Title: Skystar Vixen Kitfox Series 5, N789DF
1Skystar Vixen (Kitfox Series 5), N-789DF TruTrak
ADI-II Autopilot Installation Travis Rayner
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3Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Note push/pull tube drilled To accept control rod
4Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Aluminum flat bar 1 to stabilize upper
mount Note bracket at bottom (same on both ends)
Pitch Servo. Mounted aft of center
fuselage Framework (behind seat in center) Rudder
5Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Roll Servo. Mounted aft of left side
fuselage Framework (behind pilot seat) Aluminum
1 flat bar bracket
Pitch Servo Aluminum 1 flat bar bracket
6Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Roll Servo. Mounted aft of left side
fuselage Framework (behind pilot seat)
7Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Pitch Servo
Roll servo Looking aft from left side of plane.
Note Roll control arm location
8Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Roll Servo.
Push/pull tube From control stick
Connection to upper flaperon hinge assembly.
Longer bolt with spacers needed to align
servo. The bolt/spacer was easier than building
an exotic bracket to move the servo.
9Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Roll Servo. Close up view on control rod
connect To the flaperon assembly.
10Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Another view of the Roll Servo.
These bolts go through the servo mounting
bracket. Stock bracket is clearly visible on the
11Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Another view of the Pitch Servo.
12Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Another view of the Pitch and Roll servos.
13Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Roll Servo with spacer on longer control rod
14Vixen ADI-II Autopilot Servo Installation
Power on/off switch Momentary switch for push
and hold Control Wheel Steering (we have a
Stick not a wheel). This will also disengage
both pitch roll with a quick push. Unit is
backlit and easy to operate.