Title: 2: Exceptions and User Interfaces
12 Exceptions and User Interfaces
- User Interface Design
- Input Validation
- ImageList and ToolBar Controls
- ListView Control
- TreeView Control
- Structured Exception Handling
32.1 User Interface Design
- User interface interacts with the user
- Analyze needs of users
- consider first time users, intermediate users,
and experienced users - Task-Based Approach
- design program in terms of tasks it will perform
- use-case scenarios describe interactions between
program and users
4Use Case Display Detail Information
- Steps
- User enters full or partial description of an
item - Program locates and displays a list of items
matching the description - User selects an item from the list
- Program displays detailed information on the item
5Designing Forms
- Avoid clutter
- Use AcceptButton and CancelButton
- Restrict user's choices
- Use TabControl to partition groups of controls
- Use AutoScroll to add scroll bars to a form
- Use TreeView for hierarchical information
- Use ListView for multicolumn information
6Using Microsoft Office as a Model
- Menu tips
- Use drop-down menus
- Duplicate button commands with menu commands
- Include File and Help menu commands
- Include Edit, View, and Windows submenus
- Use elipsis (...) when launching a submenu
- Use standard shortcut keys
- Wizards
- lead users through series of predetermined steps
- simplify users' decisions
72.2 Input Validation
- General principles
- try to anticipate and prevent errors
- error checking can be at each tier of a
Three-tier application - restrict user's ability to input bad data
8Four Validation Approaches
- Trap user keystrokes within each input control
- Prevent user from moving away from an input
control when invalid input found - Validate each control separately as user moves
away - Perform validation after user inputs values into
all form controls
9Trapping Keystrokes
- KeyPress event
- e.Handled property
- e.KeyChar property
- Private Sub txtPatientID_KeyPress( _
- ByVal sender As System.Object, _
- ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs
) _ - Handles txtPatientID.KeyPress
- Examples
- If Not Char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar) Then _
- e.Handled True
- If Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) Then Exit Sub
10Keyboard Validation
- Hands-on example
- User enters a patient ID number
- Program validates using KeyPress and TextChanged
event handlers
11Handling the Validating Event
- Leave event
- user moves away
- Validating event
- code checks contents of control
- Validated event
- fired after Validating event handler finds no
error - CausesValidation property
- determines whether a Validating event will be
12Name and Age Input
- Hands-on example
- User enters last name and age
- validates both values
- Person class checks Age range
- Displays events as they are fired
13ErrorProvider Control
- Hands-on tutorial
- Displays exclamation mark icon next to controls
having invalid input - Only one ErrorProvider needed on a single form
14Calling SetError
- Call SetError if you detect bad data in the
control - Private Sub txtLastName_TextChanged(ByVal sender
_ - As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
- Handles txtLastName.TextChanged
- If txtLastName.Text.Length 0 Then
- errProvider.SetError(CType(sender, Control), _
- "Last name cannot be blank")
- End If
- End Sub
Pass a blank value to hide the error icon
15Handling Two Events
- Handle both TextChanged and Leave to reduce
duplicate code - Private Sub txtLastName_TextChanged(ByVal sender
_ - As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
- Handles txtLastName.TextChanged, _
- txtLastName.Leave
- etc.
162.3 ImageList and ToolBar Controls
- ImageList control stores images in a form
- ToolBar control is a container for buttons
- joined to an ImageList control
- ButtonClick event handler
- Private Sub tlbMain_ButtonClick( _
- ByVal sender As System.Object, _
- ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms._
- ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs) _
- Handles tlbMain.ButtonClick
- e.Button.Text property
- e.Button.Tag property
17Simple ToolBar
- Hands-on tutorial SimpleToolBar
- Demonstrates ImageList and ToolBar controls
- Output
182.4 ListView Control
- Common in MS-Windows applications
- Flexibility and power
- rows and columns
- columns can be resized and moved
- click events
- text alignment options
- list items stored in a collection
- user can edit list items
19ListView (cont)
- Creating Column Headings
- use Detail view
- Columns property page
- Sample
- lvwContacts.Columns.Add("Name", 150,
20ListView (cont)
- ListViewItem class
- defines appearance, behavior, and data associated
with each row in a ListView - table format, large icons, small icons, or list
- Creating a ListViewItem
- Adding columns
- using the SubItems collection
- Changing font styles
21Contacts ListView
- Hands-on tutorial ListView1
- Fills a ListView control with employee contact
22Useful ListView Techniques
- Responding to ItemCheck event
- fired when user clicks on an item's CheckBox
- Selecting items
- fired when user selects one or more items
- Removing items
- call the Items.Remove method
- Other ListView features
- (tables listing properties and events)
23Removing ListView Items
- Hands-on example ListView2
- User selects items with checkboxes
- removes all selected items
- Editing capability is automatic
242.5 TreeView Control
- Suited to hierarchical information
- Each element is a node
- type TreeNode
- belongs to the Nodes collection
- Travel Tree example
25Basic TreeView Techniques
- Add nodes
- With tvwTravel
- .Nodes.Add("Air")
- .Nodes.Add("Land")
- .Nodes.Add("Water")
- End With
- Expand the tree
- tvwTravel.ExpandAll() 'expand all subtrees
- aNode.Expand() 'expand one node's subtree
26Basic TreeView Techniques
- Insert multiple nodes
- Dim nodeArray(2) As TreeNode
- nodeArray(0) New TreeNode("Air")
- nodeArray(1) New TreeNode("Land")
- nodeArray(2) New TreeNode("Water")
- tvwTravel.Nodes.AddRange(nodeArray)
- Use BeginUpdate and EndUpdate to suspend and
resume drawing of the tree while adding nodes
27Basic TreeView Techniques
- Get most recently selected node
- Dim aNode As TreeNode tvwTravel.SelectedNode
- Sort a tree
- tvwTravel.Sorted True
- Remove a node
- tvwTravel.Nodes.Remove(tvwTravel.SelectedNode)
- Remove a subtree
- tvwTravel.SelectedNode.Nodes.Clear()
- Insert node just before the selected node
- With tvwTravel
- Dim index As Integer .SelectedNode.Index
- .Nodes.Insert(index, New TreeNode("Space"))
- End With
28Contact Categories
- Hands-on tutorial TreeViewContacts
- Fills a TreeView with a list of categories for
name and email contacts - user can insert and remove entries
- tree maintains itself in alphabetical order
29Disk Directory TreeView
- Hands-on example DirectoryTree
- Displays a disk directory in a TreeView control
- System.IO.DirectoryInfo class
- Uses recursion
- method calls itself
302.6 Structured Exception Handling
- A runtime error is the result of a thrown
exception - specifically, an unhandled exception
- severe error that would cause the program to
behave erratically if not dealt with - Two types of exceptions
- those caused by faulty programming logic
- those caused by events outside the programmer's
control - Better than ad-hoc error handling methods
- which were unreliable because they relied on
skills of individual programmers
31What is Structured Exception Handling?
- Programs can respond to exceptions
- allow program to resume gracefully after an error
- called handling an exception
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- internal mechanism for exception handling
- Interaction between two parts of a program
- one part of a program can only detect an error
- another part knows what to do about it
32Base Exception Classes
- SystemException
- also known as runtime exceptions
- typically caused by programmer errors
- ApplicationException
- application programs derive new exception types
from this class - IOException
- caused by file and stream I/O errors
33Integer Conversion Example
- User inputs an integer into a TextBox
- Calls Convert.ToInt32
- which throws a System.FormatException
34IOException Class Hierarchy
35Try...Catch...Finally Statement
- Syntax
- Try
- try-block
- Catch optional filters
- catch-block
- additional Catch blocks...
- Finally
- finally-block
- End Try
36Alternate Execution Paths
The Finally block is optional
37Integer Conversion Example
- Handles exception thrown by ToInt32 method
- Try
- Dim n As Integer
- n Convert.ToInt32(txtInput.Text)
- stsMessage.Text "OK"
- Catch
- stsMessage.Text "That's not an Integer!"
- End Try
38Averaging Test Scores
- Hands-on example
- User inputs a series of test scores
- Program calculates average
- handles exceptions, identifies invalid score
- Error message example
39Handling File Exceptions
- Hands-on example
- User enters a file name
- Operations
- program attempts to read the file
- program attempts to write to the file
- throws exceptions
40Propagating Exceptions
- Happens when exception is not caught immediately
- Exception chains backward through method calls
- Becomes unhandled if no Catch clause is found
41Business Tier
- Throw exceptions at this level
- Catch exceptions at this level
- Do not generate any output to the user
- let the Interface layer do that
42Designing Your Own Exception Types
- Do this when...
- your exception needs to hold custom information
- exception class name is self-documenting
- Inherit from ApplicationException
- Example
- Public Class PropertyException
- Inherits System.ApplicationException
- Private mBadValue As String
- Sub New(ByVal message As String, _
- ByVal badVal As String)...
- Public ReadOnly Property BadValue() As String...
43Testing PropertyException
- Hands-on example
- User inputs property values, which are assigned
to a Student object. - Exceptions caught
- PropertyException
- InvalidCastException
44Exception-Handling Tips
- Prevent exceptions before they are thrown
- Entire Try block might not execute
- Catch specific exceptions first, catch general
exceptions last - Throw predefined .NET exceptions when possible
- Your exception classes should inherit from
45The End