Title: Stanislav Tachenov
1Photocorrelation and polarization studies for
capture into high Z ions.
Stanislav Tachenov
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
(GSI)/Darmstadt and University of Frankfurt
in collaboration with
Experiment Th. Stöhlker, D. Banas, H.F. Beyer, G.
Bednarz, F. Bosch, A. Bräuning-Demian, R.W.
Dunford, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, E. Kanter, O.
Klepper, C. Kozhuharov, D. Liesen, X. Ma, P.H.
Mokler, A. Muthig, F. Nolden, U. Spillmann, Z.
Stachura, A. Warczak, D.Proic, Th. Krings and the
ESR-Team Atomic Physics Group, GSI-Darmstadt,
Germany Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne,
USA Kansas State University, Kansas, USA IMP,
Lanzhou, China University of Cracow,
Poland University of Frankfurt,
Germany Forschungzentrum Jülich, Germany
Theory J. Eichler, S. Fritzsche, A. Ichihara,
D.C Ionescu, T. Shirai, A. Surzhykov Theo
retische Physik, HMI-Berlin, Germany JAERI,
Japan TU-Dresden, Germany GSI-Darmstadt,
Germany University of Kassel, Germany
2Photon-Matter Interaction in the Relativistic
Regime Radiative Electron Capture (K-REC)
Radiative Electron Capture
3X-Ray Spectroscopy at the ESR
e- cooler
Particle energy up to 400 MeV/u for U 92 Energy
definition 10-4 with cooling Number of particles
108 per cycle
N2, Ar 1012p/cm3
4Measurements with coincidences
Particle detector
Dipole magnet
Movable detector 4o 15o
coincidence measurement
5Radiative Electron Capture Capture of
Quasifree Targetelectrons
U92 gt N2, 358 MeV/u
6Total REC cross sections for bare ions
complete relativistic calculations for Au 79
(Eichler et. al)
dipole approximation
The simple non-relativistic dipole approximation
provides an accurate tool for cross section
preditions (below 1 GeV/u)
7Experimental REC studies
performed up to now
8Interaction of electro-magnetic
radiation with matter
- photoelectric effect
- Compton scattering
- pair production
9Compton scattering
10Polarization Measurements by Means of
Compton Scattering
Klein-Nishina formula
11Segmented planar Ge detector
Pixel matrix 4x4 Pixel size 7x7 mm Energy
resolution 2 KeV
4 x 7 mm
15 mm
4 x 7 mm
D. Protic, FZ-Jülich
12Compton scattered photons
13 First Polarization Measurement
for Radiative Recombination Transitions (U92
e- ? U91 hw )
gas target
ion beam (400 MeV/u)
preliminary data from the ESR beam time May 2002
14 First Polarization Measurement
for Radiative Recombination Transitions (U92
e- ? U91 hw )
gas target
ion beam (400 MeV/u)
preliminary data from the ESR beam time October
15 First Polarization Measurement
for Radiative Recombination Transitions (U92
e- ? U91 hw )
Polarization measurement is a precise method to
study relativistic contributions to KREC process
Theory S. Fritzsche, A. Surzhykov
16Simulating of the detector responce
17Simulating of the detector responce
A doppler shift within a single pixel
gas target
ion beam
18Compton/Gamma Camera
double sided Ge(i) strip detector (3D position
sensitive) Improved geometry resolution
128 x 250 µm
1.8 cm
48 x 1.17 mm
D. Protic, FZ-Jülich
19Approach to a 3D germanium detector
Measuring the drift time difference...
1.8 cm
...makes 2 dimensional stripe detector 3D
position sensitive
20Compton/Gamma Camera
Reconstructing an Image of the ? source
(LBL, Burke et al. NRL Kroeger et al.)
21(LBL, Burke et al. NRL Kroeger et al.)
22NRL Advanced Compton Telescope
(LBL, Burke et al. NRL Kroeger et al.)
23Detection of the ion beam polarization
Unpolarized ion beam
Polarized ion beam
gas target
ion beam
24A possible experiment for the ion beam
polarization and detection
Lifetime of the excited state 50 ms Laser
repetition rate 20 ms
NdYAG 532 nm doubled
Gas target
the first polarization measurement of the K-REC
radiation in relativistic regime was
performed Segmented Ge detectors provide an
excellent tool for polarization studies in the
hard X-Ray regime a new technique for the
telescopes development the unique instrument
for an ion beam polarization diagnostic