I. Brief Introduction To Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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I. Brief Introduction To Life


Divide the class into 3 or 4 equal teams, with a maximum of 10 or 12 learners per team. ... Ben:Ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: I. Brief Introduction To Life

???? ???
I. Brief Introduction To Life Study in Leeds
II. About Our Tutors
III. About Our Training
IV. Some Useful Materials Websites
Teaching Listening Skills
Teaching Speaking Skills
Teaching Reading Skills
Teaching Writing Skills
Using Games
  • Short listening activities
  • listen and identify
  • bingo
  • listen and take away
  • find the odd man/one out
  • listen and put
  • listen and choose
  • tennis
  • guess my animal/job/a person etc.
  • choose four animals and use four adj. to describe
    each of them, then write a poem and draw a
  • jigsaw listening
  • non-stop dictation
  • reader-runner-writer dictation
  • some other activities

Skater Boy (a song)
  • Step1 Listen to part 1, understand the
    situation, then guess what happened.
  • Step2 Listen to part 2 and answer some
    questions. (discuss in 2 What happened 5 years
  • Step3 Listen to part 3 to see the result, then
    match the beginnings and ends of the sentences.
    Guess the end of the story.
  • Step4Listen to the end of the story and fill in
    the blanks, finish the sentences.

  • make a clock, then choose the time you like best
    and tell why
  • describe one thing and try to sell it
  • debate
  • set up your own school

(Little Johnnys final letter)
  • Step1Listen to the title and think about
    What letter? Who wrote it ? Where? Why?
  • Step2 Listen to some sentences and discuss the
    questions again.
  • Step3 Listen to the whole poem. Draw Johnny the
    day before Johnny in his rented room mother in
  • Step4 Give the poem to the Ss. Discuss
    Why.leave home? How does mother feel?
  • Step5 Explain the strange expressions Write down
    the sentences that mother said in the radio and
    act out.

  • Can A Parrot
  • (by Spike Milligan)
  • Can a parrot
  • Eat a carrot
  • Standing on his head?
  • If I did that my mum would send me
  • Straight upstairs to bed
  • Step 1 close your eyes and think of one of your
    favourite animals ----What does it look like?
    What can it do? What is it doing now? ( ask Ps to
  • Step 2 draw the picture about your imagination
  • Step 3 exchange ideas in groups (Ps show their
    pictures and talk about it)
  • Step 4 learn the poem---a. (T Do you know what
    my favourite animal is ?) T read the poem. b. Ps
    read to poem. c. ask Ps to draw the picture of
    the poem
  • Step 5 task make a poem using their own
    favourite animal and draw a picture of it if you

  • (A story from
  • Activity1 Match these words with the pictures on
    the picture sheet.
  • Spear , ear, eye, mosquito, antelope, stew
  • Activity2 All the pictures on the picture sheet
    are from the same story, In a small group, tell a
    story which uses all the pictures.
  • Activity3 Listen to the teacher read the story.
    Is it similar to the story your group told?
  • Activity4 In a small group, use the picture
    sheet to tell the story the teacher told you.
  • Activity5 Read the story and think about the
    message of the story.
  • Activity6 With your partner, discuss these
  • What was the message of the story?
  • Do you think the chief was clever?
  • Do you know any other stories with a similar
  • Activity7 T divide the Ss into groups to play a
    part in the story. Act your part and say the

  • (The
    Little Girls Room)
  • 1.Readiness Activity
  • Close your eyes and imagine your bedroom.
  • What colours do you have in your bedroom? What
  • What do you like about your bedroom?
  • What dont you like about it?
  • 2, Experiential
  • Imagine you are the little girl while listening
    to the story. Try to see the story in your mind.
  • Listen to the story again and act it out with
    your partner. One of you is the little girl and
    your partner is a magic fairy.
  • 3, Intake response
  • Think back to the story youve just heard. Try
    and picture the little girl in your mind. Think
    about these 4 questions
  • What do you think about he little girl?
  • What do you think about the fairy?
  • Does the story remind you of any people
    in your own life?
  • What do you think the moral of the story
  • Draw a picture of how you think the little girl
    looks at the end of the story. Show your picture
    to your group and describe it to them
  • 4, Development
  • Now read the story yourself. Think of another
    colour and write another small part of the story.
  • 5, Input

  • Writing
  • 1. most neglected most hated both by Ss and by
    Ts most given as homework
  • 2. must have a clear purpose
  • 3. make up a check list for the Ss for the common
    mistakes or errors theyve made
  • Chinese English Correct English
  • 4. How to evaluate? ---We can ask them to correct
    their writings in groups or in pairs, find out 5
    mistakes, then we can use the game grammar
    auction to help them correct the mistakes.
  • 5. How to deal with the mistakes or errors
    theyve made?

  • Fun and games in the classroom
  • Vocabulary tennis
  • Choose a vocabulary topic the class has studied
    recently e.g. animals.
  • Divide the class into 2 halves, group A and group
    B, so that they are facing each other.
  • Each group elects a speaker.
  • The speaker for group A says the name of an
    animal e.g. lion.
  • Group B must then respond immediately, through
    their speaker, with another animal.
  • Group A must then respond immediately, through
    their speaker, with the name of another animal.
  • The process continues until one group cant think
    of any more animals.

  • Chain vocabulary
  • Choose a vocabulary topic the class has studied
    recently e.g. animals.
  • Get the pupils to sit in circles with 7or 8
    people in the group.
  • Each member of the group, in turn, must give the
    name of an animal.
  • If a group member cant think of an animal,
    she/he drops out.

  • Grammar auction
  • Explain what an auction is. Explain other key
    terms such as bid and budget.
  • Tell the class you are going to sell them some
    sentences. Tell them how much money they have to
  • Divide the class into pairs and hand out one
    worksheet to each pair.
  • Ask the learners to identify the correct
    sentences and to find the mistakes in each wrong
  • Explain to the class that they must buy as many
    correct sentences as possible.
  • Go through every sentence on the worksheet
    selling it to the highest bidder. Dont tell them
    if the sentence is correct or not at this stage.
  • Go through the sentences again. Tell them which
    are correct and discuss with them where the
    mistakes are in the wrong sentences.
  • Find out which pair bought the most correct

  • Board pen relay
  • Procedure
  • Divide the class into 3 or 4 equal teams, with a
    maximum of 10 or 12 learners per team.
  • Divide the board so that there is a section for
    each team e.g.
  • Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team4
  • Get each team to stand in a line as if they are
    forming a queue.
  • Give the first member of each team a board pen or
    a piece of chalk.
  • Explain that each team has to write a sentence on
    the board that is at least 10 words long. So the
    first member of the team runs to the board,
    writes one word and passes the pen or chalk to
    the second member who writes another word and
    passes the pen or chalk to the third member. The
    first team to write a complete, correct sentence
  • Tips
  • Its a good game to use at the end of a difficult
    or tiring lesson.
  • You can make the game more challenging by
    specifying that the sentence must include a
    particular structure e.g. present continuous.

  • Hot Seat
  • Procedure
  • Divide the class into two teams. The teams should
    be on different sides of the class, but as close
    to the board as possible.
  • Put 2 seats (hot seats) at the front of the
    class, one in front of each team, facing away
    from the board.
  • One member of each team sits in the hot seats
    (facing away from the board, but towards
  • The teacher writes a word on the board (one class
    has recently learned) e.g. elephant. The teams
    have to get the team member in the hot seat to
    say this word by shouting clues to him/her e.g.
  • Its a big animal it lives in the jungle its
    got big earsits got a good memory.
  • The first team to get their hot seat member to
    say the word elephant scores a point.
  • Change the hot seat members, then continue until
    you have finished your list of words. The team
    with the most points at the end wins.

  • Blockbusters
  • Aims to revise vocabulary the class has recently
  • Equipment/preparation
  • (a). A list of about 30-35 words the class has
    learned recently
  • (b). A 55 square made from the first letters
    of the words they have learned recently (see fig.
  • (c). Different coloured pens or chalk for the

  • Procedure
  • Write the first letters of 25 words the class has
    learned recently in a 55 square on the board. It
    doesnt matter if you use the same letter more
    than once e.g.
  • Fig 1
  • 1 2 3 4 5
  • G M N C S
  • C F H L H
  • E R T P R
  • H A A R T
  • S I S K W

  • Divided the class into two teams. Give each team
    a colour, say red or blue.
  • Explain that the letters are the first letters of
    words they have recently learned. Tell then you
    will give them a definition, explanation or
    example to help them remember the word e.g. If
    they have learned the word apple recently, your
    question could be What A is a round and green
  • The first team to shout out the right answer wins
    that letter and that letter is underlined in
    their colour.
  • If the blue team shout out the answer first, they
    get to choose the next letter on the square.
    Anyone can answer any question.

  • The objective of the game is for a team to make a
    connected line of underlined letters from top to
    bottom to side of the square. It can be a
    straight line, but it doesnt have to be. See the
    examples in figs 1 and 2 below.

Fig 2 1 2 3 4 5 G M N C S C F
Fig 3 1 2 3 4 5 G M N C S C F
  • Tips
  • Its a good idea to make a photocopied worksheet
    of all the words you use in the game to give to
    the learners after the game (you can use this
    worksheet for pronunciation practice or more
    detailed work on the words.)
  • Its a good idea to prepare your definitions,
    explanations and examples of the words as it can
    be difficult to think of them on the spot.
  • Its a good idea to have extra words beginning
    with the same letter in case neither team can
    remember the word in the square.
  • One possible problem with the game is that two or
    three players dominate. You might want to
    introduce a rule so that when a player answers a
    question s/he cant answer the next one.

  • Pictionary
  • Divided the class into 2 or more teams.
  • One representative from each team comes to the
    teacher and the teacher secretly tells them a
    word. The representatives go back to their team
    and draw a picture or do a mime to elicit the
    word from their team.
  • The first team to correctly identify the word
    gets a point.
  • Each team sends another representative to the

  • Vocabulary Bingo 1
  • The teacher writes 10-12 numbers on the
  • Each pupil copies 4 of the numbers.
  • The teacher reads out numbers from the whiteboard
    at random.
  • Pupils cross out their numbers as they hear them.
  • The first pupil to cross out all his /her numbers
    is the winner.

  • Vocabulary Bingo 2
  • The teacher writes 10-15 words on the whiteboard
    which the pupils have learned recently.
  • Each pupil copies 4 or the words.
  • The teacher gives definitions or explanations of
    the words on the board at random.
  • Pupils cross out their words when they hear the
    teacher define or explain them.
  • The first pupil to cross out all his words is the

  • Stop or continue?
  • The teacher chooses a text or dialogues the
    pupils have learned recently.
  • The teacher divides the class into 2 teams.
  • The teacher reads the first words of the
    story/dialogue and team A have to continue it
    word for word. They score one point for every
    correct word and they can stop when they are not
    sure what the next word is. If they continue and
    make a mistake they lose all the points from that
  • Team B continue from where Team A stopped. When
    team B chooses to stop, team A start again, and
    so on until the story/ dialogue is finished. The
    team with the most points is the winner.

  • Step 2.
  • Draw the shapes you ticked.
  • Step 3.
  • Learn the shapes.
  • Step 4.
  • Choose a shape to name your group.
  • Step 5.
  • Find the shapes around the classroom.
  • Step 6.
  • Listen and make shapes in pairs.
  • Activity 2.
  • Listen and Read the dialogue, answer
    the questions.

  • Step1. make an example for the students.
  • Step 2. teacher gives an instruction, pupils make
    shapes in pairs .
  • Step 3. pupils give instructions in turns.
  • Step 4. pupils make shapes they like in pairs and
    ask other groups using What shape is
  • Step 5. Teacher asks pupils to count how many
    circles, squares, triangles and rectangles the
    children made, find out the most popular one.

The Reasons We Adapt Unit 17
  • Activity 1 (Competition)
  • Find shapes in the classroom as quickly as
    possible. Then count them .(group work)
  • Activity 2
  • What is the next shape?
  • Steps.

  • Listen and draw (teachers modeling)
  • Listen and draw (Students activity)
  • Look at the pictures and predict the missing
  • Pair work (pupil 1 thinks about a group of shapes
    which have regularity and asks pupil 2 to predict
    the next shape or next group of shapes)

Can you try?
ACTIVITY 3 Lets make
  • Step1 Teacher takes out a piece of paper.
  • Folds it and asks questions.
  • Step 2 Pupils learn to make a paper ship.
  • Ask and answer questions in pairs
  • while folding.
  • Step 3 Pupils colour the paper ships and
  • draw some shapes on them.
  • Step 4 Present their own paper ships in
  • group/in class.Ask and answer the
  • questions.

ACTIVITY 4 Fill in the blanks
  • Look at the pictures of Unit 17, read the
    following dialogue and fill in the blanks.
  • Mr Chen How many are there?
  • Ben Four. One, two, , four.
  • Yongxian No, there are . One, two,
    three, four .
  • Mr Chen Good.
  • Mr Chen Xiaoling, how many are
  • Xiaoling . One, two, three, four, five,

  • Yongxian No, there are . One,two,
  • three, , five, six,
  • Yongxian No, there are .One, ,
  • three, four, five, six, seven,_____.
  • Mr chen _______ ______ fingers are
  • there?
  • Ben Ten. _____, two, three, four, five, six,
  • seven, eight, _____, ______.
  • Jiamin No. ______fingers and two thumbs.
  • Mr Chen Very good, Jiamin.

ACTIVITY 4 Fill in the blanks
  • Listen and check the answer.
  • Mr Chen How many squares are there?
  • Ben Four. One, two, three, four.
  • Yongxian No, there are five. One, two, three,
    four, five.
  • Mr Chen Good.
  • Mr ChenXiaoling, how many triangles are there?
  • XiaolingSix. One, two, three, four, five, six.
  • Yongxian No, there are seven. One, two, three,
    four, five, six, seven.
  • Yongxian No, there are eight. One, two, three,
    four, five, six, seven, eight.
  • Mr chen How many fingers are there?
  • BenTen. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
    eight, nine, ten.
  • Jiamin No. Eight fingers and two thumbs.
  • Mr ChenVery good, Jiamin.

  • What shape is it?
  • What shape are they?
  • How many rectangles / triangles/
  • are there ?
  • What is it?
  • What are they?
  • ...

Lets make
  • The pupils notice the different shapes in the
    first and second steps,and from the first and
    second step, we help the pupils to prepare for
    learning. While in the second step they are
    drawing the four different shapes, the teacher
    teaches the pronunciation of the shapes as well.
  • Pupils try to repeat for 2 or 3 times. These
    first three steps can help the students have the
    first awareness of the new vocabulary.
  • The following steps help the pupils to recycle
    using the main sentences and vocabulary in
    meaningful situation.

This unit is very good to help the pupils to
develop their ability of observation and a sense
of logic, why we adapt the following 4
activities, just because we would like to help
the pupils to use their brain more and work with
the Language more effectivelymore details? Lets
go back!
2. Some Websites
http//falcon.jmu.edu/ramseyil/poeform.htm http/
/www.kidsjukeboxinc.com/ http//kidsmusicweb.com/
http//www.gigglepoetry.com/ http//www.angelfire.
.htm http//the_english_dept.tripod.com/teachers.h
tmlpoetry http//www.arm.arc.co.uk/pixindex.html
(animal pictures)
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