  • enzymes for phospholipid synthesis are located on
    cytoplasmic side of microsomal membranes
  • flippases
  • phospholipid exchange proteins

Integral and peripheral proteins
  • Integral membrane proteins
  • interact with phospholipids, require detergents
    for solubilization
  • usually globular, amphipathic
  • may span bilayer many times
  • asymmetrically distributed across bilayer
  • orientation determined during insertion in bilayer

Integral and peripheral proteins
  • Peripheral proteins
  • do not interact directly with phospholipids
  • do not require detergent for release
  • weakly bound to hydrophilic regions of specific
    integral proteins

Integral and peripheral proteins
  • e.g., ankyrin, bound to integral protein band 3
    of erythrocyte membrane
  • spectrin, a cytoskeletal structure within
    erythrocyte, bound to ankyrin
  • plays important role in maintenance of biconcave
    shape of erythrocyte

Artificial membranes model membrane function
  • Mixtures of one or more phospholipids treated
    (e.g., sonication) to form spherical vesicles ?
  • can control lipid content to examine effects of
    lipid composition on certain functions
  • purified membrane proteins can be incorporated
    into these vesicles to access factors required
    for function
  • environment can be controlled and varied (e.g.,
    ion concentrations)
  • can be made to entrap compounds inside (e.g.,
    drugs, isolated genes) for drug delivery, gene

Fluid mosaic model
  • Singer and Nicolson (1972)
  • icebergs (membrane proteins) floating in a sea of
    predominantly phospholipid molecules
  • translational diffusion - integral proteins and
    phospholipids can move within the plane of the

Fluid mosaic model
  • phase changes (fluidity) of membrane are
    dependent upon lipid composition
  • hydrophobic chains of fatty acids can be highly
    ordered ? rigid structure
  • with ? temperature, side chains undergo
    transition from ordered state (gel-like or
    crystalline phase) to disordered (liquid-like or
    fluid) phase
  • transition temperature (Tm)
  • longer, more saturated fatty acid chains interact
    more strongly, cause higher Tm
  • unsaturated chains tend to ? fluidity, ?

Fluid mosaic model
  • Cholesterol modifies fluidity of membranes
  • At temperatures below Tm it interferes with the
    interaction of hydrocarbon tails of fatty acids
    and increases fluidity
  • At temperatures above Tm it limits disorder
    because it is more rigid than tails of fatty
    acids and cannot move in membrane to same extent,
    thus limits fluidity
  • At high cholesterolphospholipid ratios,
    transition temperatures are abolished

Fluid mosaic model
  • Fluidity significantly affects membrane functions
  • As membrane fluidity ?, so does permeability to
    water and other small hydrophilic molecules
  • Lateral mobility of integral proteins increases
  • If active site of integral protein resides
    exclusively in hydrophilic regions, changing
    fluidity probably has little effect on activity
  • If protein involved in transport, with transport
    components span membrane, lipid phase effects may
    significantly alter transport rate.
  • EXAMPLE Insulin receptor - As concentration of
    unsaturated fatty acids in membrane increased
    (grow in unsaturated. fatty acid rich medium),
    fluidity increases, receptor binds more insulin

Fluid mosaic model
  • Some protein-protein interactions within plane of
    membrane can restrict mobility of integral

Asymmetry of proteins and lipids maintained
during membrane assembly
  • Fusion of a vesicle with the plasma membrane
    preserves the orientation of any integral
    proteins embedded in the vesicle bilayer

Signal Sequences Target Many Proteins
  • Many proteins carry signals that target them to
    their destination
  • Major sorting decision - synthesis on free or
    membrane-bound polyribosomes
  • cytosolic branch
  • no signal peptide, delivered tocytosol
  • can be directed to mitochondria, nuclei,
    peroxisomes by specific signals

Signal Sequences Target Many Proteins
  • rough ER branch (Secretory or exocytotic pathway)
  • contain signal peptide
  • many destined for various membranes (ER, Golgi,
    lysosomes, and plasma membrane) and for secretion
  • certain proteins sorted in Golgi for delivery to
  • proteins destined for secretion carried in
    secretory vesicles
  • regulated secretion (secretory vesicles)
  • constitutive secretion (transport vesicles)

Signal Hypothesis - Entry into ER
  • Blobel and Sabatini - explanation for difference
    between free and membrane-bound ribosomes
  • All ribosomes have the same structure,
    distinction dependent upon protein possessing
    signal sequence

Synthesis of secretory proteins
1. N-terminal signal sequence is synthesized 2.
Signal bound by SRP, complex docks with SRP
receptor on ER membrane 3. Signal sequence binds
to translocon, internal channel opens, inserted
into translocon
4. Polypeptide elongates, signal sequence
cleaved 5. ER chaperones prevent faulty folding,
carbohydrates added to specific residues 6.
Ribosomes released, recycle 7. C-terminus of
protein drawn into ER lumen, translocon gate
shuts, protein assumes final conformation
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